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Thread: Get a load of this !!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Get a load of this !!

    So my long time buddy and POWERLIFTER has been using AAS for 10 years now.. since 18... and does the MOST INSANE CYCLES EVER SEEN.. I am surprised this Nut aint dead yet but regardless... I was talking with him the other day and he just start this cycle a week ago:

    1-20 Test E 1000mgs EW
    1-12 PRIMO 1000mgs EW
    8-20 tREN Ace 75mgs ED
    1-4 Test Suspension 100mgs ED
    1-8 Anavar 80mgs ED
    20-24 Winstrol 75mgs ED
    22-24 Test Susp 125mgs ED
    1-24 HGH 5iu's per day (6 on 1 off)
    1-24 Adex .25mgs ED possibly .50mgs daily if needed
    12-20 Cabergoline 500mcgs Every 3 Days
    10-16 + 18-25 T3 25mcgs ED
    22-24 HcG 250iu's ED

    super pct !!! 8 weeks !!

    1-4 NOLVA 40mgs ED
    1-4 cLOMID 150MGS ED
    1-4 Aromasin 25mgs ED
    5-6 Nolva 20mgs ED
    5-6 Clomid 100mgs ED
    7-8 Nolva 10mgs ED
    7-8 cLOMID 50mgs ED

    How can I tell him in the nicest way possible not to do this cycle?? I mean this is just waaaay tooo much !! I tried talking him out of it and his response was.." What bro, this isn't that bad I have done a waaay harder cycle than this before.. I am legitimately worried for him like bad... I guess more than anything I am seeking advice on what to do.. Since he is going through with it no matter what.. what do I do.. idly sit by while he abuses steroids?? I am so pissed off/confused/ and whole bunch of stuff, I mean now that I know what i know regarding the world of AAS it just makes it even harder to watch him do this...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    South West. England
    F**K!! Thats not him in your avatar is it?????????

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    While that cycle is pretty intense I know alot of the pros do that kind of heavy duty cycle. The most I have ran is this:

    1-6 Tbol 60mg ed
    1-12 Test E 800mg/week
    1-10 Tren E 600mg/week
    8-12 Winny 60mg ed

    I would atleast sugest he do some blood work to make sure his health is okay but other than that alot of times people will do what they want to do and throw caution to the wind not that I`m saying he should.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Dont see much wrong with it 10 years of experiance he knows what he can take, I would say Throw some insulin in there and up the HGH to 8iu/day, That would be a perfect monster mass cycle.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    So my long time buddy and POWERLIFTER has been using AAS for 10 years now.. since 18... and does the MOST INSANE CYCLES EVER SEEN.. I am surprised this Nut aint dead yet but regardless... I was talking with him the other day and he just start this cycle a week ago:

    1-20 Test E 1000mgs EW
    1-12 PRIMO 1000mgs EW
    8-20 tREN Ace 75mgs ED
    1-4 Test Suspension 100mgs ED
    1-8 Anavar 80mgs ED
    20-24 Winstrol 75mgs ED
    22-24 Test Susp 125mgs ED
    1-24 HGH 5iu's per day (6 on 1 off)
    1-24 Adex .25mgs ED possibly .50mgs daily if needed
    12-20 Cabergoline 500mcgs Every 3 Days
    10-16 + 18-25 T3 25mcgs ED
    22-24 HcG 250iu's ED

    super pct !!! 8 weeks !!

    1-4 NOLVA 40mgs ED
    1-4 cLOMID 150MGS ED
    1-4 Aromasin 25mgs ED
    5-6 Nolva 20mgs ED
    5-6 Clomid 100mgs ED
    7-8 Nolva 10mgs ED
    7-8 cLOMID 50mgs ED

    How can I tell him in the nicest way possible not to do this cycle?? I mean this is just waaaay tooo much !! I tried talking him out of it and his response was.." What bro, this isn't that bad I have done a waaay harder cycle than this before.. I am legitimately worried for him like bad... I guess more than anything I am seeking advice on what to do.. Since he is going through with it no matter what.. what do I do.. idly sit by while he abuses steroids?? I am so pissed off/confused/ and whole bunch of stuff, I mean now that I know what i know regarding the world of AAS it just makes it even harder to watch him do this...
    is he under a well sponsored lab experiment? if not

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ROBOCOP View Post
    F**K!! Thats not him in your avatar is it?????????
    NO BS... Damn close, I will give him that he is an animal !! But I think thats half his problem, the fact that he is that big and that he thinks he is unstoppable and that he thinks that they are just compounds and that they cant kill him or harm him.. all they do is make you big.. number than two tons of bricks i tell ya !!

