"i agree for the most part, except running the adex. Its pointless imo. Nolvadex reducess the effectiveness type II AIs. Not to mention, if you are running the nolvadex, its going block the estrogen from binding to the receptors in the breast. Of course doing this, it would be advisable to run an ai in your pct to control the high levels of estrogen that remain circulating from your cycle. However, if you did want to lower estrogen during the cycle, aromasin would be my choice, since its effectiveness is not reduced by tamox."
And this is where opinions seem to differ. I have heard it postulated that Nolva reduces the effectiveness of AIs and also the other way around so it is the chicken or the egg?
100% Positive its Nolva. I can provide articles to support that as well. And if so, how significant is it really?
Roughly 40%.
Liver protectants interfere with androgens in the body but their inhibitory effect is infinitesimal at best. Nolva is a pretty weak anti-e. I think most will agree on that.
You bet. If people think Nolva should be used as an AI, they dont know wtf they are doing. As it does not inhibit circulating estrogen. It does exactly as you explain below.
The point of running Nolva is to block estrogen from binding to the receptor site but at same time you want to reduce estrogen levels in the body and let's face it, Nolva doesn't really get the job done in that respect. If gyno is starting to form that also means circulating estrogen levels are probably too high.
I won't address aromasin because I can't speak to it from personal experience. I can read profiles and spout out info but unless I have direct personal experience (something that should matter) with a compound I'll defer to others.
You should look into its use. Its by far my favorite AI.
The obvious surefire solution would be a letro/caber or letro/prami combo but there is another side to that coin too.
Doesnt make sense to me here. Letro will already control progesterone issues, making Caber overkill.
Killing off all the estrogen in your body is not the ideal solution either.
I agree, if anyone has read my sticky, youll realize my distaste for the use of Letro. Estrogen plays a big role in libido. If your estrogen is too low then you will have no libido. When people take letro it kills there libido because it reduces estrogen levels by 99% and renders your dick useless.
One of MANY reasons why i dislike it.
However, and as you pointed out, Nolva can and will exacerbate the situation if it's progesterone related BUT if it's caught early enough you can quickly determine if it's estrogen related or progesterone related. For starters, the gyno will worsen instead of subsiding and you can quickly change course with other remedies.
Bear in mind, not everyone responds well to prolactin reducing drugs like Prami or caber. Prami for example has some really bizarre sides. I took .5mg of Prami in the am and nearly feel asleep at work. I took it in the pm and was wide awake all night. Go figure. It's like the drug knows what time of day it is.
Yeah i hear ya there. Eveyone is different.