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Thread: Queion about the "balls" (d-balls that is!)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA

    Queion about the "balls" (d-balls that is!)

    I am going to run D-bol @ 60mg ED for 28 days when I jump start my cycle next month. my question is since I am on Trt what will happen if I ran 6 weeks of 25mg ED down the road after my cycle is over? you know instead of running another whole cycle, and since I am already taking test I was wondering if it would end up giving me a little extra boost. Never ever thought of doing this before because of needing test with it. But now I will have the test in my system

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    I am going to run D-bol @ 60mg ED for 28 days when I jump start my cycle next month. my question is since I am on Trt what will happen if I ran 6 weeks of 25mg ED down the road after my cycle is over? you know instead of running another whole cycle, and since I am already taking test I was wondering if it would end up giving me a little extra boost. Never ever thought of doing this before because of needing test with it. But now I will have the test in my system
    I think, it would be ok, but not sure what 25mg ed would do for you...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    On a Prayer!!
    I cant say that it would hurt, but maybe if you are going to run it, up it to like 40mg ED

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