    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    While that cycle is pretty intense I know alot of the pros do that kind of heavy duty cycle. The most I have ran is this:

    1-6 Tbol 60mg ed
    1-12 Test E 800mg/week
    1-10 Tren E 600mg/week
    8-12 Winny 60mg ed

    I would atleast sugest he do some blood work to make sure his health is okay but other than that alot of times people will do what they want to do and throw caution to the wind not that I`m saying he should.
    I have ran some pretty heavy duty cycles in my day, i think we all have, I guess I am just worried about him.. he's a good dude.. I dont wanna see him kill himself or damage his liver, or anything really.. ya know?? I mean I look at this cycle and I guess.. I guess its NOT THAT BAD !! BUT IT'S STILL NOT THE PREMIERE CYCLE ANYONE should be running at all... and to top it off.. HE DOES ABSOLUTELY NO CARDIO.. NONE !! But he doesn't have any fat on him.. He is like 5'10" 275lbs... Large and in Charge dude... but his diet sucks.. McDonalds and fast food. But somehow he manages to be enormous and not gain an once of FAT !! It's weird.. I guess with all the compounds he pumps into himself he causes him to remain the body type he has.. The Bastid is Squattin' 1200, Dead Lifting over 800 (I think) and Benching over 600 (I think).. I believe those are his numbers... I could be off but regardless, he focus's mainly on his SQUAT!!

    To the VETS: Honestly what do you think of this cycle?? Is it really that bad or am i just overreacting because he's my buddy... ??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Exoneration. . .
    1200 squat!?

  8. #8
    Tell him to get bloodwork done. If he's fine there's nothing wrong with the cycle, if he's not then he shouldn't do it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by sizerp View Post
    1200 squat!?
    Yah I know right.. Fvcking Animal.. He aint right.. aint right at all.. LOL... wanna know something crazy.. when he started PowerLifting 10 years ago he was 6'2".. HE is now 5'10" .. The Extreme weight he has put on his back has compressed his SPINE 3 INCHES !!! He used to be taller than me.. and now he is shorter.. kinda crazy.. Now he's wider than he is Tall.. lol.. Oh well.. it's all good... The guy is good people and a good sh*t.. I just dont wanna see anything bad happen to him. Ya know?? WHO WOULD WANNA SEE ANYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO THEIR FRIENDS ?? NO ONE.. So that is why I decided to run it by you guys here...

    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Tell him to get bloodwork done. If he's fine there's nothing wrong with the cycle, if he's not then he shouldn't do it.
    So if his BLOODWORK reads GOOD.. he is ok to do a cycle like this?? REALLY??

    Is there any change I could inform he should make to it that may better it or tone it down a lil bit or like I said.. is it my anxiety for my friends Health just getting the better of me and this CYCLE is just an ALRIGHT CYCLE.. A HEAVY ONE BUT AN ALRIGHT ONE..?? Anything that can help me help him would be greatly appreciated guys.. he is not one to wanna jump on the computer and ask for help.. because he already thinks he knows it all.. ya know?? He doesn't even know I am doing this.. he honestly would probably be pissed I was doing such a thing.. but .. like I said.. ANY HELP IS GREATLY APPRECIATED !! Thanks my Bros !!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post

    So if his BLOODWORK reads GOOD.. he is ok to do a cycle like this?? REALLY??

    Haha, you think IFBB Pros are doing 500mg/week Test cycles? They probably have cycles that make that one look like a cruise cycle. But for the craziness of they're cycles they do always get bloodwork to make sure they aren't dying, if it comes back good to go, they go.

    We all hype up the effects of these drugs a little too much, some people become sick as shit with all kinds of problems from a little 3 week pro-hormone cycle, and some (probably like your friend) are just fine running whatever they compounds they want. The proof is in the bloodwork so they're really isn't much debate. If it's good to go, you're good to go.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Deuce this looks like one of your cycles,i bet you wrote that out for him.He is most likely going to do what ever he wants.I would love to run a cycle like that.Take care.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Pictures of your friend or it didnt happen...haha

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    Haha, you think IFBB Pros are doing 500mg/week Test cycles? They probably have cycles that make that one look like a cruise cycle. But for the craziness of they're cycles they do always get bloodwork to make sure they aren't dying, if it comes back good to go, they go.

