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  1. #1
    leopold35's Avatar
    leopold35 is offline New Member
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    New to the forum

    Hello everyone,

    For starters thank you to everyone for all of the information that is provided; I'm new to the forum and absolutely stunned by the wealth of knowledge that is out there.

    I've never used any AAS before but I'm gearing up to run my first cycle within the next month. Before I get into the very basic cycle that I'm looking to run here is a little about myself.

    I'm 35yrs. old
    Weight = 210
    B/F = 11% as measured at home.

    Training History:
    I started lifting when I was 15yrs. old. Skinny high school kid. I've been lifting on and off ever since. For the last 8 years or so I've been very consistent and dedicated to the iron.

    I've trained a multitude of ways; traditional bodybuilding type workouts utilizing pyramids, forced reps, HIT, and Dogg Crapp. Westside Methods, ME, DE, etc. Crossfit and Gym Jones type workouts, Kettlebells, etc. Dabbled in the Olympic lifts as well.

    Lately I've been using a lot of basic barbell exercises (Bench, Squat, Deads, Box Squats, Standing Press, etc.) I feel that I've got my training down pretty well but as always I'm a student and willing to learn.

    I've been following the Anabolic Diet by Di Pasquelle. I split my carb-up days to Thursdays and Sundays. I've tried a ton of diets through the years and I really like eating this way.

    I curently eat 3000 to 3600 calories a day with macros as follows:

    Non-Carb days are 60% fat and 40% protein. I eat all of the green leafy veggies that I can stomach on these days as well. Broccoli, Spinach, etc.
    Fat is a mix; olive oil, nuts, avocados, steaks, butter, cream, bacon.....I consume at least a gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.

    Carb Days are 60 to 70% carbs, 20% protein, 10% fat. Lots of oatmeal, sweet pots, etc. on these days.

    I've found that this daily caloric level is where I'm at to maintain. I do zero cardio except for HIT type workouts with the Kettlebells, sandbags, etc.

    I've never used any AAS in the past but feel that I am at a level and a maturity where it is time to utilize them.

    I would like to bring my bodyweight up to 220-225 at 6-8% bodyfat. The added strength that comes with AAS is a welcome addition as well.

    My current strength numbers are as follows:

    Bench Max = 325
    Squat = 365
    Dead = 405
    Standing Press = 180
    Weighted Pull-Ups = 85

    I'm looking to run a 12 week cycle of Test Enth at 500mgs per week. Injections on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Using Nolvadex as a PCT. From what I have seen and read this looks to be a good starter cycle

    I'm basically looking for any feedback that you guys might have. I'm especially wondering about caloric intake while on the cycle. I already eat extremely clean but I'm wondering if 3000 k/cal a day will be enough?

    Any tips or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    I realize that I'm an older guy but I've been at the weight game for a long time and I plan to be at it until I'm tits up; I love it!

  2. #2
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    sounds like you have really done your homework. looks good man! welcome! just try to get get 1.5 to 2 grams of protien per pound.

  3. #3
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Wow! Your a breath of fresh air. Someone that has read through the forums before posting. I just cant believe it!

    Bro! Glad to have you here!!!!!!!!!
    Sounds like your about set. May want to look at clomid to go along with your PCT.
    Great first cycle, and you will love the results: WARNING Its habit forming!

  4. #4
    Critical Mass's Avatar
    Critical Mass is offline Senior Member
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    To get the most out of the cycle you have to eat eat and eat. I dont think 3000 kcal is enough for a guy with your size. Start at 4000 and adjust from there. And its hard to gain weight and at the same time cut bodyfat. But it can be done for sure. Good luck and welcome to the forum!

  5. #5
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Oh, and I know you are already on top of this because you READ, but make sure you split that shot up to 250mg every 3.5 days!

    Man, what a great first post, Im gettin misty............ I cant help it

  6. #6
    MACKATTACK's Avatar
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  7. #7
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Oh, and I know you are already on top of this because you READ, but make sure you split that shot up to 250mg every 3.5 days!

    Man, what a great first post, Im gettin misty............ I cant help it
    i felt the same way but did not want to get all emo on him

  8. #8
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    i felt the same way but did not want to get all emo on him
    Yea, its my cycle, think my estrogen might be spikein..............I need a HUG!

