Hi guru's,
My name's Justin and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I am starting to train again next week and I thought I would get into shape naturally for a month and then hit what my cousin recommended me sustanon 250 and deca. He told me that since it was my first time, I should take half a mil of sus and half a mil of deca twice a week. Like one on Monday and once on Friday while we work out on different parts of the body for the whole week. The problem is that I dont want to blow up but want to shread the fat I've developed on my gut. I also want to make sure I dont get bitch tits. I hope to keep training after the cycle which my cousin said should last 4 weeks for my first time.
Another friend of mine was on stanazol "I'm 95% sure" and he was fat, all I can say that he is well defined now, chiseled abs and good physic.
What can you recommend?
Want to have bigger arms and abs but a not so big chest?
I am 24, 178cm's tall and weigh 85kg.
Please help! Recommend a cycle.