Ok, I have received alot of gear from Edited and warned
It consists of:
40cc Test E
20cc Tren E
40cc EQ
30cc Mast E
300 10mg Dbol (heard great reviews about Edited dbol; it actually being little overdosed; we shall see)
I was planning on running something like this but I propably will still change it around.
1-20 wk Test E (500mg)
1-10 wk Tren E (400mg)
10-23 wk EQ (600mg)
10-20 wk Mast E (600mg)
1-8 50mg Dbol or 10-18 50mg dbol (I would only consider 2nd option because I would like to have that extra boost)
PCT: Nolva, Clomid, Letro
I have seen people run dbol for 8 weeks without any problems. But I also hear alot of mixed ideas.
P.S. I have been dieting for few months now and doing 45 min. cardio almost everyday.