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Thread: New guy, need to make sure I got the right info..

  1. #1

    New guy, need to make sure I got the right info..

    Hi guru's,

    My name's Justin and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I am starting to train again next week and I thought I would get into shape naturally for a month and then hit what my cousin recommended me sustanon 250 and deca. He told me that since it was my first time, I should take half a mil of sus and half a mil of deca twice a week. Like one on Monday and once on Friday while we work out on different parts of the body for the whole week. The problem is that I dont want to blow up but want to shread the fat I've developed on my gut. I also want to make sure I dont get bitch tits. I hope to keep training after the cycle which my cousin said should last 4 weeks for my first time.

    Another friend of mine was on stanazol "I'm 95% sure" and he was fat, all I can say that he is well defined now, chiseled abs and good physic.

    What can you recommend?
    Want to have bigger arms and abs but a not so big chest?

    I am 24, 178cm's tall and weigh 85kg.

    Please help! Recommend a cycle.

    Last edited by KidCastro; 06-08-2009 at 12:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Try workin out for a year first and then look at steriods if thats what you want

  3. #3
    Hey man, I've been training, mainly cardio but now I am back doing weights...

    I am choosing to take them now and I want to know what I should be taking?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Whats your BF%
    Post your diet and your workout routine.
    Make them both detailed please

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    At The Gym
    Id suggest you give your cousin a nice for suggesting this to you....

    You dont take test and deca for only 4 weeks, and training for a month isnt enough to say your ready for AAS. Get your diet in check if you wana loose you gut, it only takes 8 weeks of work to lose it naturally.

    Do more research or your gonna regret it down the road....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    You need to train naturally for awhile longer b4 getting on AAS. You need to get your diet in check as well. Its really not that hard to lose weight and gain muscle if you have a good diet.

  7. #7
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the replies, I just want to make sure I am going to take the right stuff.

    I dont have a diet at the moment and I havent finalised what routine I am going to do at the gym.

    I am very interested in this 8 week diet to lose the gut.

    Can you give me the link?

    My gut isnt a big issue but I heard stanazol will shread u with a cycle for those abs to come out.

    And what is wrong with taking steroids, straight away, Im only taking it in small portions?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Winny will do nothign but add strength if you are not already ******. You need to build up your joint tissue and tendons b4 you start aas. You get on the sauce now you may very well blow something out and be perm fkd up.
    Go to the diet section on here and them guys will hook u up with a good diet.
    You came to the right place,, if you have patience you will get to where you wanna be.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    your not ready mate do more research, no one can stop you doing it but you have to do it right, sust should be taken eod not twice a week if it is you first cycle leave the deca out just do the sust, 4 weeks is not enough thats when its just kicking in you need 12 weeks for best results and what about pct you need to read read read and train and eat alot more, 1 month is nothing for training you ether take this advice and do it the right way or waste your money and f up your body its you choice

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    At The Gym


    Quote Originally Posted by KidCastro View Post
    Hi guys,

    Thanks for the replies, I just want to make sure I am going to take the right stuff.

    I dont have a diet at the moment and I havent finalised what routine I am going to do at the gym.

    I am very interested in this 8 week diet to lose the gut.

    Can you give me the link?

    My gut isnt a big issue but I heard stanazol will shread u with a cycle for those abs to come out.

    And what is wrong with taking steroids, straight away, Im only taking it in small portions?

    The diet is something you have to create. I believe there is a diet section on this site that can help you out. A cutting diet all depends on your lean body mass and how to properly lose bodyfat while maintaining as much muscle mass as possible. Each persons different. But once figured out 8 weeks should be enough for you to get down to a decent low BF%.

    And taking steroids isnt a joke, even low dose, think about it, your puttin foreign man made hormones into you body, not only are there side effects from taking them such as acne, hairloss, gyno but there are other dangers such as infections, irreversible shutdown, etc.

    ALWAYS Do some research before you think about starting a cycle and ALWAYS have a solid PCT(if you and your cousin even know what that is)

  11. #11
    I appreciate your input guys, I obviously will read more into correct dieting. I really do not understand the following terms:
    Obviosuly BF% = body fat %

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2009
    At The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by KidCastro View Post
    I appreciate your input guys, I obviously will read more into correct dieting. I really do not understand the following terms:
    Obviosuly BF% = body fat %

    AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroid

    PCT = Post Cycle Therapy

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