After reading a little about it seems pretty intrigiung, how come you dont see more people cycling this?
Those who have used it id like to hear about experience with it if you want to share.
After reading a little about it seems pretty intrigiung, how come you dont see more people cycling this?
Those who have used it id like to hear about experience with it if you want to share.
use the search button nandrolone phenylpropionate im sure youll find plenty of peoples results.
Deca! is the hormone nandrolone (as in Deca-Durabolin ) with the decanoate ester attached.
what i was saying is people say test is test is test, dont matter the ester their gonna affect you the same. So just as much i can assume that much about nandrolone. Im well aware of esters and the effects they have.
OK im reading and something i just read that NPP could even be used for cutting because theres not the water retention like with Deca. Seems like people would run that more and most people dont like looking like blowfish if they dont have to yeah? lol im kidding of course i know some water has its perks like for joints and adds to strength etc....but just surprised i dont see more people running it is all.
there are plenty of people running it, its newer to the open market than deca but thats about it. Ive read the same, less retention..... alot of people just go with tried and true compounds aka test e and deca... or test deca dbol... just what ppl do. NPP from what ive read is definitely a good coupound ... and id run it if i had the extra change ...
aiight guys thanx, there was my newb question for the day lol after thinking a little more and reading more i prolly could have figured it out my own but you guys speed it up for me![]()
btw i tried finding people running it with search and didnt really come up with much, no worries though i found out pretty much what i was wondering.
Thanx again for links and info!
I use it as my primary. I like it because I do not blow up with water weight. Although I do gain some it is usually only around 10lbs. And it goes away in a few weeks after cessation. It works well in adding mass but keep in mind it has the same side effect as deca they just go away faster after discontinue. I run it EOD. Usually with prop and var.
deca is the long ester nadrolone,, npp is the short ester nadrolone
same exact compound just diffrent ester release times
yea I know people that use deca but won't use NPP just because deca has been around and available longer.I have yet to use NPP but deca makes my peepee not work so I might stay away from it and I definately wont use deca again.i had the worst case of DD I would think on the planet!
I've used NPP twice (the current cycle is my second time) .... I personally love the compound... all the goodness of deca with none of the hassle .... doesn't take forever to kick in like deca and doesn't take that long to clear the system either... last time I cycled deca it shut me down for almost a year despite 2 PCTs; with NPP my systems were back full throttle after PCT
u wont hear as much NPP stories as u like because NPP is a nandrolone variable that rather few UGLs produce since deca is the main product. My own stash will finish as of this cycle and still havent managed to find any more...
but if u can get ur hands on some... it's the $h!t
I FVCKING LOVE NPP !! But then again I am all about SHORT ESTERS !!!
I will rarely run a long estered compound cycle again.. WHY would anyone really when you break it down.. unless you are terrified of needles... and if thats the case honestly maybe AAS aren't for you !!
If you run Short Estered compounds.. MG for MG you get more of the active compound into your body.. I think like if you use Test Enan out of 100mgs supposedly injected your body only utilizes like 86 mgs out of it and if you use Test prop it's like 91mgs that your body will be able to use... (I AM NOT ACCURATE ON THOSE NUMBERS !! JUST KINDA MAKING A COMPARISON IF ANYONE OUT THERE WANTS TO GIVE THE REAL ACTUAL NUMBERS OF WHAT THEY ARE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO I AM JUST USING THESE NUMBERS AS A REFERENCE POINT TO MAKE MY POINT)
Now obviously the same would apply to the esters of the compound Nandrolone ... You will utilize more NANDROLONE from the Phenylpropionate ester than you would the Deca ester... PLUS !!! They short acting esters have more of the generalization of creating LESS WATER RETENTION which as we all KNOW is sometimes a good thing (USUALLY) some people are ODD and like the bloat associated with AAS use.. I on one hand don't... but I am sick twisted freak and LOVE INJECTING EVERY DAY as opposed to EVERY 3.5 days....
Back to the NPP conversation though... I will probably use NPP stacked in every single one of my cycles for the rest of my AAS using life when I AM NOT USING TRENBOLONE ACETATE in my cycle... (YA DON'T RUN 2 19-nor's at the same time) that just goes to show ya how great of a compound it actually is. It's GREAT at adding Mass... IT'S great at "Lubing" YOUR JOINTS... IT'S GOT ALL THE BENEFITS of DECA (I haven't quite figured out why everyone refers to DECA as DECA when in all actuality it's not DECA thats the ester... the compound is NANDROLONE... but for some reason whenever you say DECA everyone knows you are referring to Nandrolone Decaonate ... I mean ... Testosterone comes in DECAONATE form.. in fact my ENDO wanted to prescribed me to it... and have me inject it once every 3 weeks.. which didn't make sense... I dont think my ENDO knows what he is doing.. He currently has me using CYPIONATE with Bi-Weekly injections of 400mgs... or at least thats how the script reads... 2ml's Every Two weeks.. the AAS user in me knows to inject 1/2ml every 3.5 days but.. yah... ok enough about me...
NPP IS A HELL OF A COMPOUND.. if you know what you are doing referring to knowing your stuff on AAS cycling and stuff then yah I would add it to one of your cycles to see how you like it....![]()
I have to strongly agree with Insane and Deuce. In fact I too use NPP with every cycle and sometimes inject everyday just because I love it. Oh yeah and my tennis elbow has gone away. This stuff should be tried!!!
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