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Thread: runnin on test e and dec

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    liverpool, UK

    runnin on test e and dec

    jus finished a course a few weeks ago brothers of test e and it went great i mixed it with sum d-bol, i was taking 750mg of test weekly for 12weeks and 60mg of d-bol daily for 6weeks, nearly finished my pct i was jus wondering if i should run the same course again or higher the dose for even better gains, by the way this website rules its been so much help, fanx for the replies brothers

    my stats are...
    my age is 23
    my body fat is around 12%
    i train 5 days a week

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    liverpool, UK
    i forgot 2 mention on the nxt course i want to take i want to add deca in2 it aswel

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    How many cycles have you done? if it was your 1st then 750 was way too high to run on your 1st Now next time you will have to go even higher to get gains! by the end of the next one, you will have to do a gram of test a week on your next one!!! You should always start with 500mg EW I know people that have done 6-7 cycles and are still only at the 750mg EW mark.
    Oh on another note You need to wait at least the length of time you were on before starting agin! So if you were on for 12, you need to say off for 12 to let your body adjust or you will not see good gains

  4. #4
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    liverpool, UK
    this was my 5th cycle brother, i have run 4 cycles on sus and a-bombs but the side effects were realy bad, that was 500mg sus 10weeks and 50mg a-bombs 6weeks (i also think that d-bol works alot better than a-50s) i no all about my pct brother im nearly there, im doin 12 weeks on 10 weeks off, heres what i want to run 100mg d-bol daily 6 weeks, 1000mg test-e weekly 12weeks, and i wana run dec but i dont no how much 2 put into the course

  5. #5
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    How many cycles have you done? if it was your 1st then 750 was way too high to run on your 1st Now next time you will have to go even higher to get gains! by the end of the next one, you will have to do a gram of test a week on your next one!!! You should always start with 500mg EW I know people that have done 6-7 cycles and are still only at the 750mg EW mark.
    Oh on another note You need to wait at least the length of time you were on before starting agin! So if you were on for 12, you need to say off for 12 to let your body adjust or you will not see good gains
    This makes NO sense at all !! First you tell him that since he did 750mgs, that he will have to UP the dose to a gram on his next cycle, but then you say you know people that have done 6-7 cycles and are still at 750 ??? So why does HE have to up his dose if the people that you know ran 6-7 cycles and haven't up'd their dose?????

    also, your time off theory is WRONG

    TIME OFF = Time ON + PCT time. So, if he did 12 week cycle, then 4 week PCT he SHOULD stay off for 16 weeks UNLESS he has bloodwork done to show all his levels are back to normal

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigfella View Post
    this was my 5th cycle brother, i have run 4 cycles on sus and a-bombs but the side effects were realy bad, that was 500mg sus 10weeks and 50mg a-bombs 6weeks (i also think that d-bol works alot better than a-50s) i no all about my pct brother im nearly there, im doin 12 weeks on 10 weeks off, heres what i want to run 100mg d-bol daily 6 weeks, 1000mg test-e weekly 12weeks, and i wana run dec but i dont no how much 2 put into the course
    How did you run your sust? Did you shoot it EOD like you are supposed to?

    Your planned cycle is FOOLISH
    How tall are you ?
    100mgs of Dbol is WAY TOO MUCH
    10 weeks off is NOT long enough unless you get bloodwork done
    1000m mgs of test is TOO MUCH

    Unless you are 5'1" you should NEVER need such high doses
    you are ONLY 190 AFTER 5cycles. SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG HERE !!! I would NOT cycle again until you figure out WHY you are NOT growing and keeping your gains....My guess is your diet is NOT correct for your growth

    I am 5'11" with 10 years of this and my current cycle is HALF what you are suggesting and I bulked up to 275 lbs

    IF you don't know how to eat to grow, then you are wasting your time and gear.

  6. #6
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    liverpool, UK
    could you rite your cycle out for me t-mos

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigfella View Post
    could you rite your cycle out for me t-mos
    Why, it had NOTHING to do with cycle it has EVERYTHING to do with eating

    you did not answer my question, HOW TALL ARE YOU??

    my cycle was

    test prop

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    im 5 8,
    im goin 2 keep my cycle on 750mg then brother, i want to add dec in 2 it how would i do that

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    im 5 7
    how would i add dec in2 my cycle, im goin 2 keep it at 750mgs test e

  10. #10
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    5'7 or 8 which is it.....lolol

    I would seriously get your diet looked at before you consider wasting another cycle

    you should be WELL OVER 200 lbs by now

    Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500 mgs/week YES I SAID 500
    Weeks 1-10 Deca @ 400 mgs/week

    shoot both in same syringe Twice a week. once every 3.5days so like monday morning and thursday night

  11. #11
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    im 5 7 thats why i rote it out twice lol rong 1st time, my diet is quite good yano, i dont cut nothing out and eat round about every 3 hours plus i have my shakes and so on trey and get 50% carbs 40%protein and 10%fat, i will run the 500mg of test my friend lol thanx for the advice brother your a great help, its just you get told so many different ways by so many different ppl, what exactly does the deca bring 2 a cycle, iv herd it help with joints and everyfing

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    yea, i am thinking your diet is NOT as good as you think. Man I am telling you DIET is 89% of this game and IF i were you, I would head over to the diet section and get Phate or Jamyjamjr to work with you. They are incredible and will help you make that cycle better. you will be amazed at the gains you can make IF your diet is corrected

    deca will give you mass and will help with joints, you may gain some water, so you may want to have an AI on hand during the cycle

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    liverpool, UK
    well i always run tamoxifen with a cycle 2 help with sides, could u rite your diet oult please big man soi can have a look how the proper boys eat, il go chek phate and jam out in a min, once again fanx brother

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-MOS View Post
    yea, i am thinking your diet is NOT as good as you think. Man I am telling you DIET is 89% of this game and IF i were you, I would head over to the diet section and get Phate or Jamyjamjr to work with you. They are incredible and will help you make that cycle better. you will be amazed at the gains you can make IF your diet is corrected

    deca will give you mass and will help with joints, you may gain some water, so you may want to have an AI on hand during the cycle
    This is so true, too many people here say there diet is good until they post it in here or the diet section then it gets ****** apart. Diet is everything, without the proper diet your gains will be minimal.

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