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Thread: dianabol and test prop cycle

  1. #1

    dianabol and test prop cycle

    hi every1
    im hoping to start a cycle with dianabol and testosterone priponate,
    any good/bad storys about them being stacked together? and any suggestions for a cycle?
    im hoping to do the usual of bulking first then cutting afterwards for deffination,
    im using the testosterone when im bulking, ive been told its also good for cutting? any suggestion?
    best to explore all options before starting cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    You need to post stats and past cycle info.If you don't, we cant help you yet.

  3. #3
    i had before susto dinanabol primabolon winnys deca but they was ages ago thats new now but am big man is well body fat is fine not that bad i havent benin takeing steroid for a while so i want know how many mg dianabol sud i take in day and how many mg test. prop in week and am thinking do them together for 8 weeks is that be ok ? and am 100 kg weight

  4. #4
    and how we should take tablets while we on cycle evry day or evry on work out day?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    R.I.P T-MOS

  6. #6
    i bin doing bodybulding 2 years and height 1.82 weight 100 kg (15) ston

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