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Why does Everyone make their 1st cycle So difficult??
Months and Months have gone by and I am still amazed!! You longer vets probably more so than me!
"Run Test 400-500mg Ew X 2 Injections for your 1st Cycle"
I believe everyone of has wrote this 50+ times and for some reason it is just not good enough for anyone! Makes me want to laugh and cry at same time! These people are Roid Virgins and have no Idea how powerful 12 weeks or 500mg Ew Test is and they are still interested in adding things to it
Some want to add D-bol
Others want to add Deca
Some want to add D-bol and Deca and Prop and Mast And....Oye Vey!!
Another good laugh is this one... "What is PCT? IS it any good? will it help my gains? how long should I run that for?"
Some just must have a tone of extra cash and find a supplier a nd say..." Uh give me 2 of these 4 of those a package of that.. Not sure what this is but I like the way it is packaged so give me 3 of those" Then after it comes they are like. UUhh? What do I do Know!!
I just get amazes day after day to the amount of posts for this same very thing which some of our Mods and Vets have very nicely put down in stickies!
People Like Big must have the same verses saved on their PC somewhere they have to write it so often!!
06-26-2009, 03:35 PM #2
so it was wrong for me to advise stacking cheque drops and tren with eq and test with anadrol and T3 for a first cycle?
Not if it was thier 1st cycle this Year!! If it was their first ever then Ah YEH! Did you aslso tell him that PCT is an old "Wives Tale'
06-26-2009, 06:28 PM #4
I think people keep asking the same question so they can get some confirmation that everything is in check, but i'll tell you what, it sure seems to me that not enough people read or care about PCT. Not that Im an expert or anything but me personally I find that its so much more important then any cycle. Even people at my gym use gear and know nothing about pct. Don't they care you could grow female breasts, get high blood pressure, cholesterol, lose your gains, waste money, and put drugs into your body for nothing etc etc. That's what really bothers me. Its after the steroids that you have to think most about.
Last edited by kojak_x; 06-26-2009 at 06:31 PM.
06-26-2009, 06:38 PM #5
Because we are just, like he said, wanting to confirm that its all in check :/ , part of being new maybe ?
Anyway, have to agree on people not needing to stack, I can understand some people actually have a very specific thing they are shooting for result wise and stacking with another xxx substance, but then again if they are that informed and going specific then they most likely aren't on their first cycle.
5wks into 1st cycle here, doing Test E 450 week and loving it, there would be no need to stack it as its already kicking in with visual results. Im sure its hard to manage when your brand new so ya, K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid) and just learn how to handle 1 substance at 1 dose well with good pct, then move on.
06-26-2009, 07:00 PM #6
I thought 700mg of tren and 500mg of deca a week for 12 weeks was a good first cycle?
and pct isnt that for chicks...
jok, i dont mind helping people with there first cycle but when they come in without having done any research, and we tell them to read and they have a winge is when i get annoyed..............
06-26-2009, 07:02 PM #7
06-26-2009, 07:13 PM #8
06-26-2009, 07:34 PM #9
People come on here for help. Some are just looking for confirmation on what they've already read on here. These are powerful hormones they're playing with and I hope newbies ask if they're not 100% sure.
06-26-2009, 07:54 PM #10
Ehh, so long as they are here guys will help them out thats the most important thing IMO. The sad thing is this is what is going on at the gym level ALL the time. My buddy at the gym who has many cycles under his belt was asking me about mine and I said test at 600mg ew maybe with a dbol kickstart he said you cant run test alone and if I run the dbol what is my 3rd compound going to be I just left it at that and went on with my cycle. Some of the cycles I hear guys running is just scarry anadrol only cycle for 8 wks at 100mg ed with no pct crazy ****ers.
06-26-2009, 08:02 PM #11
I am all for helping everyone and I would love for all Newb's to do 1 compound and do correct PCT. IT JUST SEEMS THAT NONE OF THEM WANT TO TAKE THE TIME TO READ ANY OF THE STICKIES THAT THE vets/Mods have set up specifically for that reason. As I said the biggest problem is the new guys either
1) argue because so ans do at the gym told him to do it this way so it must be right and we do not know what we are talking about here
2)Think that "more is better" that if 1 compound will do x amount than 3 compounds must add to that times 3!
3) Coming here and trying to get the answer they are looking for even though they pretty much know already they are completely wrong. Like the people that think if they are 28% BF and do a cycle of Anavar and Winstrol they will get down to 10% BF in 12 weeks because they have heard that both of those are used in cuting cycle so they figue putting them together must work great to drop BF! Not realizing losing BF and Cutting are not exactly the same thing! They do not realize that can blow up their heart or stroke out! I just for some reason think that none of these people actually understand how freaking strong some of these compounds are! I meant Test is weak compared to Tren and Test alone will Shrink your nuts Grow hair over your entire body and grow you a nice set of 44 C's if your not careful!! I mean If someone handed these people a handful of pills and said to them here, these are pain killers, some are morphine, some are OxyContin, would these same people just without even knowing what they are doing open up and pop a couple hundred milligrams of Morphine? I think the answer would be NO! But when it comes to taking an 1.5" 23ga needle and jamming it into their ass, No big deal! I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND THAT At ALL. WHY IS EVERYONE SO IMPATIENT! I have had my gear for 2 months and still have 3-4 weeks to go before I can start and yeh waiting suck but ya know what.... I go all the time in the world! I am not competing and dont get $1,000,000.00 if I have a 19" arm by Xmas! So as I said, There is no Rush! GOD IT FELT GOOD TO GET THAT OF MY GIGANTIC JAY CUTLER SIZED CHEST (LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!LOLOLOLOLL!!)
06-26-2009, 08:58 PM #13
06-26-2009, 08:59 PM #14
Hell some of the people that get on here just dont knolw how to use the site yet.
Im gflad to learn and glad to help
06-26-2009, 09:05 PM #15
Nothing wrong with helping these newer guys. But the same question day in and day out....... I think the 18 y/o get to me more. 18 130lbs and 6'1. I want to get HUUUUGE! I WANT BLAH AND BLAH AND BLAH for my first cycle. People honestly. Shouldn't need any help for a first cycle. Everything is right here.
For now on a simple stats. If stats are acceptable. Just post the link for phates beginner cycle. It's so self explanatory. One compound 12 weeks 2x a week. 500mgs a week. It isn't rocket science. If they actually read instead of wanting to be spoon fed I think it would be a bit easier. All the info is easily accessible.
06-26-2009, 09:07 PM #16
06-26-2009, 09:13 PM #17
cuz more is always better.
ESPECIALLY if you don't truly know what you're doing, how your body reacts, or if you're gyno prone.
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