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    sizerp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by leopold35 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    For starters thank you to everyone for all of the information that is provided; I'm new to the forum and absolutely stunned by the wealth of knowledge that is out there.

    I've never used any AAS before but I'm gearing up to run my first cycle within the next month. Before I get into the very basic cycle that I'm looking to run here is a little about myself.

    I'm 35yrs. old
    Weight = 210
    B/F = 11% as measured at home.

    Training History:
    I started lifting when I was 15yrs. old. Skinny high school kid. I've been lifting on and off ever since. For the last 8 years or so I've been very consistent and dedicated to the iron.

    I've trained a multitude of ways; traditional bodybuilding type workouts utilizing pyramids, forced reps, HIT, and Dogg Crapp. Westside Methods, ME, DE, etc. Crossfit and Gym Jones type workouts, Kettlebells, etc. Dabbled in the Olympic lifts as well.

    Lately I've been using a lot of basic barbell exercises (Bench, Squat, Deads, Box Squats, Standing Press, etc.) I feel that I've got my training down pretty well but as always I'm a student and willing to learn.

    I've been following the Anabolic Diet by Di Pasquelle. I split my carb-up days to Thursdays and Sundays. I've tried a ton of diets through the years and I really like eating this way.

    I curently eat 3000 to 3600 calories a day with macros as follows:

    Non-Carb days are 60% fat and 40% protein. I eat all of the green leafy veggies that I can stomach on these days as well. Broccoli, Spinach, etc.
    Fat is a mix; olive oil, nuts, avocados, steaks, butter, cream, bacon.....I consume at least a gram of protein per pound of lean body weight.

    Carb Days are 60 to 70% carbs, 20% protein, 10% fat. Lots of oatmeal, sweet pots, etc. on these days.

    I've found that this daily caloric level is where I'm at to maintain. I do zero cardio except for HIT type workouts with the Kettlebells, sandbags, etc.

    I've never used any AAS in the past but feel that I am at a level and a maturity where it is time to utilize them.

    I would like to bring my bodyweight up to 220-225 at 6-8% bodyfat. The added strength that comes with AAS is a welcome addition as well.

    My current strength numbers are as follows:

    Bench Max = 325
    Squat = 365
    Dead = 405
    Standing Press = 180
    Weighted Pull-Ups = 85

    I'm looking to run a 12 week cycle of Test Enth at 500mgs per week. Injections on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Using Nolvadex as a PCT. From what I have seen and read this looks to be a good starter cycle

    I'm basically looking for any feedback that you guys might have. I'm especially wondering about caloric intake while on the cycle. I already eat extremely clean but I'm wondering if 3000 k/cal a day will be enough?

    Any tips or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    I realize that I'm an older guy but I've been at the weight game for a long time and I plan to be at it until I'm tits up; I love it!
    Heya - welcome.

    I can tell you right now that during a bulking cycle you'll want at least 3800-4000 calories a day. Try a 34%-44%-22% carb/pro/lipid ratio. Head on over to the diet section and post your current macros and goals!

  11. #11
    leopold35's Avatar
    leopold35 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all of the feedback! It's appreciated. I was thinking that I was going to have to increase calories but just wanted some other input.

    The thought of being able to gain clean muscle and drop fat simultaneously is kick ass!

    I'll continue to read and research and will definitely check out the diet section.

  12. #12
    Papa Smurf's Avatar
    Papa Smurf is offline Senior Member
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    Hey Bro, It is really great to have such an informed member new to the boards.

    Hope you didnt mind my (not so tech input to your thread)

    Good luck, and post up some pics so we can see your massive gains. Nothing like a before and after pic!

  13. #13
    leopold35's Avatar
    leopold35 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Papa Smurf View Post
    Hey Bro, It is really great to have such an informed member new to the boards.

    Hope you didnt mind my (not so tech input to your thread)

    Good luck, and post up some pics so we can see your massive gains. Nothing like a before and after pic!

    No worries Bro, I'm looking forward to getting this new chapter started. I'll definitely be taking some before and after pics! Looking forward to seeing some changes.

    The one thing that I've learned through the years though is that the biggest part of fitness (weights, or whatever you do) is diet. From what I understand steroids don't change that fact.

  14. #14
    Canadream's Avatar
    Canadream is offline Associate Member
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