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  1. #1
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    Unhappy Severe panic disorder &...

    Hey guys, just got home from the hospital. I was diagnosed with severe panic disorder and compulsive disorder. I had suffered every now and again from panic attacks since 07, but none this bad. It lasted 4hrs until they gave me ativan. I do not think its from the aas, i think the celexa they put me on yesterday caused this. Thinking of discountinuing the cycle. I just started week 9 and don't want to stop. I do have Bu SPAR and ativan to stop panic attacks but i don't know if thats a good idea. Anyone ever go through this? Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated as always.

  2. #2
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Shit man i have panic attacks all the time AAS or Not!! I had one so bad one time I completely locked up for a day and a half! Who care I always just tell myself "it will go away eventually" and guess what...It does

  3. #3
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    i wish i could have your mindset. I hate being all hot and clammy, tingly. My bp during my attack at te hospital was 186/100! Scary sh^t for me. I'm scarred sh*tless of dieing. Always thinking i'm haveing a heart attack or stroke during my panic attacks. Hopeing the meds help.

  4. #4
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    The other downside to this is I just got my next cycle in. 50amps of organon sustanon and hcg , clomid , and tamox.

  5. #5
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    I'm super spaced out right now. The ativan must have kicked in, probably off to fall asleep.

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Dude, I have tried Buspirone, Zoloft, and all 5 other medicines none work, taken valium, klonopan, zanax, none of them work! just got put on Bystolic cause my blood pressure average 185 / 110 almost everyday! Just had to have a brain scan done last week to make sure I did not have anything from the high BP that would cause a stroke. Just hang in there man! work of all that anxiety! I Lost My Fiance in a car accident, my house My dog my cat all 3 of my cars and all my cash in the past 3 years!!! trust me things could be worse for you

  7. #7
    TRT,MAN's Avatar
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    a bro try lexapro, its anti depression and axiety. one day out of no where i woke up and it was on. i was flipped out like a mother fvcker. didnt want to go to work felt like i was gonna die. crying everyday all kinds of weird shit. my wife was trippin on me. cause im normally mr. bad ass but not those days. got on that stuff within 3 days was feeling better no im fine.

  8. #8
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    ninsecz hey bro, thanks for the responce. I'm sorry for your loss, you're very admirable man. God bless you, and the future ahead of you!
    Last edited by CJ.; 06-11-2009 at 09:56 PM.

  9. #9
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    yeh someday somethin will get better! It has too!! Until then I am takin the frustration out on the weights!!

  10. #10
    Tigershark's Avatar
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    Good luck with everything man.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    yeh someday somethin will get better! It has too!! Until then I am takin the frustration out on the weights!!
    Really sorry to hear that Nines. Hope it turns around for you soon.

  12. #12
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Thanks Bro You are some good guys here!! I aint got much to do nowadays! So I will be around a lot!

  13. #13
    BokBok is offline Associate Member
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    Hi mate. Just letting you know I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for years and years. I have been taking Zoloft for almost 3 years now with some alright results. I think the biggest help though is learning how to deal with an attack when it is happening, for me breathing works the best.

    This is actually harder than it sounds. You have to force yourself to concentrate on your breathing. Your mind wants to wander to the other thoughts that are gripping your brain. Practice breathing when you're not having an attack, deep in through the nose and out through your mouth. Do this over and over.

    After a while you'll be able to apply this technique in an attack. I have to admit that it doesn't always work, but I'm still learning each and every day hope to cope.

  14. #14
    BokBok is offline Associate Member
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    Double post...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  15. #15
    CanthookitLs6's Avatar
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    Be careful of Ativan, it's a short acting benzo. It's a temporary fix, if you continue to take it regularly and then quit your anxiety can get worse.

    The good news is you can get rid of anxiety naturally.

    Wake up every morning and do cardio, at least 45 minutes.

    Go see a psychiatrist. Anxiety is all in your head.

    Do breathing exercises, (this helps A LOT).

    Cut all stimulants out of your diet.

  16. #16
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanthookitLs6 View Post
    Be careful of Ativan, it's a short acting benzo. It's a temporary fix, if you continue to take it regularly and then quit your anxiety can get worse.

    The good news is you can get rid of anxiety naturally.

    Wake up every morning and do cardio, at least 45 minutes.

    Go see a psychiatrist. Anxiety is all in your head.

    Do breathing exercises, (this helps A LOT).

    Cut all stimulants out of your diet.
    Got an appointment with a psyc. I don't take any stimulants, haven not had caffine in 14 weeks. the only thing i'm on is test, deca , primo, winni. I think the winni might have triggered them. Panic attacks started in bad about 10 days into winni. Thanks for the info. Will add cardio in the morning, also I have to find something to occupy more of my time.

