I have 2 viles of TEST Prop.
40ML which id be doing 400mg each week (100mg EOD)

I have 150pills of 10mg ANAVAR which ill be taking 50mg/Day

I have an extra 150 pills of anavar just laying around just in case for a later cycle.

My PCT is Nolva

I would love to have your opinions on the best way to set this cycle up. I have 300 pills of anavar & 40 shots of TEST P. I want to gain size but shred up which i know consists alot on dieting. If you can recommend a better use for this cycle or another PCT that would be helpful.

im 6'1, 185lbs, 14% BF. My calorie and protein intake i will ajust before i hit anything. This is my 3rd cycle but i want to have more advice. I was 205lbs last summer and looking the best i ever had but i became very ill and was in and out of the hospital and lost my weight and size. Ive been off for over a year now and think its time.