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Thread: Current Quality of UG Gear - Quality Control?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Current Quality of UG Gear - Quality Control?

    I have been noticing a lot of posts about members getting infections or other related symptoms (fever, sweats, etc.) from UGL gear. Has anyone else noticed this trend? I have been hearing a lot of scary stories from associates of mine........nothing fatal (thank god), but some pretty scary shit.

    Im not posting this to scare anyone...nor am I posting to tarnish any UGL's reputation (I have become a fan of them over recent years). I am simply inquiring about the quality of gear we are putting in our bodies.
    Last edited by gr8gear; 06-05-2009 at 09:30 AM.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2004
    UGs that have a 'good rep' today could have a shitty one tomorrow. There are a handful of UGs with a good rep. I went with one of those recently despite my better judgment and the injection pain I got from the high BA content lasted for over a week and I was using Test E and Deca.

    My view now is that if there is an HG equalivent (there isn't always) then go with HG, which always been view up until recently. I got cheap and cut corners and re-learned the lesson: You get what you pay for.

    BOS is testing various UG brands and products right now and early findings are that most of them are coming back with bacteria content well above the norm.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    My UGL gear is great, some of those issues are some people injecting improperly

  4. #4
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    UGs that have a 'good rep' today could have a shitty one tomorrow. There are a handful of UGs with a good rep. I went with one of those recently despite my better judgment and the injection pain I got from the high BA content lasted for over a week and I was using Test E and Deca.

    My view now is that if there is an HG equalivent (there isn't always) then go with HG, which always been view up until recently. I got cheap and cut corners and re-learned the lesson: You get what you pay for.

    BOS is testing various UG brands and products right now and early findings are that most of them are coming back with bacteria content well above the norm.
    I have always gone with human grade. My US TRT is completly painless. I have had some HG gear that has been painful and left me very sore for days. I have read these UG stories and it seems if your trying to cut corners your going to get burned. I read alot on the costs and they seem to be fairly close in prices UG and HG. JMO

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    UGs that have a 'good rep' today could have a shitty one tomorrow. There are a handful of UGs with a good rep. I went with one of those recently despite my better judgment and the injection pain I got from the high BA content lasted for over a week and I was using Test E and Deca.

    My view now is that if there is an HG equalivent (there isn't always) then go with HG, which always been view up until recently. I got cheap and cut corners and re-learned the lesson: You get what you pay for.

    BOS is testing various UG brands and products right now and early findings are that most of them are coming back with bacteria content well above the norm.

    I agree with you 100%.....what is BOS (member? lab?). I am looking around on this forum to find a safe place to send my gear and have it tested (preferably anonmously). I dont want to pull a Boy George and call the cops on myself, but I am very interested to see what I put into my body that caused such bad infections and pain.

    Not to sound like a broken record, but I feel that a lot of this issue has to due with the raw product being used by UGL's. They are in the business of making $$$, so if they find a supplier that can cut their raw material cost by 50%, many of them will jump on that. Many labs in china are pumping out powders with little to no quality control on the final product. Production of these products are up, and costs and quality are down greatly.

    I am very interested to see the results of that testing. Any idea where it is posted?

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr8gear View Post
    I agree with you 100%.....what is BOS (member? lab?). I am looking around on this forum to find a safe place to send my gear and have it tested (preferably anonmously). I dont want to pull a Boy George and call the cops on myself, but I am very interested to see what I put into my body that caused such bad infections and pain.

    Not to sound like a broken record, but I feel that a lot of this issue has to due with the raw product being used by UGL's. They are in the business of making $$$, so if they find a supplier that can cut their raw material cost by 50%, many of them will jump on that. Many labs in china are pumping out powders with little to no quality control on the final product. Production of these products are up, and costs and quality are down greatly.

    I am very interested to see the results of that testing. Any idea where it is posted?

    i asked about where to send a ml of test to have it tested..... i remember that there were 1 or 2 places you could send a sample and have it tested for around $100...... this was a few years back - to my knowledge.... they are no longer doing it.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr8gear View Post
    I agree with you 100%.....what is BOS (member? lab?). I am looking around on this forum to find a safe place to send my gear and have it tested (preferably anonmously). I dont want to pull a Boy George and call the cops on myself, but I am very interested to see what I put into my body that caused such bad infections and pain.

    Not to sound like a broken record, but I feel that a lot of this issue has to due with the raw product being used by UGL's. They are in the business of making $$$, so if they find a supplier that can cut their raw material cost by 50%, many of them will jump on that. Many labs in china are pumping out powders with little to no quality control on the final product. Production of these products are up, and costs and quality are down greatly.