    We all hype up the effects of these drugs a little too much, some people become sick as shit with all kinds of problems from a little 3 week pro-hormone cycle, and some (probably like your friend) are just fine running whatever they compounds they want. The proof is in the bloodwork so they're really isn't much debate. If it's good to go, you're good to go.
    True true, i knew I was probably overreacting when he told me what he was going to be running but.. fvck man I was just worried ya know.. after everyone on here criticized me for running crazy cycles I kinda dulled it down a lot... lol... now he comes at me with this and my first immediate instinct is to come here and ask opinions.. I dunno ... lol.. i tell him i had some friends say he should go get bloodwork done.. is there certain tests he should have run or what?? I am sure he doesn't wanna go in there and be like.. I USE AAS TEST MY BLOOD AND FIND OUT IF I AM GOING TO LIVE OR IF I AM GOING TO DIE !! lol...

    Quote Originally Posted by romo6 View Post
    Deuce this looks like one of your cycles,i bet you wrote that out for him.He is most likely going to do what ever he wants.I would love to run a cycle like that.Take care.
    No Romo I did not write that out for him.. jesus.. lol.. I know he is going to do what he wants, what I am not allowed to be concerned for a buddy's well being?? lol .. Like I said I am back to the more conservative approach to cycling for now.. I am sure I will do a crazy ass cycle sometime in the future... but not ANYTIME soon..

    Quote Originally Posted by BFMV View Post
    Pictures of your friend or it didnt happen...haha
    Excuse me? Who are you again??

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live
    Does he get real emotional during PCT?

    Does he cry on your tits during week 3 of PCT?

    After his PCT does he leave the emotional support unit of the local hospital with new friends?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    "Excuse me? Who are you again??"


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    That cycle isn't even that much of a "crazy" cycle

    1gram of test and primo and 75mg of tren ED with a test suspension kickstart, followed into a switch to test suspension and winstrol while on HGH, he is taking caber/HCG/and adex while on. The way your wrote it made it look more than it is, in reality the cycle isn't that "crazy" and could see alot of high end bodybuilders (competitors) doing it.

    The PCT could be changed up a little, but of course it has to be 8 weeks, thats not a "super pct", you think a 24 week cycle has the same PCT as a 12 week cycle?

    No offense, but this guy knows more about what he is doing than you so you really have no right to tell him to not do this cycle. There are veterans on this board that do high end cycles, while "more isnt" better, his dosages aren't crazy I mean his tren dosage is average and 1gram of test is not that big of a deal alot people have run it on this board.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    He lost 4 inches in height? BS

    He squts 1200 pounds at 275? BS
    Last edited by DKU; 06-27-2009 at 07:16 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Dancer View Post
    Does he get real emotional during PCT?

    Does he cry on your tits during week 3 of PCT?

    After his PCT does he leave the emotional support unit of the local hospital with new friends?
    He doesn't Normally PCT, This is the first time he has ever mentioned PCT to me.. and he called it a super PCT so.. so didnt I.

    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    "Excuse me? Who are you again??"

    Get a kick outta that one did ya??

    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    That cycle isn't even that much of a "crazy" cycle

    1gram of test and primo and 75mg of tren ED with a test suspension kickstart, followed into a switch to test suspension and winstrol while on HGH, he is taking caber/HCG/and adex while on. The way your wrote it made it look more than it is, in reality the cycle isn't that "crazy" and could see alot of high end bodybuilders (competitors) doing it.

    The PCT could be changed up a little, but of course it has to be 8 weeks, thats not a "super pct", you think a 24 week cycle has the same PCT as a 12 week cycle?

    No offense, but this guy knows more about what he is doing than you so you really have no right to tell him to not do this cycle. There are veterans on this board that do high end cycles, while "more isnt" better, his dosages aren't crazy I mean his tren dosage is average and 1gram of test is not that big of a deal alot people have run it on this board.

    Whoa whoa whoa !!! What caused you to attack me Immortal.. I have been given sh*t for trying to create a cycle not even close to that and you are going to tell me i dont know what I am doing. THANKS MAN.. NO REALLY THANKS !! Pssh...

    I called it crazy because I got sh*t on for trying to do a 24 weeker before, and I just kinda go off of that now, Yah I have run a gram of test per week before.. yah, I have done cycles even similar to this one before.. minus the HGH and Suspension Kickstart and ending..

