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    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    Possible Cellulitis after my first

    I had my first ever injection on sunday in my right quad, 2 days later i could barely walk, today is thursday, i can move my leg fully but it's still swollen and its almost like a round sunburn approx. 8 inches long and 6 inches wide. and is hot to the touch, this is shitty considering it was my first injection ever and i followed all sterility guidelines, should i continue to train or see my doctor asap? a few people said not to worry about it but the more i read on cellulitis it seems pretty serious. please give me some feedback.

  2. #2
    amcon's Avatar
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    go to doc asap... sounds to me like you got bad gear...

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    red and warm to the touch?

    not good, my friend.

    sounds like a possible infection.

    Go to the doc asap.

  4. #4
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    go to doc asap... sounds to me like you got bad gear...

    Not necessarily. You can get Cellulitis from HG gear too. Its the chemical reaction after it is dispersed into the muscle. It could be from high BA content or crystalization in the actual muscle.

  5. #5
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    what did you inject?

    how much?

    If not better by tomorrow i would definately see a doc asap.

  6. #6
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    Not necessarily. You can get Cellulitis from HG gear too. Its the chemical reaction after it is dispersed into the muscle. It could be from high BA content or crystalization in the actual muscle.
    What? High ba content will cause some serious discomfort, but not redness and swelling and hot to the touch.
    Go to the doc's op.

  7. #7
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    Not necessarily. You can get Cellulitis from HG gear too. Its the chemical reaction after it is dispersed into the muscle. It could be from high BA content or crystalization in the actual muscle.
    ya so for get it - stay home and inject more... hit up both legs and your gluts and delts to -

    if and when you go spetic have ems jump on line and tell us what happend...

  8. #8
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    What? High ba content will cause some serious discomfort, but not redness and swelling and hot to the touch.
    Go to the doc's op.
    You don't know what it is. It could be an absess for all you know. It could be a skin irritation from the chemical reaction inside the muscle. Before you instruct him to run to the doctor for an AAS related infection, which will become part of his permenant patient medical record, read the rest of what he posted. If the swelling is going down and the pain is lessening then chances are the body is winning the battle against the infection.

  9. #9
    amcon's Avatar
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    yep - like i said take that chance... lets see if he wins or they need to cut the infected muscle out...

    any one want to take odds on this?

  10. #10
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    ^ ya im a gambler but i wouldnt take that chance. you dont exactly have to say "doc. i injected steroids . help me." just play dumb. you think something is wrong with your leg and describe symptoms. thats all.

    id give it till tomorrow morning. if not better get to the doc before the weekend. a week of swelling is a little long.

  11. #11
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by amcon View Post
    yep - like i said take that chance... lets see if he wins or they need to cut the infected muscle out...

    any one want to take odds on this?

    Wow. I guess I care what goes on my patient medical record. I only go to the doctor when absolutely necessary. You're obviously not in tune with what is currently going on in the insurance industry. They are looking for any reason to jack up premiums or not renew high risk policies. Good luck finding reasonably priced insurance coverage with a documented record of AAS use.

  12. #12
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    You don't know what it is. It could be an absess for all you know. It could be a skin irritation from the chemical reaction inside the muscle. Before you instruct him to run to the doctor for an AAS related infection, which will become part of his permenant patient medical record, read the rest of what he posted. If the swelling is going down and the pain is lessening then chances are the body is winning the battle against the infection.
    Yea, you're right. Just sit at home op and wonder what in the hell is going on inside your body and you have no control over it. Do what you will, but you've gotten good advice except for the advice(?) of one tough guy. I bet if it were him he'd be singing a different tune.

  13. #13
    amcon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Yea, you're right. Just sit at home op and wonder what in the hell is going on inside your body and you have no control over it. Do what you will, but you've gotten good advice except for the advice(?) of one tough guy. I bet if it were him he'd be singing a different tune.

  14. #14
    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    My injection is 1cc of Test E + 1cc of Decca in the same syringe, i know people on the same gear and they have no problems, i injected my other quad yesterday and have had no side effects, is it possible my muscle isnt used to it? im really just worried about the redness, because the pain is much less... i just don't want to wait too long and **** my cycle up. I may just stick to glute injections if this is the case.

  15. #15
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Wait too long for what? And why would you consider shooting that juice anywhere till you get your current situation taken care of?

  16. #16
    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    if it is an infection do i stop my cycle? I'm looking for advice, this is my first cycle using injections and it's crappy to have my first pin mess up, i figure instead of sitting at home and worrying or not paying attention to it and potentially harming my body i would ask people who have done multiple cycles, the redness doesnt itch it is just warm and looks like a sunburn. its tender to touch but i can move the muscle freely with little discomfort.

