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  1. #1
    mr 679 is offline New Member
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    Last edited by mr 679; 06-14-2015 at 12:03 PM.

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Wow... where to start....

    Based on what I just read, and correct me if I am wrong, but, you have not been training, your only 18, and you mentioned nothing about your diet (THE MOST IMPORTANT THING).

    IMO, you are nowhere near ready to use any gear. Lets get focused on what you can get accomplished naturally first. Check out our diet section, post up what your diet consists of, in detail, and let our members critique it. Steroids are not for the casual person who just wants a quick fix.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  3. #3
    mr 679 is offline New Member
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    i am a complete amateur i just wanted to know whether taking steroids will change your whole personality. i dont know the ins and outs of the drug and i dont have a diet...

  4. #4
    Parke5 is offline Junior Member
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    Don't do them until you have reached your max natural strength.

  5. #5
    james21's Avatar
    james21 is offline Anabolic Member
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    hah.... bro, you need to think a bit first. Steroids arent gonna just make you big, you need to start eating and training. You look like a girl cause you have shitty genetics ... sucks for you but you take what life gives you. I was blessed with wide shoulders deep voice but im stuck at 5' 8" so im a short little guy, and i cant grow facial hair... ive done test dbol winny tbol ... etc etc this isnt gonna solve your problems. You need to first be comfortable with yourself... sounds like you have a fast metabolism... or just eat like shit(which most college students do) I dont have a fast metabolism... and trust me it sucks i have to do alot more work to look better than some of my friends. Eat and train... if your not happy in 6months of good commitment then reconsider, otherwise there is no reason to go ****ing with your hormones... they're no joke and will bite you in the ass.

  6. #6
    ExtremeDude's Avatar
    ExtremeDude is offline New Member
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    Firstly you'll have to inject testosterone , then even if you inject testosterone it won't help you with any of your problems but it will make your problems BIGGER.

    Steroids aren't some miracle drug to solve your problems!!!!

    Go to the DIET section and ask about advise to bulk up with food.
    And you might wanna fix what's going on in your head.

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr 679 View Post
    Basically, i'm 18 years old and i'm quite skinny, kids teased me a lot at college and i never really stand up for myself. I also feel kinda girly like i didnt notice but i talk dumb, also im a late bloomer so i really really wanna speed up puberty. You guys know what its like when everyone else is hairy and looks their age and you dont. I always get asked for I.D and i dont think ive met a person who has told me i look my age. So basically, these are all the reasons i want added testosterone , i will of course go to the gym to boost my muscles and my confidence. So thats pretty much it what do you guys think? cheers

    fyi i tried a natural testo booster which was useless, the stuff that makes me change my mind is: damaged growth plates, acne, i dont wanna take injections rather oral use, going to prison as its illegal in england, and where to buy it from as i dont no any1 who takes it!
    Steroids will speed up puberty all right, they will fuse your growth plates so any more height or width you would potentially get will be lost.

    Honestly, you need to listen to the responses you will get. You will grow a LOT with proper diet, as much and more than kids taking steroids who dont know how to eat prperly. It's a LOT easier and CHEAPER to just eat right and get in to the gym.

    Start reading here. learn to eat a LOT, 6+ x a day and eating the right food. Lear proper form for working out and GROW

  8. #8
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Steroids at your age would be the WORST mistake of your life!!

    First , you will be shutting down your natural hormone production...not smart when you are at the highest levels right now

    second, how tall are you? You WILL prematurely fuse your growth plates. They do NOT naturally fuse until your MID 20's

    Steroids are NOT MAGIC PILLS....they do not just give you muscles

    The biggest thing you can do to change your life and personality is

    A. EAT !!! FOOD is the greatest anabolic you have at your disposal

    B. Workout !! Lift heavy weights...that alone will start to give you confidence

    PLEASE stay away from steroids until you are at least 25.... FOOD IS YOUR BEST FRIEND RIGHT NOW !!!

  9. #9
    mr 679 is offline New Member
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    ok thanks guys im gonna take y'all word for it as i'm sure you've been there done that before and i'm sure i will regret it in later life.

