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Thread: Help

  1. #1


    Shit the more i read on here the more i think i have messed up.
    I have been training for many years now i know the game,i have competed in powerlifting plus O lifting.
    I am 34 and i work in the construction game.
    I am traing 4 times a week at the minute followed by a 30min sauna.
    Fri /BACK/BI
    I have been tempted to give gear a go for awhile now but never got round to it.
    Anyway a couple of weeks ago i bought 50 naps i was told to take 1 a day, i am only taking half,they are green in colour.
    I then bought some deca and i have had a shot a week last Wed was my third,i also mixed it with a shot of sus 250 due to the info on deca from this web site.
    I was planning on taking the naps and getting 3 more deca and sus.
    I dont want to put on water the guy at the gym said dont worry about that now but he has something for that.
    So guys can you sort my cycle out as i dont think its a good 1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    First off if you been working out with that routine for years then IMO you have plenty of room for growth naturally.

    There is no such thing as a "light squat day." If you are in the gym to get big and strong then you have to lift heavy @$$ weight, i dont care how to slice it.

  3. #3
    Routine is working just fine might drop light squats,fancy a boost want to see where this vit s can take me.
    Like i said i dont know alot and i suppose that could stop you from having a good cycle or a bad cycle.
    I train hard and eat well so i am half way there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by IRISHRHINO View Post
    Routine is working just fine might drop light squats,fancy a boost want to see where this vit s can take me.
    Like i said i dont know alot and i suppose that could stop you from having a good cycle or a bad cycle.
    I train hard and eat well so i am half way there.
    Was that a serious statement ?

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    cycle(write it out)

  7. #7
    5"7/13 STONE The rest i dont know.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    good luck with that one Phate.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by IRISHRHINO View Post
    5"7/13 STONE The rest i dont know.
    That including PCT?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    The Sun's Core
    Quote Originally Posted by IRISHRHINO View Post
    5"7/13 STONE The rest i dont know.
    Are you serious?!

    Bro, how can you even THINK of starting a cycle without knowing what kind of substances your injecting into your body?!

    Really bad move on your part.

    I'd suggest you fo and FIND OUT what your on(man this sounds so wrong).

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro, I would seriously just stop. You can collect up all the Gear you are on and just give it to me, while your at it just go a head and flush your cash in the toilet after you wipe with it cuz thats what your doing. Not to mention the fact that you are poking a "supposed" highly volatile substance in your body that without proper education. This stuff can JACK you up. I mean if you just started poking then I ask you this.... Are you injecting right? Do you have the right size tools? Are you sure this stuff is legit? For a first time, do you realize that you jumped right into the Big boy stuff? High sides for Sus and Decca. Dude, seriously I know nothing, compared to most of these guys. I know this though, you should seriously stop, read, learn, understand and then make an Educated decision. Maybe you dont even need gears to get you where you want. Think about it man. This could screw you up for a while.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    OK i'll try to help to an extent.... but you REALLY REALLY need to research man.....

    you need to run a PCT (post cycle therapy) - it helps restore your natural testosterone levels because when you run aas - your natural test production shuts down. Start your research there since you've already started a cycle.....

    You need to plan your cycle better...... infact..... you need to understand the substances your taking. I suggest buying your PCT chems and getting off your cycle. Do some research...... and when you know EXACTLY what you are doing..... then go for it. Research deca..... research sust 250 (blend of testosterone esthers)....... research what an esther is....... theres a lot of information you need still.

    good luck man!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Yeah sorry to sound so fanatical about it but just watching out for you.
    Thanks Haz, you put it a little more savy and to the point.

  14. #14
    Point taken.
    I was only taking what the owner of the gym told me to take,he was also injecting for me.
    But yeah going to call it a do and get my facts sorted.
    Will i need clomid after 3 shots of deca and 1 sus and maybe 20 naps.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IRISHRHINO View Post
    Point taken.
    I was only taking what the owner of the gym told me to take,he was also injecting for me.
    But yeah going to call it a do and get my facts sorted.
    Will i need clomid after 3 shots of deca and 1 sus and maybe 20 naps.
    YES...... one injection of deca can shut you down.....

    I'd run clomid and nolvadex...... (pct)


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