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  1. #1
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Arrow First Injectable Cycle... Sus250

    Was originally going to run a 14 week cycle of Test E but been having problems with various dealers and just found out I can only get Sus250 for a decent price.

    So now my first cycle is looking like this.....

    Week 1 - 3
    M-Drol: Dosed at 20/30/30mg
    6 days on / 1 day off

    Week 1 - 15
    Sustanon 250: Dosed at 500mg per week
    Inject EOD (NOT really looking forward to that)

    (2 weeks after final injection)
    Post Cycle Therapy :
    Clomid: 100/100/50/50/50
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    Any input would be appreciated........

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I would start pct 21 days after sust and would not run the clomid 5 weeks, 100/50/50/50 would be plenty, nolva as listed.

  3. #3
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Why 21 days? I thought the long ester is active for 14 days...

    For the Clomid, on my other forum they recommended 5 weeks since its kinda a long cycle so supposedly it would take longer to stimulate the LH/FSH. Are you saying only 4 weeks due to the side effects or just 4 weeks is enough????

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    because the long ester is active longer than 14 days. Decanoate is the longest ester in sust.

  5. #5
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Good to know

  6. #6
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Ohhh another thing.....

    Im thinking of throwing in some A-dex for bloating control. Never taken any test before so im not sure how much water ill hold. Ive read some people take .25mg to .5mg EOD, and even 1mg EOD(which I believe is an overkill).

    Which would you suggest?
    Im personally leaning toward the .25mg EOD since my supply would last longer and .5mg IMO is still a bit high.

  7. #7
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    I'd go .25 EOD and see how that treats ya.. BUT !!! Only if you have sides that are associated with bloating... at that dose I think you should do fine without it but if you need it NO MORE than .25 EOD... IMHO !!

    Good luck and it looks as though you did some research... good to see...

    Plus good call on the PH mdrol.. I prefer that 10fold over DBOL ... just because I hate DBOL (Personal preference)

  8. #8
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cut&Bulk View Post
    Sustanon is known for least amount of water retention. I did 5 weeks of sustanon and i highly doubt if i retained any water.
    You got that backwards bub !!! Sust has the highest water retention out of ANY Test IMO... PLUS !! 5 weeks.. HA !! That wasn''t even CLOSE to long enough for you to even begin to get into the midst of anything !!

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cut&Bulk View Post
    I did 5 weeks of sustanon but it doesnt mean my whole cycle was 5 weeks. I ran out of sustanon so i had to use a different test. As far as feeling something in weeks, i went from 152 to 168 in just 5 weeks. I dont think i retained water and i even read it here on the forums. I will try to find the post and let you see for your self.
    how tall are you?

  10. #10
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    Plus running the sust and injecting 1X a week is really not the best way to run it. Sust has prop in it and by shooting 1X a week, you are throwing all the short ethers right in the garbage! and you are also causing your levels to jump around quite a bit

  11. #11
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I'd go .25 EOD and see how that treats ya.. BUT !!! Only if you have sides that are associated with bloating... at that dose I think you should do fine without it but if you need it NO MORE than .25 EOD... IMHO !!

    Good luck and it looks as though you did some research... good to see...

    Plus good call on the PH mdrol.. I prefer that 10fold over DBOL ... just because I hate DBOL (Personal preference)

    Ya been reasearching for some time now, you can find everything you need on this site through the search button. Just some info I found was conflicting with each other so I had to post to try and clear it up.

    And Id rather take Mdrol any day over dbol. Same lean mass and strength gains without the crazy bloat. Ive taken Mdrol before so I know what it does and how I react.

  12. #12
    Navy-boi-kai is offline Associate Member
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    you will be happy you going to inject eod best results. Sust is awesome. Im on mdrol too.. i cann tell u i like it alot. it awesome.

  13. #13
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Ok so a little tweaking to my plan.......

    Week 1 - 3
    M-Drol: Dosed at 20/30/30mg
    6 days on / 1 day off

    Week 1 - 15
    Sustanon 250: Dosed at 500mg per week
    Inject EOD

    (3 weeks after final injection)
    Post Cycle Therapy:
    Clomid: 100/100/50/50/
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    During cycle:
    A-dex: .25mg EOD for rest of cycle when I start to see signs of retaining water

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