  17. #17
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Ok, here's what i'd do. Take it for what it's worth, but i've been using for 10+ years using all different kinds of juice. I have never any symptoms of which you speak of. A few buddies of mine however have, and the outcome has never been positive. Usually a lancing is what happens. They hated going to the doc's as well, but they were more concerned about their well being and biting the bullet. So they got it taken care of.
    Quit worrying about the cycle. It'll be there if and when you decide to do it again. Maybe hang out and see, idk, but i damn sure wouldn't use anymore.
    Just my .02

  18. #18
    Yergg is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    What? High ba content will cause some serious discomfort, but not redness and swelling and hot to the touch.
    Go to the doc's op.
    Yep, I have made my gear with a high BA % in the past, and it hurt so much I couldnt sit on anything that wasnt as soft as a sofa. No big red spot though. If it were me Id be on the way to the doc now.....

  19. #19
    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    thanks for the advice guys, i might just go to the duty doctor and see what they say, no point in hurting myself. thanks ill post tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

  20. #20
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    correction not might i am going now lol...

  21. #21
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    its happend to me before it takes 2 weeks to go away does it feel like burning and there is liquid and it burns it goes away but if u want go to the doc

  22. #22
    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    it doesnt burn, its just warm, the redness isnt crazy red or anything i looked up pics of cellulitis and mine doesnt look severe, each day its feeling better im taking ibprofin and tylenol and icing the area seems to help, ill check with the doc to be safe

  23. #23
    gr8gear's Avatar
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    I had the same thing on my right quad.......went to doctor and they treated it it as Cellulitis. My symptoms were as follows:

    -Large area red & swolen
    -Hot to touch
    -No pain when resting, but if i was to stand up after seating pain was unbearable

    Antibiotic took care of it........legs were a hard to train for a few weeks after. Just make sure you get checked out. you do not want that to spread and get your leg hacked off. You don't necessarily have to tell the doctor how the swelling came about. It could be from a spider bite just as easy as a spot injection.

    If you have any other questions, just let me know.

  24. #24
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    Does juice authority say anything that doesnt contradict everyone else? I havent seen one post where he agrees with anyone.

  25. #25
    peachfuzz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackedbatman View Post
    it doesnt burn, its just warm, the redness isnt crazy red or anything i looked up pics of cellulitis and mine doesnt look severe, each day its feeling better im taking ibprofin and tylenol and icing the area seems to help, ill check with the doc to be safe
    icing is usually advised as it can cause the gear to crystalize and fall out of solution. however if its been a week since injection im sure most is absorbed by now

  26. #26
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    You don't know what it is. It could be an absess for all you know. It could be a skin irritation from the chemical reaction inside the muscle. Before you instruct him to run to the doctor for an AAS related infection, which will become part of his permenant patient medical record, read the rest of what he posted. If the swelling is going down and the pain is lessening then chances are the body is winning the battle against the infection.

    ???? Who cares??? His leg is jacked! Like everybody else said, go to the doc!

  27. #27
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    ???? Who cares??? His leg is jacked! Like everybody else said, go to the doc!

    And that's your view. I've had infections before than went away in due time. The general rule of thumb is if the infection pain and swelling is increasing instead of decreasing then yes, it's time to see a doc. Not really though because the doc will just send you to the ER to have it drained if it's an absess.

  28. #28
    busaboy27's Avatar
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    i been cycling along time.. and never felt anything when i took a shot.. i just shot some prop and what your talking about has happened to me last week identically.. its something with the oil they use certain places.. or the ba.. either it just burns of its virgin muscle i did it in.. or im allergic o it.. but it took a good 3-4 days for it do stop hurting were i could walk normal

    ^^^^ i jsut reread what i wrote and i dont understand it.. lol .. but im leaving it

  29. #29
    Nicotine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    You don't know what it is. It could be an absess for all you know. It could be a skin irritation from the chemical reaction inside the muscle. Before you instruct him to run to the doctor for an AAS related infection, which will become part of his permenant patient medical record, read the rest of what he posted. If the swelling is going down and the pain is lessening then chances are the body is winning the battle against the infection.
    so.... for the risk of not getting insurance, lets risk losing limbs or even life - just so you don't have a stain on your medical record?

    my suggestion to YOU, please stop posting. you have not made one positive or helpful post in anything you've replied to.

    don't be telling people "suck it up champ" - when you don't know the situation first hand.

    i'd rather have a small mark on my medical record and have my leg or life, than worry about what my ins company thinks.... but that's just me - i like having 2 legs.

    then again, im canadian. no need to worry about insurance. woohaw.

  30. #30
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    Hey guys I'm the original poster, I just wanna say thanks for all the advice... so it's been 7 days after my injection, the redness and warmth are gone but it's still sore and swollen around my knee, almost like theres a liquid or something in there, but i have my full range of motion now, is it normal to still be sore at the injection site this long, or am i worrying for nothing, if u read my earlier posts i have amount of each injection soo any feedback on length of soreness would be appreciated, did shoulders today see how they feel tomorrow. thanks

  31. #31
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    so.... for the risk of not getting insurance, lets risk losing limbs or even life - just so you don't have a stain on your medical record?

    my suggestion to YOU, please stop posting. you have not made one positive or helpful post in anything you've replied to.

    don't be telling people "suck it up champ" - when you don't know the situation first hand.

    i'd rather have a small mark on my medical record and have my leg or life, than worry about what my ins company thinks.... but that's just me - i like having 2 legs.