    I just thought it was overkill and more than anyone needs.. First, its DIET that determines what kind of results u see from a cycle.. not how many compounds you can stuff into a 24 week period...

    Hell, if you don't think it's that bad of a cycle maybe I should just start the same one and run it right along side of him... BUT IF I WERE TO DO THAT EVERYONE ON HERE WOULD BE CALLING ME AN IDIOT AND A MORON FOR DOING THAT TO MY BODY and now my Bro knows more about cycling than I do?? Fact remains is I know he thinks that everything relies on compounds.. he doesnt DIET.. He doesnt cardio.. he's winded walking up the stairs of my Deck. Health wise I would say he's a wreck but.. he's an animal.. Plain and simple.. he basicaly eats what he wants and somehow it transforms into muscle. He was the one who got me into AAS. He GAVE me my first cycle. And Told me to run 800mgs of CYP per week.. didnt tell me of PCT, also gave me some Anadrol, told me 3 a day would be a good place to start.. if I wanted to and felt up to it... bump it to 4 a day... LET ME TELL YOU.. I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MANY GODDAMNED NOSEBLEEDS IN THEE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS IN MY LIFE... I can only imagine what that did to my body, (blood pressure must have HIGHER THAN IMAGINABLE.. ) ONCE AGAIN maybe that cycle is the reason I am currently on BP meds.. I got my BP taken probably 6 months after that cycle and it was 183/112.. so yah the doc put me on meds .. obviously... maybe it's one of the reasons WHY i am on TRT now at 27. I dont ever count that CYCLE as a cycle I have done.. so when I say I have done 9 successful cycles.. fact remains I have used AAS 11 times.. 2 of them.. WEREN'T SUCCESSFUL CYCLES in my eyes.

    I'll save this cycle in my Notebook and down the road .. I'll use it...

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Live and let live
    He tells you he loves you after a few weeks of high ass clomid, houston you have a problem

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    True true, i knew I was probably overreacting when he told me what he was going to be running but.. fvck man I was just worried ya know.. after everyone on here criticized me for running crazy cycles I kinda dulled it down a lot... lol... now he comes at me with this and my first immediate instinct is to come here and ask opinions.. I dunno ... lol.. i tell him i had some friends say he should go get bloodwork done.. is there certain tests he should have run or what?? I am sure he doesn't wanna go in there and be like.. I USE AAS TEST MY BLOOD AND FIND OUT IF I AM GOING TO LIVE OR IF I AM GOING TO DIE !! lol...

    With all do respect, your cycles aren't planned out properly they are more like "Let me throw ever compound I can in here and run them all and maybe I will get even bigger". Also your cycle history doesnt match your cycles so you shouldn't be doing "hardcore" cycles unless you know what you are doing or you have high goals in life (professional bodybuilding as a career).

    Second your stats don't match your "wacky" cycles, I don't know if you bf% is still over 16%, but I knew in the beginning you had liek 22% bf and that at like 225 or something and that right there is why you shouldn't be doing "hardcore" cycles. Your body isn't at the point where it needs that, those hardcore cycles are for people who have gone past their genetic limit and truly trying to gain even more and push their body to the brink muscalirty.

    You are not at that point both in experience and physical stature, so there is not point in doing those types of cycle. All you do to your body is make it more tolerant to high amounts of steroids and dosages that isnt nessicarily good because later down the road when you get close to your genetic limit you will need higher dosages and compounds to get the same effect. No point in making your body tolearnce to steroids that high by doing bodybuilder type cycles.

    Just my 2 cents
    Last edited by Immortal Soldier; 06-27-2009 at 07:31 PM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dku View Post
    he lost 4 inches in height? Bs

    he squts 1200 pounds at 275? Bs
    no it is not bullsh*t you prick !! It's the truth.. I swear it on my kids, wife, my life, and everything that is precious to me.. It is the god's to honest truth... If i am lying i will hand you the gun and you can put a bullet in my brain... How does that sound... Dont call me out like that.. I dont need to lie.. I am not a liar.. What am i going to gain for lying...

  22. #22
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    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    no it is not bullsh*t you prick !! It's the truth.. I swear it on my kids, wife, my life, and everything that is precious to me.. It is the god's to honest truth... If i am lying i will hand you the gun and you can put a bullet in my brain... How does that sound... Dont call me out like that.. I dont need to lie.. I am not a liar.. What am i going to gain for lying...
    Here's the list of people that have squatted over 1100 pounds:

    Only 5 people have squatted 1200, and the lightest of them is over 330lbs.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    He doesn't Normally PCT, This is the first time he has ever mentioned PCT to me.. and he called it a super PCT so.. so didnt I.

