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  1. #1
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    Question First Cycle containing Tren. Advice Please....

    This is my first post on this forum. I have used steroid .com for about 5 years but I have never really used the forum. I have some questions and hopefully some people with lots of experience can help me out.

    27 Years Old
    15%-16% BF
    209 lbs.

    I am one of those people that find it very easy to put size on but difficult to get down to 10% BF or below.

    Cycle Experience:
    I have done between 6-8 cycles.
    I have used EQ (3 different times), Winny (twice), Test Prop (twice), Masteron (twice), Primo (Once), Anavar (Once), DBol (Once), Anadrol (Once), Deca (twice)

    The cycle I was looking to do was off of except I modified the winny amount:
    Test Prop (100 mg eod) 12 wks
    Tren Ace (75mg eod) 12 wks
    Winstrol (50mgs eod) Weeks 8-12
    Arimidex if necessary @ .5mgs ed

    I ended up only being able to get 3 btls of Tren Ace, 1 btl of winny. I am not sure if I will be able to get anything else. My hook up disappeared which he tends to do sometimes.

    My question is this. Do you think it would be ok for me to take some kind of Test Booster (BSN's Axis HT for example) with my tren? And will it supply me with enough of a testosterone boost in order to keep my sex drive up etc.
    I was thinking of doing Tren @ 100 mg eod

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2009

    Oh yeah...

    My goal is to get to 8% BF @ 195-200 lbs

  3. #3
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    No... I'd definitely wait, and run it with test. A prohormone will not raise your total-test levels enough, and you WILL be shutdown from the winny + tren . (and taking any prop will shut you down almost completely).

    Also, start with 75mg eod... and then bump it up to 100mg... trust me, if the you're one of the people who gets harsh sides from tren, then the exact 25mg will make the biggest difference if you need to discontinue your cycle.

    Other then that I like the cycle.. I'd use clen during the PCT to really get shredded.

  4. #4
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    The only problem is that I am not sure when or if I will be able to get any test. In the past I have not gotten very bad side effects from anything that I have taken. Headaches from some oral primo I got was prolly the worst

  5. #5
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by King JRoc View Post
    The only problem is that I am not sure when or if I will be able to get any test. In the past I have not gotten very bad side effects from anything that I have taken. Headaches from some oral primo I got was prolly the worst
    dude... honestly tren is like nothing you've done. seriously, just listen. do not run it by itself. Insomnia; night-sweats; breathlessness... all VERY common sides.

    How much prop do you have? any? or just the winstrol / tren?

  6. #6
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    No prop. Only 3 btls of tren and 1 winny. My goal was to get 4 btls of prop and two win but didn't happen.

  7. #7
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    I am headed to the gym. I will check for more advice when I get home. Thanks for the help so far Seriousmass. I have jumped into a couple of cycles before when I wasn't fully prepared b/c I was excited to start. I am trying not to that this time.

  8. #8
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by King JRoc View Post
    I am headed to the gym. I will check for more advice when I get home. Thanks for the help so far Seriousmass. I have jumped into a couple of cycles before when I wasn't fully prepared b/c I was excited to start. I am trying not to that this time.
    No problem.

    K well honestly my man... patience is a virtue lol.. I know it sounds stupid.. but think about it this way.. what happens if you get absolutely owned by the tren sides? at least if you have prop in the mix your libido won't be affected.. now imagine the situation without prop... you get terrible sides and now not only can you not sleep / not breath.. but you also can't get an erection!! that's quite a big double-wammy don't yah think?

    Also... do you know what a PCT is? and do you have one organized for the end of this cycle?

  9. #9
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, i know what PCT is. I was planning on using nolvadex but I wasn't real sure on when to start taking it and how much. That is another question I was going to ask.

  10. #10
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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  11. #11
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    tren will rock your world if you try and go it without test!! iran it for 6 weeks without test (only 250mg ) A week and I got some bad sides and believe to this day that is why I am on TRT for the rest of my life! Wait for the test

  12. #12
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    God it's been a long time since I have been on this site.....

    anyways, I gotta pretty much agree. Don't run Tren with a prohormone, it is basically running the Tren by itself, and like mentioned above, Tren is hardcore, nothing to mess with if you can't get a proper cycle.

    Sorry to repeat the same info as posted before, but good advice is worth repeating.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  13. #13
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    I appreciate the help guys. The only reason I even considered running it by itself is that I have several friends that have ran it with nothing else and haven't had many issues.

    But I appreciate the advice, I will wait until I can get me hands on the prop.

  14. #14
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Yeah, its not set in stone that you will have any issues by running Tren by itself, but the odds are kinda against you. You may not have any problems, but personally, its not worth the risk to me. Good luck bro.

  15. #15
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. I will get some more advice when I get my hands on some more gear.

  16. #16
    King JRoc is offline Junior Member
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    DOes anyone have any experience taking some of the "legal steroid alternatives " offered on the site. I really want something to help me get cut. Not sure when Ima find some prop to go with what I have already.

  17. #17
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Ha, the only Legal Steroids that are going to work for you are the ones you "legally" obtain from your medical professional

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