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Thread: Bad shot? Please Advise

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
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    Bad shot? Please Advise

    Hey guys... I did an eq shot to the left tricep outer head on sunday... 7/10ths cc ive done this shot many times with this same product.... Sunday was fine.. tuesday starts to hurt.. wed a little worse... today pain is same maybe a little less... but my tricep is very red, like a big square red blotch.. and itchy.... should i go to the doc ASAP?? im never seen this reaction before and a little freaked

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I always say if you have to ask just go to the dr.

    Guy on here the other day had a similer situation and tried to treat himself. Finally went to the dr and did in fact have an infestion that had to be treated.

    Be smart and get looked at

  3. #3
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    i think i will have to go working work tomm, or should i go sooner... red blotch on the back of tricep and itchy.. sorry if im freakin a bit it doesnt look bad yet but in my few cycles ive never had a reaction

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fayetteville, AR
    Id just go to the local ER and tell them you wanna get it checked. I work at 2 seperate ER's and I can vouch that none of the docs really care what you injected or why, no police are called, we see people daily with meth problems, etc etc, drunk or OD and nothing is really said.

    Tell them exactly what you did when the doc comes in, just say "ya i took a steroid shot myself, I think its getting worse' they wont give 2 shits. Lying is just dumb bc they will know its not "whatever story you make up" and will also see that some of your blood tests are off mainly a Free or Total T4 which they can get a test count from.

    Anyhow, my 2c

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    For piece of mind I would . If you have done repeatedly . You know best . Why deciding grab a thermometer , check body temp . Also you can go to drug store for baby strips thermometer . Put that on red area and check temp . Good luck

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Id do your work .

    I think the other guys was the same and then got worse and he went on and got the correct meds.

    Think of it like this .. Its cheaper to spend 100 on a visit and meds than it is if it turns out to abcess and you need to have the abcess cut out. (worst case )

    Im not tring to freak you out just keeping it real

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dontwannabold View Post
    For piece of mind I would . If you have done repeatedly . You know best . Why deciding grab a thermometer , check body temp . Also you can go to drug store for baby strips thermometer . Put that on red area and check temp . Good luck
    Good advice hear. ER is high as hell. Id just go to the family dr if that is an option.

    The guy the other days temp went up to like 101 and hee was flu like symptoms

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I hate this.Go to the ER whenever in question.Infections and abscesses can get bad real fast.Not worth it bro.And wouldn't you feel better knowing????I sure in hell would!!!

  9. #9
    I love this site

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

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