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Thread: 6th cycle

  1. #1
    wwwrestle is offline Junior Member
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    6th cycle

    wondering if anyone can give me some advice on what would be the best combinations/amounts for this next cycle. I've ran cycles with dbol , deca and test e, about 600 to 800 mgs of test e and 600 mgs of deca etc... but now my guy can get tren and eq so i'm wondering how i should figure these into the equation. For example, would a cycle of dbol for the first month, test e (800 mgs/week) and tren (600 mgs/week) for 10 weeks be a decent cycle? Can I add eq to this as well? or is it not needed? If I were to run the eq with it how many mgs/week should i take? any advice would be much appreciated. I've put on a lot of water weight in the past with deca and i'm hoping this time to try and put on size and strength but not so much water weight. I'm hoping tren is my answer. .....

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
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    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Stats AND goals would help us better help you

  4. #4
    wwwrestle is offline Junior Member
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    5'9, 225 lbs, i'm not sure but i would guess around 12 to 15 percent body fat. I want to be about 240-245, but cut my body fat way down. Like i wanna have size but a more lean figure at the love handle area. I have gotten big and strong from cycles, but now i wanna have more of a big ****** look, not just big and beefy. If that makes any sense.

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    wwwrestle is offline Junior Member
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    oh and i'm 27 years old

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    dd0316's Avatar
    dd0316 is offline Member
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    thats pretty huge
    got a picture?

  7. #7
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wwwrestle View Post
    wondering if anyone can give me some advice on what would be the best combinations/amounts for this next cycle. I've ran cycles with dbol, deca and test e, about 600 to 800 mgs of test e and 600 mgs of deca etc... but now my guy can get tren and eq so i'm wondering how i should figure these into the equation. For example, would a cycle of dbol for the first month, test e (800 mgs/week) and tren (600 mgs/week) for 10 weeks be a decent cycle? Can I add eq to this as well? or is it not needed? If I were to run the eq with it how many mgs/week should i take? any advice would be much appreciated. I've put on a lot of water weight in the past with deca and i'm hoping this time to try and put on size and strength but not so much water weight. I'm hoping tren is my answer. .....
    If you are on your 6th cycle you shouldn't even be asking questions like this.

  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    If you have never used tren before you should not be starting out at 600mg EW!! 350-450 of tren is more than enough

  9. #9
    wwwrestle is offline Junior Member
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    the reason i'm asking is not because i'm inexperienced, its that i'm inexperienced with tren and eq. I've heard that tren is awesome for what i want to look like and i'm just wondering what is good to use with it. i.e., test e? eq? dbol ? all the above... I want to build a good cycle around it so i can start getting better shape. As i said, i have size and strength now, but my body looks a little too flabby and beefy i think. I want to have more of a john cena type look (big but still tone looking and ripd) . So again i'm just asking for help building a good cycle around tren........

  10. #10
    crazyjoe2344's Avatar
    crazyjoe2344 is offline New Member
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    if you can get tren enanthate that would be great however since you have never used it i would advise against ti b/c sides can be about this

    1-4(6) 50mg ED anadrol (i like more) or dbol
    1-12 or (1-16) 750 mg test enan or cyp
    1-12 75mg EOD of tren ace (enanthate if you knew how tren ace treated ya)

    then depending on 12 weeks or 16 weeks of test finish with 4 weeks winni to know exactly when to start pct and you can finish strong with winni it makes me so damn hard and strong i love it

    o and pct clomid nolva...hcg if ya got or can get it from early on.

    some people compare Eq 2 deca but they really dont have anything similar to them at all. EQ will give you more of a strength and vascularity not as much "mass" as deca IMO...also eq some think can rev up that appetite. i would not feel comfy telling you to add EQ with test and i am a fan of test i'll leave that to someone else

  11. #11
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyjoe2344 View Post
    if you can get tren enanthate that would be great however since you have never used it i would advise against ti b/c sides can be about this

    1-4(6) 50mg ED anadrol (i like more) or dbol
    1-12 or (1-16) 750 mg test enan or cyp
    1-12 75mg EOD of tren ace (enanthate if you knew how tren ace treated ya)
    you want his first cycle of tren to be 12 weeks? why?
    then depending on 12 weeks or 16 weeks of test finish with 4 weeks winni to know exactly when to start pct and you can finish strong with winni it makes me so damn hard and strong i love it

    o and pct clomid nolva...hcg if ya got or can get it from early on.
    not "hcg if ya got it", hcg definitely, we're talking 19nors here
    some people compare Eq 2 deca but they really dont have anything similar to them at all. EQ will give you more of a strength and vascularity not as much "mass" as deca IMO...also eq some think can rev up that appetite. i would not feel comfy telling you to add EQ with test and i am a fan of test i'll leave that to someone else

    to the OP

    have you ever run test prop? if so why not run it in this cycle so your injection schedule matches up with the tren ace?

    are you wanting to cut or clean bulk?

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