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  1. #1
    EJAY is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002

    Question Flying with gear????

    I am flying for the holidays. Plans are to be gone for three weeks. I have to take my gear with me. Suggestions anyone?

    I will tell you that I had thought about taking the lables off, putting it in my check in and claiming it was Cortisone or Insulin if asked. I'm not taking needles though.

  2. #2
    dansteelman is offline Member
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    London Baby!
    Its risky no matter what, Just throw it in your baggage thats going under the plane, MUCH SAFER IMO

  3. #3
    JuiceAddict is offline Associate Member
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    Stay home, or leave your gear home. This is the wrong time and country to be pulling ANY funny shit while boarding a plane.

  4. #4
    gettingbigger816's Avatar
    gettingbigger816 is offline Junior Member
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    I have heard of people washing out those little shampoo bottles and putting the juice in there. That seems to be the best way to avoid metal detectors.

  5. #5
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Are you going foreign or domestic? If its domestic, just mail the gear to yourself. You can send it to be held at the post office if you don't have a valid address where you are going.

  6. #6
    m16a2 is offline Senior Member
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    When I fly, I just toss it in the hygeine bag. Usually, they will never ask to search it, although last time on my return flight they searched my bag. Believe it or not, they aren't looking for steroids . Don't bring pins, but for your vials, they will most likely not cause any problems. Just tell them its your pet's if they ask. It would be obsurd for them to get police involved over a vial or two of gear. Think about it, they are trained to find weapons or bombs. If you are trafficing, that is a totally different issue, however.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Or use your fancy printer and make new labels for your vials... Make 'em look like Insulin or something common. Then throw in your checked luggage.

    If the scammers can do it...


  8. #8
    alevok Guest
    you can put them in a eye solution bottle, one of the most sterile thing you can get. Last week I went abroad with couple primo and needles, just put them in my luggage, nothing happened.

  9. #9
    EJAY is offline New Member
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    Jan 2002
    Cool. Thanks to all who responded!

  10. #10
    VeryNiceGuy is offline New Member
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    Dec 2002
    woah! good ideas

  11. #11
    calirj0's Avatar
    calirj0 is offline Junior Member
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    if your flying domestic, the best thing to do is take all thats legal with you on the plane, and mail yourself the rest. I flew home for the holidays, took only the syringes in my luggage, since they are legal to posess as long as you check them. I suppose you could follow everyone elses suggestions for taking juice, but whatever you do, dont take BOTH juice and syringes - The syringes cannot be hidden and make them take a closer look at your "insulin " or whatever. But in reality, i wouldnt worry about shipping domestic, especially if your only shipping a few vials. Just razor-cut the middle out of a hard cover book, wrap your shit in carbon paper, and put it in the middle of the book. close to zero percent chance of getting caught, and no chance of x-ray detection, if they really do that to domestic packages.

  12. #12
    Ta TownBacker is offline Junior Member
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    Your Fine, I have done this plenty of times, juts put it in your bag, you'll be fine. These guys don't know and don't care about steroids . I think it's funny when you guys get so scared about stuff like this. There is no reason to worry. I keep everything in the regular bottles and boxes and just bring them with me. I even had my luggage secondary searched and they saw everything and just passed them over, no question asked.

    Ta TownBacker

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