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Thread: Newbie needs help!

  1. #1

    Newbie needs help!

    First I just need a little info about AS.... first off Iam 18 yrs. of age and I play numerous sports. I just want something to boost my strength and performance. I was thinking of starting out with Pgh...(somebody tell me if thats the right thing to do). But iam worried because iam going to need to pass a drug test for college baseball because of the ncaa regulations. also i hope to become a police officer after i grad. from college. How do i pass these tests for college baseball and for the police academy? also should i even worry about testing positive for AS while playing college baseball and trying to become a cop? Also how do major league baseball players pass them? i know there are more players in the pros who use them and dont get caught.

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    wow, 18?
    body fat%?

  3. #3
    6'3" 215 lbs, no idea about body fat%

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    a trash can
    I'm going to sound like a parent here, but I suggest that you DO NOT start using steroids at your age. It can stop you from growing, and mess up your natural hormone level's for life. You also need to build up your tendon's and have at least a few years of heavy training under your belt, or you will be more susceptable to injuries.

    Please research this site for awhile before you jump into things.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Agreed with above and he is NOT being a parent, it's from experience. You will now see MANY with the same reply and it really from experience. Your friends just dont know what they are talking about, it's all hearsay, no real life experience like the guys here who have MANY years of experience, research and some are real doctors.

    Please take the advise you will get, DONT use until you are at least minimum 25 because you will permanently hurt your body. All these kids who say they have used and have no side effects it's because they dont know the damage they have done yet and wont until their 30s and by then it's to late.

    What he means by hurting your growth is you WILL lock your growth plates and that's a bad thing. They should remain open for growth taller and wider until you are 24+ so DONT do it.

    Please do some searching and reading this site, it's a world of GOOD information. There is plenty to learn and use to grow naturally, it's about diet and working out. You will grow just as fast or faster than your friends and maintain ALL your gains if you do it naturally through diet and working out.

    They will grow fast for a while then loose most of it and end up having health issues later. You will keep your gains and be healthier for it. Dont go for the quick fix because it is not worth it in the long run.

    Please really read the diet section, it's NOTHING like you think. It's about eating MORE and what/when to eat. It's 90% of the game and will do you more good and give you more solid gains than any steroids would at your age.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-09-2009 at 08:24 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Agreed with all of the above. 18 is TOO young... It's not even close enough... It's just too young.... Give it a couple years

  7. #7
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    You are way too young. You will just do damage to your body.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Anytown USA
    You will never become a police officer if you take AAS!!! they will give you a polygraph test and will ask you if you have ever done any type of AAS!! the gov't just changed all the laws for standards for Police officers when the FBI changed thier standards. Like for instance I think if you have done anything harder than Marijuana in 3 years before your Poly test you are automatically out. You are 18 anyway. Diet, creatine, maybe some Nitric Oxide! Your Natty test levels should be as High as a 30 yr old man doin 350mg a week anyway!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T-MOS
    no,no,no steroids your to young plain and simple

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    On a Prayer!!
    Stay off the sauce! there are some pretty incredible looking people that are all natural! then no having to wory about D.T.!!

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