age- 21
weight- 180
height- 5'11
train exp- 3 years
bf- 9 - 11%
goal- so im pretty lean right now but i would like to put some muscle on for the summer.
so im looking for some advice about this i no that everyone says to run test e or prop with it! so im jsut looking for your guys adive it will be my first cylcle and i wanna do it right!
so my first choice was var but i cant reali aford it at the moment so i was thinking about doing a cylce of winni now. only a 4 week cylcle tho. so i need some help with a pct. and i was gonna run liv52 along side for my liver support.
1-4 winni 50mg/ed
5-7 clomid 50/50/25