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Thread: Your experience of Sust 250 sides guys?

  1. #1
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    May 2008

    Question Your experience of Sust 250 sides guys?

    Hi guys, yeah just looking for bit of feedback on Sust 250 and the kind of side effects I can expect. I start my sust/dbol kicker cycle in a few days and it's looking like so:

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg per day
    Weeks 1-10 Sust 250mg per week shot once per week

    I'm aware my dose of Sust is low but this is my first injectable cycle so I wanted to take it easy and see how I react. I'm also aware roughly of the kind of sides I can expect but just wanted first hand feedback if poss.

    Any help greatly appreciated as always...

  2. #2
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    i am pretty sure sust shoud be shot 2x a week fyi... as for sides you really are going to have to wait to see. for me i get zitts all over back and shoulders with low dosage of sust...

    what is you pct and your personal stats?

  3. #3
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    May 2008
    Thanks for getting back amcon. I'm aware Sust is meant to be shot twice per week but it's an educated and personal decision for me to be pinned once per week.

    I'm 30,5'10",170lb's but very little body fat. Pct is something I needed to clear up actually, I have a good idea but because everyone's opinion differs what would you strongly recommend?.

  4. #4
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    sust should be injected at least eod. this is the only way i've used it and no sides out of the norm came about. i would go with a single ester test for the first cycle. at least consider it and research some more.

  5. #5
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    I can't give you advise on your pct since i have little experience with explaining a good pct. But to be fair, you should of got one ready before starting the cycle dude.

  6. #6
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    i rasn sus 250 for my first cycle you need atleast 500mg a week to get any result's i got no side's only when i stopped jst got a few pimples on my back i put on ten kilo's in three weeks off sus but it wasn the ****** look i was smooth all over but still defined you should have fun with it welcome to the dark side brother

  7. #7
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    pm me if you have any question's on my first cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ya mudda's house
    500 mg a week at least.

  9. #9
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    408gt91 respect fella, awesome bod. Help me here if poss...from looking at my cycle bearing in mind I'm using dbol for 4 weeks as a kicker at 40mg/day, how long should I run the Sust for?. Some people say no more than 8 weeks, some people say more??. 500mg/week it will be now too.

  10. #10
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    I've used personally 300mg per ml @ 1cc Per day for a total of 2100 mg, with no sides. did not like sus at all. no real progress using it, if you can try o pick up some enth, or cyp. you will be much happier with those compounds.

  11. #11
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    Get your pct square before you start, just in case your source takes too long to get back to you.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD View Post
    sust should be injected at least eod. this is the only way i've used it and no sides out of the norm came about. i would go with a single ester test for the first cycle. at least consider it and research some more.
    agreedx2..what do you have for pct?
    Last edited by sigman roid; 06-03-2009 at 05:51 AM.

  13. #13
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    If you are using Sus250, then why do you need the Dbol for a kicker? The prop in the Sus is gonna kick. I think you should should look at Sus 250 alittle more before you start.

    If your gonna do it anyway, I,d save the Dbol for when you do your next cycle ( and there WILL be a next cycle) and you find out you should have run a long ester test like Test E or C. Just my .02 cents

  14. #14
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    EROC1313 you've hit on good point there. With me dbol does the trick but sides can sometimes be unpleasant so I was considering dropping it. I'm still not sure how long this Sust 250 cycle should be, can someone give me a definitive answer on the basis that I run it alone at 500mg/week if possible.

  15. #15
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    Bio boosted and sigman roid I'm not afraid to admit I'm unsure about pct. Getting what I need is no problem so suggestions would be good...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Bio boosted and sigman roid I'm not afraid to admit I'm unsure about pct. Getting what I need is no problem so suggestions would be good...
    thats the only way to learn bro,i'd suggest clomid and nolva for pct
    clomid 100/50/50/50

  17. #17
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    Cool, can you explain dose a bit for me, think know what you mean but unsure. Also from what EROC said things are up in the air long should I run the Sust for?, and should I bother with the Dbol?...for that matter should I change the Sust for Test E? :-/

  18. #18
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    What are your stats,, this dude could be 18

  19. #19
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    chuck I'm 30,5'10",170 lbs's with very little bf. Please no-one criticise my weight, I am a true hard gainer and do need the roids to give me that boost.

  20. #20
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    If you already have sust,, just run it, Id go 10wks and push it to 400mg/wk at least. I mean 250mg is fine but youll prb see much better results a little higher than that. Dbol is up to you,, i personally wouldnt use it.

  21. #21
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    500mg/week it is then, dbol very doubtful now.

    The Sust aswell as building mass, helping with recovery will give me big increase in power too yeah?. I ask as that was my thinking behind using the dbol, to give me that power.

    Only other question, injecting 500mg/week bearing in mind it's my first time injecting is ok?, and with it being once a week are results really gonna differ that much from shooting twice per week?.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    500mg/week it is then, dbol very doubtful now.

    The Sust aswell as building mass, helping with recovery will give me big increase in power too yeah?. I ask as that was my thinking behind using the dbol, to give me that power.

    Only other question, injecting 500mg/week bearing in mind it's my first time injecting is ok?, and with it being once a week are results really gonna differ that much from shooting twice per week?.
    Do it twice per week man. You can get away with one shot a wk but you really shouldnt.

  23. #23
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    Ok thanks, answer to main benefits of Sust be would be great. I'm aware of increased recovery and mass gain but apart from that?

  24. #24
    I have ran sust 250 for 12 weeks, injecting once a week starting off at 2ml and working upto 3ml. I thought sust 250 was great, felt nice and strong. I have been off for 6 weeks and have continued to lift as heavy as possible and feel I have retained most of my gains.

    I felt great while I was on sust, I was also taking 60mg of anavar, the only other side effects for me was the pimples.

    Next time I will be shooting twice a week.

  25. #25
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    Pimples on my torso...front and back...I hate sust!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by eyeothetiger View Post
    Hi guys, yeah just looking for bit of feedback on Sust 250 and the kind of side effects I can expect. I start my sust/dbol kicker cycle in a few days and it's looking like so:

    Weeks 1-4 Dbol 40mg per day
    Weeks 1-10 Sust 250mg per week shot once per week

    I'm aware my dose of Sust is low but this is my first injectable cycle so I wanted to take it easy and see how I react. I'm also aware roughly of the kind of sides I can expect but just wanted first hand feedback if poss.

    Any help greatly appreciated as always...
    You're going to get more sides from the dbol at the dose (especially for the first time) than you will the Sust. Not sure why a 'kickstart' is even needed with Sust. Sust kicks in right away for me. It does have 2 very fact acting esters in it. If you worried about sides drop or reduce the dbol dose and double the Sust dose.

  27. #27
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    I like sust shot eod for me it keeps my blood levels normal and get a lot better pump, now having said that not a big fan of sust in the fist place...

  28. #28
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    Sus 250 was my first cycle many years back. I didn't do any PCT (dumb) becuase I didn't know what the heck I was doing. I had a little case of gyno but went away by itself in a few months. My girl friend at the time pinched me and twisted my nipple while I had it. She didn't know of course. I can't even begin to explain the pain..... So.. a little gyno but went away. It was my fault, obviously, becuase I didn't have a PCT... I learned, am learning, and wont ever do that again...

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