    then again, im canadian. no need to worry about insurance. woohaw.
    Yeah and my suggestion to you is to STFU and read the OPs post below. Here it is again for you and everyone else that strongly 'advised' him to go run off to the ER or a doctor. What I suggested was something far more pragmatic, which was to let the body fight the infection FIRST and see if the symptoms subside. Guess what, can read it for yourself and then stick a red hot poker up your ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackedbatman View Post
    Hey guys I'm the original poster, I just wanna say thanks for all the advice... so it's been 7 days after my injection, the redness and warmth are gone but it's still sore and swollen around my knee, almost like theres a liquid or something in there, but i have my full range of motion now, is it normal to still be sore at the injection site this long, or am i worrying for nothing, if u read my earlier posts i have amount of each injection soo any feedback on length of soreness would be appreciated, did shoulders today see how they feel tomorrow. thanks

  32. #32
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nicotine View Post
    so.... for the risk of not getting insurance, lets risk losing limbs or even life - just so you don't have a stain on your medical record?

    my suggestion to YOU, please stop posting. you have not made one positive or helpful post in anything you've replied to.

    don't be telling people "suck it up champ" - when you don't know the situation first hand.

    i'd rather have a small mark on my medical record and have my leg or life, than worry about what my ins company thinks.... but that's just me - i like having 2 legs.

    then again, im canadian. no need to worry about insurance. woohaw.

  33. #33
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by prone2rage View Post
    Great. Now we have the blind leading the blind.

  34. #34
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    Great. Now we have the blind leading the blind.
    I am not going to flame you on an open board but check your history and all the responses falling your post...

  35. #35
    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    sooooo is it normal to have the injection site sore for this long? or am i just paranoid?

  36. #36
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackedbatman View Post
    sooooo is it normal to have the injection site sore for this long? or am i just paranoid?
    no that is not normal, but if you did have to go to the doc just tell him you were injecting b12 and not the gear.....

    I would keep it clean and watch it or just go see a doc and set your mind at rest bro.....

  37. #37
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    So instead of going to a doc you sit here and post day after day. Real smooth...

  38. #38
    jackedbatman's Avatar
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    well this is my first cycle so i wasnt sure what to expect, so i firgured i would ask some experienced guys, not have people criticize me for not seeing a doctor right away. i dont have a fever or anything, just my muscle is sore i cant even see where i injected so if your posting to be a prick save your time... hopefully once the test kicks in it doesnt make me so confrontational towards peoples opinions, out of the 30 some posts i believe maybe 7 people gave some good advice... i'm not too quick to run to a doctor who knows nothing about steroids just to hear a 45 year old bag of milk tell me it's dangerous, i clearly understand that it is... there is a risk to benefit ratio with any drug prescription and non-perscription, so don't post back if you have nothing relevant to say...

    thanks again to the helpful posters

  39. #39
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackedbatman View Post
    well this is my first cycle so i wasnt sure what to expect, so i firgured i would ask some experienced guys, not have people criticize me for not seeing a doctor right away. i dont have a fever or anything, just my muscle is sore i cant even see where i injected so if your posting to be a prick save your time... hopefully once the test kicks in it doesnt make me so confrontational towards peoples opinions, out of the 30 some posts i believe maybe 7 people gave some good advice... i'm not too quick to run to a doctor who knows nothing about steroids just to hear a 45 year old bag of milk tell me it's dangerous, i clearly understand that it is... there is a risk to benefit ratio with any drug prescription and non-perscription, so don't post back if you have nothing relevant to say...

    thanks again to the helpful posters
    Don't listen to the herd mentality (DSM4Life, prone2rage, Nicotine and others). No one here can judge your situation but you. You did the right thing. That's what people do around here; they criticize others, which is nothing more than an ego-feeding proposition. They feel that their approach is the only right way of doing things. Look how flamed I got for suggesting something different than the rest of the sheep on this thread that just sit around parroting each other like a bunch of chimpanzees.

    Come down to OLM where people don't lecture/criticize/flame others for not following what they think is the ‘proper protocol’. No, down at OLM we only share our 'actual' experiences, which means if we haven't experienced something we don't post about it. I know, it’s a different approach than aspiring to become a board ‘Guru’ like some of these Charlatans but that’s what I like about it.

  40. #40
    *RAGE*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    Don't listen to the herd mentality (DSM4Life, prone2rage, Nicotine and others). No one here can judge your situation but you. You did the right thing. That's what people do around here; they criticize others, which is nothing more than an ego-feeding proposition. They feel that their approach is the only right way of doing things. Look how flamed I got for suggesting something different than the rest of the sheep on this thread that just sit around parroting each other like a bunch of chimpanzees.

    Come down to OLM where people don't lecture/criticize/flame others for not following what they think is the ‘proper protocol’. No, down at OLM we only share our 'actual' experiences, which means if we haven't experienced something we don't post about it. I know, it’s a different approach than aspiring to become a board ‘Guru’ like some of these Charlatans but that’s what I like about it.
    you were the reason the thread went down hill, oh and come down to the other web site, big cat told me he did not want you there because of your dumb ass post and was happy to hear you left....

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