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Thread: Question on Anavar Fellas

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Question on Anavar Fellas

    First off I wanted to say I appreciate all of what a lot of you guys do as far as the information provided. Its very beneficial to all us new guys and I'm sure to those with experience as well. With that, I have a quick question that I am hoping someone with experience could answer, or know someone who has.

    I have done A LOT of research on these forums and I have determined that I would like to do an Anavar only cycle. I am 23, 6'2 188 (comfortably-obviously fluctuates) with around 8-9% bodyfat. I like my build in that I am lean and cut and dont really want to "bulk up" drastically. If I were to run (this is my option) 50mgs of Anavar daily, on the number days I work out (5), would that be sufficient? I have seen threads that say 40 is enough, one guy did 20, some others say 80 min, but I am looking to get over a plateau and cut some body fat. I am choosing this option for its minimal side effects and how it works on your body. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    You know what everyone is going to say right???? You are borderline to young and even if your bones are fully developed you should not do anavar alone. At least run a small dose of long acting test.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    fergie there are numerous anavar only threads on here,, do a search

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Its nice to hear that you have done some research but you need to do more. How long have you been training? Whats your diet like? Have you fully reached your potential naturally????? Proper research would have informed you about the problems with running a cycle without test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Yeah I knew I would hear stuff about diet etc... I have been lifting since I was 17. My diet I admit isnt the best, but I am entering law school and a new city so I will be forced into a rigorous and healthy routine. I have looked at multiple Anavar forums / anavar only, and I have yet to come across anything that deals with why you shouldnt do that. Any advice would be great. Keep in mind I'm looking for a boost but nothing drastic. Genetically, our family responds to things in our bodies a lot of time over the top. My cousin took Sustanon 250 and put on about 18 lbs in 4 weeks and quit cause it scared him and he was getting so big. I have read the whole "Test is best" for the first cycle but I have yet to find out what I should do to have good results with minimal side effects

    I have looked into Prop, but from what it sounds like, you have to stick yourself everyday which I am not to keen on. With anavar, there are good gains, with minimal side effects and one doesnt get to bulky. Finally, if I were to do prop, what would be a useful, but MODERATE amount to take. Again, thanks for all yalls help, the more information and input I can receive the better.

    O, one more thing, can you drink in moderation with either of these? Thanks...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Tbony thanks for replies and interest by the way. I honestly believe I have reached my potential naturally. I am a bit heavier than I used to be. I was training to fight so I was, at my peak, 6'2 184, 8 % body fat. I bench 225 12x... But I have been at my maxes for a while now which is why I am looking for a little boost.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by fergie123 View Post
    First off I wanted to say I appreciate all of what a lot of you guys do as far as the information provided. Its very beneficial to all us new guys and I'm sure to those with experience as well. With that, I have a quick question that I am hoping someone with experience could answer, or know someone who has.

    I have done A LOT of research on these forums and I have determined that I would like to do an Anavar only cycle. I am 23, 6'2 188 (comfortably-obviously fluctuates) with around 8-9% bodyfat. I like my build in that I am lean and cut and dont really want to "bulk up" drastically. If I were to run (this is my option) 50mgs of Anavar daily, on the number days I work out (5), would that be sufficient? I have seen threads that say 40 is enough, one guy did 20, some others say 80 min, but I am looking to get over a plateau and cut some body fat. I am choosing this option for its minimal side effects and how it works on your body. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!!!
    40-60mg daily has always been plenty for me for great results.

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