ive been doing steroids for about 2 months now and have only put on about a stone in weight is this right ? im at the moment on a test 450 and dinabol tab course for a 5 week course what gains should i see from this ?
thanks rob
ive been doing steroids for about 2 months now and have only put on about a stone in weight is this right ? im at the moment on a test 450 and dinabol tab course for a 5 week course what gains should i see from this ?
thanks rob
Cycle history
Years Training
Welcome to AR.Gains depend mainly on the individual and their level of commitment.
body fat%?
years training?
pct knowledge?
You said you were already on a course now? Why don't you lay it out with your pct plan for critique while you're at it.
im 19 and weight 12st body fat im not sure about and ive been training for six months i dont know anything about pct lol sorry im newbie. i also have been training with a pt who is a pro body builder and i train 5 times a week including my legs
thanks guys
Hahaha, have you really stared this cycle yet?? Or are you about to start??
well if you train with a pro he should know all about PCT! On top of it the pro you work out with thought it was a good idea @ 19 for you to take a cycle of AAS?? Seems a little odd! We do not pull punches here you will get straight up answers as long as you are straight up! If you dont get you PCT taken care of, you will be screwed up for life!! Take it from me! I am on TRT because the cycle I did 4 years went without PCT because I did not have the money to get it. Some things happened and now I am on test therapy 4 the rest of my life. These AAS are no joke! do not treat them like they are
thanks people i think my pt said bout it to take after a course is it ? and ive done a ten week course off Test Ethanate 250 and andropen is it ? now i am on test 450 and dinabol ?
Two pct stickies, from Swifto and Pheedno:
A link to the pct forum itself:
Are you Welsh???
YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO CYCLE!!!!!!!I recomend no youger that 24 or 25 years of age.![]()
whats this in stone ? im 12 dont know bout pounds
wake up 5 pm oats with protien shake and banna 9pm 4 poched eggs on toast 12pm a full chicken 3pm a tuna sandwhich banna orange and protien shake then 7pm dinner pasta or steak or fish with pototao veg 9pm protien shake and yougart
12 stone = 168 pounds.
1 stone = 14 pounds.
Your natural test levels are naturally high at your age.A cycle will screw that up.One of the vets will jump on this soon, I hope.
so are you saying it will make them even higher or it wont work ?
im very confused now
you are to young bro. you are 19 and this is your second cycle?
read up on PCT NOW, then stop ur cycle and do a real good pct.
you are just doing damage to yourself man..
guys hes 8 wks into it so... ,, you need to make sure you get a good pct and read up on what it is and how to use it.
Welcome to AR and get off the juice. Way too young.
You need to do some research brotha! you are way off course
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