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Thread: H-Drol Cycle Question

  1. #1

    H-Drol Cycle Question

    Hey guys been training for about 3 years with good gains, I want to try H Drol, I've done research about it, but i still need a little help.

    Bf: 11%

    So I want to run a 6 week cycle of 2 bottles of 25mg/60caps H-Drol.

    So here is what I was thinking please correct me if I am wrong.


    Cycle Support for one week before H drol. (What is good dosage for my stats)


    Inhibit E
    Reduce XT
    Milk Thistle
    Novedex XT

    I do not have access to Nolva or Clomid. I know about the "research" products but I would much rather go OTC to avoid any trouble.

    I need dosage for the above sups.

    And do I need to add anything else? above i got Test Booster, Estrogen Blocker, Cortisol Blocker and Liver prot.

    Whey Protien
    Cm micro creatine
    No Xplode

    Last edited by jdrambo; 06-08-2009 at 04:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    without a proper pct (nolva) you run the risk of estrogen reboubnd and gyno but its up to you, i've read quite a few stories of people suffering this on h-drols bigger brother m-drol, i know h-drol is quite mild so you might get away with it. But my mate just done hdrol without pct and he broke out in spots on his back after, so it shows his hormones were definately a little out of whack. You'll probably get more responses if you post this in the supplement section.

  3. #3
    "If it works, it's illegal".

    Just man up and get real PCT compounds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Sexier than You !!
    ^^ Agreed, Get Real PCT. I just finished a cycle of Mdrol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    How much did you gain vpc hill, i used it as a kickstart thought it was awesome, only downside was waking up with brown piss in the morning, can't be good. I put on nearly a stone, trying to decifer how much of that was from the mdrol approximately.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Quote Originally Posted by jdrambo View Post
    Hey guys been training for about 3 years with good gains, I want to try H Drol, I've done research about it, but i still need a little help.

    Bf: 11%

    So I want to run a 6 week cycle of 2 bottles of 25mg/60caps H-Drol.

    So here is what I was thinking please correct me if I am wrong.


    Cycle Support for one week before H drol. (What is good dosage for my stats)


    Inhibit E
    Reduce XT
    Milk Thistle
    Novedex XT

    I do not have access to Nolva or Clomid. I know about the "research" products but I would much rather go OTC to avoid any trouble.

    I need dosage for the above sups.

    And do I need to add anything else? above i got Test Booster, Estrogen Blocker, Cortisol Blocker and Liver prot.

    Whey Protien
    Cm micro creatine
    No Xplode

    although i would recomend at least nolva for pct you probabl will be ok with your otc pct.h-drol is as mild as it gets so if you get shut down it wont be nearly as bad as those peeps whome are talking about m-drol. its like comparing apples to oranges when talking about sides of each compound. however every one reacts differently so its really your call.looking at all the items you propose to take for pct you would actually pay way less if you went the nolva resurch cem route. and if you nervous its compleatly safe and leagal.good luck bro.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Sexier than You !!
    Quote Originally Posted by richtries View Post
    How much did you gain vpc hill, i used it as a kickstart thought it was awesome, only downside was waking up with brown piss in the morning, can't be good. I put on nearly a stone, trying to decifer how much of that was from the mdrol approximately.

    Gained 6lbs of good muscle. Did a quick 4 week cycle. I felt like I could lift a house. Unfortunately I was sick last week and lost 10lbs.
    I already have more waiting to go. I love the feeling of strength Mdrol gave me.

    Yea I did notice the piss thing. I just drank more water.

  8. #8
    Ok, I'll go ahead and order that.

    Would anyone please care to give me dosage for the above sups?

    It can be for whatever you know not just what i have up there. ex. instead of milk thistle, perfect cycle.

  9. #9
    Just run Nolva at 40/20/20/20 for PH pct.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    san marcos, texas
    inhibit e and novedex xt are the same thing. just run inhibit e. its cheaper. run it like this. run for 4 weeks
    week 1- 1 cap in morn and 2 caps at night
    week 2- 1 cap in morn and 1 at night
    week 3- 1 cap in morn and 1 at night
    week 4- 1 cap at night
    My friend just ran hdrol for 30 days at 50mgs a day for all 30 days. he gained a good 10 lbs and has been on this inhibit for 3 weeks now run like above. he has lost 3 lbs but leaned out a lot and his strenght has gone up.

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