06-26-2009, 01:22 PM #1
Better Cutting Cycle Test/EQ or Test/Tren?
In comparison, which cycle would be best for cutting and/or building dry lean mass?
Cycle 1:
Test E (400mg wkly)
EQ (600mg wkly)
Winny (60mg ED for last 40 days)
Cycle 2:
Test E (400mg wkly)
Tren E (300mg wkly)
Winny (60mg ED for last 40 days)
Proviron and Aromasin will be used throughout both cycles.
Granted, both will be ran with on a cutting diet, but as far as compounds are concerned, which would be superior with gains/sides in mind.
BTW, I'm 26 years old, 5,11", 185lbs, 7% BF and very experienced with diet/training.
06-26-2009, 01:29 PM #2
Test E with Tren E hands down is better for melting fat and gaining strength and mass as long as your diet and training are in check.
06-26-2009, 01:38 PM #3
from what i hear there is no comparison
06-26-2009, 01:48 PM #4
06-26-2009, 01:49 PM #5
06-26-2009, 02:47 PM #6
lol trying to compare one of the strongest aas to one of the weakest, is this a joke? No offense if it's not, I would just think theres no comparing those two, even if you tripled the amount of eq lol.
06-26-2009, 02:53 PM #7
Dude Tren Is No Joke Bulking or Cutting! Can not Explain How Insane that shit is! When it kicks in it is like nothing else! can almost see changes in physique daily!! I would hands down- Bar None go with the tren If you can deal with the sides! It will also be an exciting feeling it . I remember when I ran it and I almost cant wait to hit it hard again!
06-26-2009, 03:10 PM #9New Member
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I have run the first(similar) cycle with great results about three years ago. I used test Prop though.
Im running the second cycle you've listed right now except im using TestP, and TrenA. I wish i picked up some of the longer estered compounds now not only because they're cheeper(TrenE anyway) but because prop is painfull and each have to be shot daily, however, I was thinking in terms of less water retention. And I figured that if the tren sides were bad they would go away quicker if i stopped. Im only in my second week though so I can only say that so far the results are similar from what i can remember, however i do anticipate more muscle growth with the tren over the EQ for sure.
I like EQ it has a nice lean gain effect for me but raises my bp, considerably more than anything else, so i stay away from it, thats just me though. If you want to spend the big bucks you can switch in anavar over the winny, that will help you lean out more but it is one of the most expensive i've seen, winny is way cheep, oral anyway.
06-26-2009, 07:24 PM #10
If you have never done TREN bro 1) be prepared for the greatest experience of your life !! 2)be ready for the worst experience of your life on TREN E if you can't handle the sides..
If for some reason the sides are too much.. Ace takes like 3 days or so before it filters out and Tren E.. frig.. a couple of weeks at least !! Thats a long time to wait for something unpleasant to stop occurring...
06-26-2009, 07:28 PM #11
06-26-2009, 07:45 PM #12
Right now I'm running test/tren E and LOVING IT! Don't waste your time and money on EQ.
06-26-2009, 08:44 PM #13
Seems to me that many guys on this board dislike EQ.
I myself can't comment on either, but it's just something that I noticed.
06-26-2009, 09:39 PM #14
tren for sure just get use to not not sleeping much.
06-26-2009, 09:50 PM #15
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06-26-2009, 09:52 PM #16
06-26-2009, 10:04 PM #17Banned
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^^^^^ My thoughts exactly Phate. 7% and cutting?
06-27-2009, 08:50 AM #18
Here's what I'm thinking for Cycle#1:
Toremifene @ 90,60,60,30mg (30 Days)
Clomid @ 50mg (10 Days)
Aromasin @ 25mg (20 Days)
Clomid @ 50mg (20-30 Days)
Aromasin @ 25mg (20 Days)
As well as Primapexole on cycle and throughout PCT
The problem is that I have both cycles on hand, but the census is to simply skip running the Test/EQ cycle as it's far too weak.
I'm finishing my second week on my first Test E/Masteron E/Var cycle and was looking to step things up from here next time.
Thanks to all for chimming in thus far.
My goals are to enhance definition with moderate size. I'm not looking to add 20lbs of bloated weight during any cycle as 10-15lbs of "Clean" weight is great for me with the lean base I already have.Last edited by Lean1038; 06-27-2009 at 08:53 AM.
06-27-2009, 08:54 AM #19
06-27-2009, 05:47 PM #20
Do you feel 300mg weekly is sufficient for a first Tren E run?
06-27-2009, 05:52 PM #21
Have you used any type of Tren before??
what is your previous cycle experience. I would NOT use any tren until you have about 5-6 cycles under your belt with good control of sides and PCT recovery
06-29-2009, 08:02 AM #22
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