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Thread: Test prop: Best ester?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Test prop: Best ester?

    The other two look the same to me in profiles, with the exception of test prop, that mentions "less bloat".

    That seems good enough to me to favor use over the other two. So, why do most recommend or use test enth?

    Just curious, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I don't know why many people do. I recommend Test Prop for fitrst course of action in case the sides are too unbearable you can get off of it quicker than you can long acting esters ... I am sure the REASON why ENAN or CYP are recommended for a first time AAS user is because of the less frequent injections.

    PROPINATE MUST BE INJECTED EVERY DAY !! You could get away with EVERY OTHER DAY injections but I personally would never recommend that.

    But there is the reason I believe that everyone will recommend ENAN or CYP over PROP. IMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    I personally will not run prop ever again,, to me the 2 weeks of less wait for kick in are not worth it. To much pain and swelling associated with it.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    I personally will not run prop ever again,, to me the 2 weeks of less wait for kick in are not worth it. To much pain and swelling associated with it.
    It might of been the batch that you got. At first it was painful for me but know I hardly feel it afterwards.

    Regarding Test E bloating is not too bad as long as you watch your salt intake. Bloating doesn't bother me as much since I know it will go away after the cycle.
    The same reasons Deuce stated, with prop you have to inject ED or EOD and a lot individuals don't like that there first time out

  5. #5
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    the reason some people choose test e or c over prop is mainly to do with frequency of injections e and c is usally twice a week where prop can be ed or eod and are alot more painful imo

  6. #6
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    Mar 2009
    Well, I guess that was an easy question. Haha.. Yeah, I can see how ED injections are a bitch.

    Quick follow up.. If it kicks in a month early, do you get to go off a month earlier as well? 8 weeks sounds better than 12.

    Follow up #3: Short chain esters have less "test" in them, right? Therefore, do you do more? (eg if you were going to do 500mg/week of test e, then you do 600mg/week of test p?or so?)

  7. #7
    inky-e's Avatar
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    the three oh!
    I am not a fan of prop..and its not ALL because of the pain that is associated with it, although I have had painless prop from a couple of labs..its the all too frequent shots..also my body does not tolerate the propionate ester all that well....I tend to break out with prop and sust too....its weird cause I love masteron propionate...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman View Post
    Well, I guess that was an easy question. Haha.. Yeah, I can see how ED injections are a bitch.

    Quick follow up.. If it kicks in a month early, do you get to go off a month earlier as well? 8 weeks sounds better than 12.

    Follow up #3: Short chain esters have less "test" in them, right? Therefore, do you do more? (eg if you were going to do 500mg/week of test e, then you do 600mg/week of test p?or so?)
    other way around you get more test from prop than the longer esters

    its like 83mg out of a 100 compared to like 68mg or something

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    other way around you get more test from prop than the longer esters

    its like 83mg out of a 100 compared to like 68mg or something
    agreed , the long esters take up more room so you get less test per ml

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    LOL. O chem wasn't that long ago. Bass akwards, as usual.

    So then the opposite is true... Hmmm. How about the 8 week theory?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    honestly i would just run test e for 12wks 8 weeks is to short imo

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