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Thread: Primo stack????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Question Primo stack????

    I would like to do a cycle of Primobolan. I was wondering if i should stack something with it..Also, would I need clomid and HCG after wards??? I'm looking for quality gains while I gain moderate weight. I read that Arnold would use around 600mgs of Primo and some 20mg of D-Bol. Would this be a good stack...200mgs Primo Wk -10wks
    20mg D-bol ED-wks

  2. #2
    Primo and dianabol is a great cycle. I *personally* would not take Primo alone, since the weight gain will be minimal. Also, if you are planning on taking 600mgs of Primo a week, also plan on shelling out $120 a week for the Primo alone. I would always have some clomid or equivalant on hand for after any cycle, better to be prepared.
    Your Primo/Dbol stack is almost identical to my first cycle. Cost is pretty high, but I think it is an excellent beginner/light cycle with the potential to keep most of the gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I apreciate it bro!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Primo stacks well with anything. What I like about Primo is you can bulk on it, or cut on it, depending what you stack with it. Primo/Deca, Primo/EQ Primo/Winny etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Does anyone know how long it takes for prio to kick in , isnt it exact to test like 10 to 14 days????

  6. #6
    Metenolone Enanthate, so it *should* be the same HL of Test Enanthate... would appreciate someone else confirming this though. And HL for Enan is apprx. five days or so, due to ester weight vs. chemical weight in what you're injecting.
    Sorry short post, have class soon, someone else please clarify, or I will when I get back.

  7. #7
    alevok Guest
    primo goes very well with any test, d-bol and a-bombs. As for the dosage 100mg per 25kg of body weight.

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