  17. #17
    PT's Avatar
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    i never had anything remotly close to a panic attack nor do i know anyone who has but if they gave you drugs to counter them then why not continue the cycle. im sure pct will be worse then the cycle anyway
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  18. #18
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    i never had anything remotly close to a panic attack nor do i know anyone who has but if they gave you drugs to counter them then why not continue the cycle. im sure pct will be worse then the cycle anyway
    ^ that's a very good point. I really want to continue, I'm just scared of having a heart attack or stroke due to high bp during panic attack. Hopefully they will subside soon. The ativan the have me on with the celexa has me feeling pretty well today. I am just so damn scarred of death and leaving behind my wife and 3 beautiful kids.

    By the way we are gonna try for another, i know steroids play no role in birth conditions, but does anyone know about pct gear or anti-d's?

  19. #19
    bnjf is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJ. View Post
    ^ that's a very good point. I really want to continue, I'm just scared of having a heart attack or stroke due to high bp during panic attack. Hopefully they will subside soon. The ativan the have me on with the celexa has me feeling pretty well today. I am just so damn scarred of death and leaving behind my wife and 3 beautiful kids.

    By the way we are gonna try for another, i know steroids play no role in birth conditions, but does anyone know about pct gear or anti-d's?
    I feel you bro. I never had panic attacks until I had my family. Suddenly I felt mortal cause I want so bad to be healthy for a very long for them. I have three boys and a beautiful wife. I actually started controlling the panic more by just recognizing them when they happen. You're not alone man. Hang in there.

  20. #20
    KatsMeow is offline Stupid
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    I have severe anxiety and have had several panic attacks as well but mostly anxiety attacks. I have also been put on celexa, I tried Bu Spar and it didn't really do much for me, I take Klonopin now with the celexa and it seems to help but everyone is different when it comes to these types of medications you should have a doctor that wants you to come in at least every couple of weeks at first to determine which medications are going to be the best for you.

  21. #21
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJ. View Post
    Hey guys, just got home from the hospital. I was diagnosed with severe panic disorder and compulsive disorder. I had suffered every now and again from panic attacks since 07, but none this bad. It lasted 4hrs until they gave me ativan. I do not think its from the aas, i think the celexa they put me on yesterday caused this. Thinking of discountinuing the cycle. I just started week 9 and don't want to stop. I do have Bu SPAR and ativan to stop panic attacks but i don't know if thats a good idea. Anyone ever go through this? Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated as always.
    This is unfortunately a topic I know a lot about. Before they gave you the Ativan what else were you taking? Were you taking any benzos (Xanax, Valium, etc.)? They usually give people Ativan to tritate them off other benzos.

  22. #22
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    coming off benzos cold turkey is no bueno

  23. #23
    CJ. is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    This is unfortunately a topic I know a lot about. Before they gave you the Ativan what else were you taking? Were you taking any benzos (Xanax, Valium, etc.)? They usually give people Ativan to tritate them off other benzos.
    they gave me the ativan 1mg, in the er to clam me down. They know i am taking celexa 20mg/ed, and bu spar 5mgs/3xed. Have not started the bu spar yet though. They told me to take the ativan till the celexa kicked in.

    I hope they diagnosed me right and it is a panic attack, and not something worse. I read something called a transient ischemic attack and that soungs like what is happenening to me. But thats my problem i self diagnose myself all the time. Last 2 panic attacks set in while having sex. f-ing sucks.

    Question is now that i have my meds to counter act should i finish my cycle? or at least the test?

  24. #24
    normaljoe is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juice Authority View Post
    This is unfortunately a topic I know a lot about. Before they gave you the Ativan what else were you taking? Were you taking any benzos (Xanax, Valium, etc.)? They usually give people Ativan to tritate them off other benzos.
    since your know about it please take a look at my post too:

    Steroids and my heart(please help if you know something)

  26. #26
    shoestring is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bnjf View Post
    I feel you bro. I never had panic attacks until I had my family. Suddenly I felt mortal cause I want so bad to be healthy for a very long for them. I have three boys and a beautiful wife. I actually started controlling the panic more by just recognizing them when they happen. You're not alone man. Hang in there.
    I am in the same boat. You feel like it is all on you & you have to take care of them. Wait till you turn 40...

  27. #27
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    I went to the emergency room 3 times because of panic attacks, and I thought that I was going to have a heart attack, all 3 times it was while I was not on aas and no stimulants and hardly any caffeine, but they did a blood draw test for signs of heart problems and a test similar but different from a x-ray to check my heart and they said that I have a perfectly healthy heart, they said that my chest pains was caused from my panic attacks and that it is normal, they said that my chest pains were caused from elevated adrenaline and that the chest pains is because of my heart rate being elevated over a long period of time, but that I was in no danger medically

    The meds that seem to work very well is the benzos, like valium serax ect

    The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor anti depressents can definitely work but each ssri can have major differences from person to person, they are not very consistent in what they do from person to person, I know that often lexapro works well, often though certain ssris will work very well for some people while the same ssris can have a lot of side effects for other people

    In addition to the meds, if you are looking for something over the counter that actually works then you can try Kava, it is an herbal product, just get the Kava product that only has Kava as the active ingredient, it is cheaper

    BTW Bu SPAR doesn't work that much, if you get a good benzo and Kava then those are for sure to help, if you ask your doctor about a ssri you might try Lexapro, but ssris are not very consistent from person to person

    Something to remember all the time that will bring your mind peace is when they did the tests for your heart, just remind yourself of that, if they said that your tests came back with no problems with your heart and your physical health as well

    Take Care Buddy

  28. #28
    LLsoldier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CJ. View Post
    Got an appointment with a psyc. I don't take any stimulants, haven not had caffine in 14 weeks. the only thing i'm on is test, deca, primo, winni. I think the winni might have triggered them. Panic attacks started in bad about 10 days into winni. Thanks for the info. Will add cardio in the morning, also I have to find something to occupy more of my time.
    play some is a great way i am trying.