    I am very interested to see the results of that testing. Any idea where it is posted?
    The below is edited since we can't discuss names of labs:

    Quote Originally Posted by tek800 View Post
    As most of you know, we have been working on the release of “UNDERGROUND ANABOLICS”, a book that examines steroid prohibition and the underground market. Today, we received the first set of lab results, which involves a test for bacterial contamination. After giving it some thought and consulting with Ronny, we agreed that the information on the failed products is important and should be released immediately.

    We have not identified the bacteria species specifically so the potential risks cannot be determined. The risk in using a bacteria contaminated product can range from nothing, to serious illness. It is likely that bacteria are associated with many common reports of excessively painful or infected injection sites.

    The following products failed for having 100 or more colony forming units (CFU) of bacteria.

    Steroid....................XXX............Lot # ........Product Date
    *Nandrolone Decanoate ........XXX.....................00022.......05/01/2012
    Testosterone Propionate........XXX.................0070312....1 2/2010
    Testosterone Enanthate.........XXX........................E8 03.........02/2010
    Drostanolone Enanthate........ XXX.................138..........06/2011
    *Stanozolol........................ XXX...............RX7001.....08/2010
    *Stanozolol........................ XXX............................TV7R86.....12/2012
    *Testosterone Suspension..... XXX........................GP103........062011

    * These products had bacteria levels significantly above the acceptable threshold, indicating notable contamination.

    It is important to emphasize that the vast majority of our samples were obtained from the black market. Inherently, such products cannot be verified for authenticity. Given the high prevalence of counterfeiting with black market steroid products, even at times counterfeiting of underground labs, these are named as “Listed Manufacturer” only. It is unknown if the listed manufacturer is the true producer. If you have obtained one of these specific products on the black market you should be aware of the potential risks. We advise against using it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by gr8gear View Post
    I agree with you 100%.....what is BOS (member? lab?). I am very interested to see the results of that testing. Any idea where it is posted?
    Here's some more background on the testing currently underway.

    Quote Originally Posted by w_llewellyn View Post
    We are going to great lengths to provide an important and relevant book for the community. I appreciate the concerns, but at the same time am not fond of the criticisms, which are extremely off base. The only financial interest I have in this book is selling it. I am getting a little annoyed at you Dragunov, as you continue to insist I am taking money to change my views, which simply is offensive and untrue. I really don't know what would give you the idea that I would do something so despicable.

    For the record, I did offer to let some labs send in samples to allow us to spend more money to testing. This is all VERY expensive, if you haven't guessed. I also decided that it would be OK to let some labs put their best foot forward so to speak. There are always variances. If these labs buy cheap materials and don't have the proper equipment, it doesn't matter much. They will still not produce sterile anabolics. Also, my intent was to ignore any product with a human grade equivalent that could easily be rebottled, and test products I was sure they produced (masteron, trenbolone enanthate, etc). They could only substitute for another UG, at best.

    This is all fairly irrelevant though. Only 4 labs took us up on the offer. We instead have had to spend thousands of dollars on the black market obtaining products to test on our own.

    And FWIW, the 4 that did take us up on the offer very quickly provided an extensive number of products for our testing. I feel comfortable these are normal production run products.

  10. #10
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    Most ugl's gear have been found to contain substances that shouldtn be there, recent studies have shown this..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    Most ugl's gear have been found to contain substances that shouldtn be there, recent studies have shown this..
    OK, I have to play devils advocate, which studies?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    OK, I have to play devils advocate, which studies?
    I posted them in the lounge a while ago, i shall find them, however you have to remember that the lab names have been edited..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RANA View Post
    OK, I have to play devils advocate, which studies?
    Unfortunately we can't get into specifics here (on this board) but suffice it to say the results thus far have been alarming at best and will make anyone reconsider taking UG gear.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    Unfortunately we can't get into specifics here (on this board) but suffice it to say the results thus far have been alarming at best and will make anyone reconsider taking UG gear.
    I actually understand where you are coming from, but sometimes a certain type of gear is UG.

  15. #15
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    No source checks

  16. #16
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    That is freaky that some were twice the listed strength.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Is there anyway to get a copy of those lab tests? Does anyone know who I can contact?

  18. #18
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    think it will all depend on what type of reputation that lab wants to have! If they want a good client base then they wll have to make sure everything is steril and clean. No UGL ever going to be as clean and sterile as a Pharma grade Lab. Gov't holds them to a very high standard

  19. #19
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    a trash can
    I homebrew I never have a problem, as long as it is filtered and has enough BA I highly doubt you would have a problem, besides the contaminants that can be in your powders. I think for the most part the abscesses are coming from using one area too much to inject and shooting a high volume.

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