  10. #10
    xo3et's Avatar
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    Dude i know EXACTLY how your feeling.

    Go to your local boxing gym, keep quite and get yourself in the corner on the punch bag. Stay dedicated to the sport and your entire aspect on life will change.

    Boxing is probably the toughest mentally and physically but you wont be worrying about these problems after you focus on this sport

    just my 2cents dude take it for what its worth. I see lots of lads come and go in this sport and the ones who stuck it out were the ones you always least expected. Turned them from kids into solid men.

    Good luck.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr 679 View Post
    ok thanks guys im gonna take y'all word for it as i'm sure you've been there done that before and i'm sure i will regret it in later life.
    Some of us have been there, done that and regret it. Some of us (me luckily) have watched friends who did that and are in poor health now or dead. Yes really, I have known guys who died.

    Dont bail on this site or you will loose focus. Stay here and learn because before you know it you will be ready for a cycle and you will be equipped with the proper knowledge.

    There are a lot of guys here who do NOT do steroids and are here for the diet and exercise information.

    You need this site to learn how to get big still. It will help you a LOT. stay, read, learn and ask questions just forget about the cycle for now.

  12. #12
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Go to the workout and diet sections and do some reading. You came to the right place, you are just too young for gear. But there is no reason why you can not educate yourself and start growing now.

  13. #13
    Hephens's Avatar
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    Even if you take steroids your not going to get anywhere without diet. i no a few friends who have done a cycle of test and have not grown because they don't eat and they get the fckn shits with me, cause i am soo jacked and they must think eating isn't important and i get sick of telling them to just EAT EAT EAT. I got to a stage when i started BB, use to just eat even if i didnt feel like it i felt sick yes put on alot of wieght yes and fat but i gained wieght and got big, KEY ANSWER. My anorexic friend kept asking me how to put on weight and i told him to start of at maccas before bed

  14. #14
    skinnykenney's Avatar
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    staythe hell away from them at your age and hit up the diet section and work your ass off in the gym.
    at 18 your body still has some filling out to do naturally.
    my shoulders still filled out after 18 years old and my brother grew untill he was about 20-21.
    wait until at least 23.I know this is'nt what you want to hear but take the advice harder and eat better AAS is not a miracle worker you have to work harder than ever before when you are on them. if you are not willing to do this without AAS then you won't do it with would just be a waste!
    Last edited by skinnykenney; 06-15-2009 at 02:41 PM.

  15. #15
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr 679 View Post
    ok thanks guys im gonna take y'all word for it as i'm sure you've been there done that before and i'm sure i will regret it in later life.
    I started messing around with steroids /pro-hormones at around 19 years old because I wanted to reach that "next level", I wanted the body of a 30 year old at 19 years old.

    Guess what happend? I got huge amount of acne on my back, suffer from erectile dysfunction, my parents won't even talk to me after they found out, and I am pretty sure even 2 years later I am still addicted to this stuff and will probably be on HRT by 25. Everyone tells me how big I am and I still only see the small kid in the mirror.

    So, if that is the route you wanna take so be it, but there is not a day that goes by where I wonder how the hell I ended up in this mess.

  16. #16
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I started messing around with steroids /pro-hormones at around 19 years old because I wanted to reach that "next level", I wanted the body of a 30 year old at 19 years old.

    Guess what happend? I got huge amount of acne on my back, suffer from erectile dysfunction, my parents won't even talk to me after they found out, and I am pretty sure even 2 years later I am still addicted to this stuff and will probably be on HRT by 25. Everyone tells me how big I am and I still only see the small kid in the mirror.

    So, if that is the route you wanna take so be it, but there is not a day that goes by where I wonder how the hell I ended up in this mess.
    I hope this sinks in for him. Great post Immortal.

  17. #17
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    If there is anyone on this site that should not be using steroids ... IT IS YOU you dont take steroids to get chest hair!! try eating and working out for 3-5 years then come back and talk to us!!

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    stay as far away from roids as u can go to a grocery store and get chicken and rice and eggs and some protien powder and those will be ur steroids u need to eat go to the diet section also start lifting

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