  29. #29
    LLsoldier's Avatar
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    how you doin CJ?

  30. #30
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    Hey man, I hear ya.. I suffer from DAILY PANIC ATTACKS !! I am on a steady regimen of Benzodiazpines to regulate it.. I know they are highly addictive but I dont care ... IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME OUT OF THE ER !!

    In the span of 3 months I made 22 Emergency Room trips, some by Ambulance because I swore to GOD I was having a heart attack at 25 !!

    So after trying medicine after medicine and finally being diagnosed with severe Panic Disorder, Borderline Agoraphobia, and PTSD.. They started me on Valium .. My Life Saver. SOMETIMES I dont even need to take it.. JUST KNOWING I HAVE IT IN MY POCKET prevents ANXIETY attacks. It's sad but true.

    The weird thing, I suffer less from Panic attacks when I am ON cycle. A lot of people would recommend that you take care of your psychological issues before using AAS but sometimes that is just not possible.. Some disorders are for life.. like my PTSD and I will not let that get in the way of my GOALS and ASPIRATIONS and in order to achieve them I need the ASSISTANCE of AAS + Peptides (HGH + IGF1 + Insulin ).. that's just the way it is.

    Now, they (Benzo's) do not directly interact with AAS or it's counterparts... I know this for a couple of reasons, 1) I ran a drug interaction check on them. 2) I asked my Prescribing Doctor (since he handles my Benzo and TRT prescriptions) 3) My pharmacist runs a check on all meds I am on before handing them to me to make sure no INTERACTIONS can occur.

    I would advise you talk with a Psychiatrist and get some help with it CJ because honestly.. IT GETS WORSE WITHOUT TREATMENT !! I not only just rely on the meds I also participate in what is called CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) once a month to figure out other ways of coping with the sudden burts of FEAR which trigger the FIGHT or FLIGHT response which in turn is what the PANIC Attack is.. the brain doesn't know what to do and it GETS CONFUSED !!

    Now I am not advocating for drugs but in this matter I feel that it is best handle with this type of medication HANDS DOWN. Whether or NOT i will be on them for LIFE or not.. is something I do not know but what I do know is as of right NOW.. I am able to live my life without the Fear of going to the ER thinking my time is up on this EARTH from a Heart attack !!

    P.S.- I would not discontinue a cycle for nothing.. well unless I medically COULD NOT continue.. meaning like my ARM fell off or something.. or I had a heart attack/stroke.. but thats just me.. if you feel you have to stop Your AAS cycle then by all means do it.. PCT off.. but ONLY YOU !!! Can make that judgment for yourself .. not me.. or really any of us for that matter !!
    Last edited by The Deuce; 06-27-2009 at 04:53 PM.

  31. #31
    brew 2008 is offline Banned
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    propananol is great for panic attacts ,its a beta blocker so it blocks the adreniline recepter meaning no adreniline =no panic for me anyway.

    i feel for you as i have been inthe same boat ,propananol on hand really help me out ,just 20mgs when i feel a funy turn works in 10 mins,maybe in my head the sence of safety from th propananol as my panic attacts cause my heart to beat fast this leads me too start thinkng am going the have a heart attact ,propananol stop the fast beating and makes me feel safe ,grea stuff.

    there is a forum called no more panic,gogle this

    no more panic propananol

    that wil take you right to the propananol page ,good info there.

    good luck and all the best.

  32. #32
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    wow, more people have panic attacks than I thought possible!

    ... including me. Went through a very bad breakup 4 yrs ago... been taking tranxene everyday since... I should wean off but I tried and the withdrawal was BAD!

  33. #33
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    i have the same issues well did for awhile . you will not die from an anxiety attack . you feel like you are but you wont. its all in your head mostly some stuff help bring it on. ive worked throgh mine and i dont take nothin no mre. man up! youll be fine hope everything works out like it has for me. good luck!

  34. #34
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    try going thru an episode without no drugs . trust me you wont die! try it it makes you stronger for the nextone if it even happens again! if you cant do it that time try it again the next youll pull out of it

  35. #35
    pip_squeek is offline Associate Member
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    ı have panıc attacls as well ı trıed all meds almost best one ı found effectıve was valıum and avanza. the rest are crap

  36. #36
    LLsoldier's Avatar
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    i think the thing that saved me was GOD.
    think about it and he will give you courage and happiness.

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