    Get a kick outta that one did ya??

    Whoa whoa whoa !!! What caused you to attack me Immortal.. I have been given sh*t for trying to create a cycle not even close to that and you are going to tell me i dont know what I am doing. THANKS MAN.. NO REALLY THANKS !! Pssh...

    I called it crazy because I got sh*t on for trying to do a 24 weeker before, and I just kinda go off of that now, Yah I have run a gram of test per week before.. yah, I have done cycles even similar to this one before.. minus the HGH and Suspension Kickstart and ending..

    I just thought it was overkill and more than anyone needs.. First, its DIET that determines what kind of results u see from a cycle.. not how many compounds you can stuff into a 24 week period...

    Hell, if you don't think it's that bad of a cycle maybe I should just start the same one and run it right along side of him... BUT IF I WERE TO DO THAT EVERYONE ON HERE WOULD BE CALLING ME AN IDIOT AND A MORON FOR DOING THAT TO MY BODY and now my Bro knows more about cycling than I do?? Fact remains is I know he thinks that everything relies on compounds.. he doesnt DIET.. He doesnt cardio.. he's winded walking up the stairs of my Deck. Health wise I would say he's a wreck but.. he's an animal.. Plain and simple.. he basicaly eats what he wants and somehow it transforms into muscle. He was the one who got me into AAS. He GAVE me my first cycle. And Told me to run 800mgs of CYP per week.. didnt tell me of PCT, also gave me some Anadrol, told me 3 a day would be a good place to start.. if I wanted to and felt up to it... bump it to 4 a day... LET ME TELL YOU.. I HAVE NEVER HAD SO MANY GODDAMNED NOSEBLEEDS IN THEE COURSE OF 12 WEEKS IN MY LIFE... I can only imagine what that did to my body, (blood pressure must have HIGHER THAN IMAGINABLE.. ) ONCE AGAIN maybe that cycle is the reason I am currently on BP meds.. I got my BP taken probably 6 months after that cycle and it was 183/112.. so yah the doc put me on meds .. obviously... maybe it's one of the reasons WHY i am on TRT now at 27. I dont ever count that CYCLE as a cycle I have done.. so when I say I have done 9 successful cycles.. fact remains I have used AAS 11 times.. 2 of them.. WEREN'T SUCCESSFUL CYCLES in my eyes.

    I'll save this cycle in my Notebook and down the road .. I'll use it...
    Well then your friend shouldn't be doing that type of cycle either, from a written standpoint that cycle is not crazy and I could see someone with T-Mos' level of experience and stats doing that cycle (someone who is 260 or so).

    Once again, I wasn't attacking you and if you read my post down a little more you will see my justification, your bf% started at 22% and is somewhere at 15-16% right now last I remember (correct me if I am wrong) now you say "well I want to do that cycle too", your body doesnt need it, you are not near your genetic potential you still have a way to go so why would you be doing cycles that peopel who are in the threshold would be doing?

    It doesn't make sense.

    It's like a novice wanting to be a Hayabusha instead of starting off with a 250cc-500cc bike. You know what happens in most cases? The Novice dies, because they were not experienced enough to be handling a superbike with 1200cc.

    Now I am not saying you will die, but the example is ment to show is you work your way up, once you reach your absolute threshold than it would time to consider cycles like that (or if your a professional bodybuilder).

    But doing it when your not even close is stupid, YOUR BODY DOESNT NEED IT and plus YOU ARENT THERE YET.

    Get it?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    With all do respect, your cycles aren't planned out properly they are more like "Let me throw ever compound I can in here and run them all and maybe I will get even bigger". Also your cycle history doesnt match your cycles so you shouldn't be doing "hardcore" cycles unless you know what you are doing or you have high goals in life (professional bodybuilding as a career).

    Second your stats don't match your "wacky" cycles, I don't know if you bf% is still over 16%, but I knew in the beginning you had liek 22% bf and that at like 225 or something and that right there is why you shouldn't be doing "hardcore" cycles. Your body isn't at the point where it needs that, those hardcore cycles are for people who have gone past their genetic limit and truly trying to gain even more and push their body to the brink muscalirty.

    You are not at that point both in experience and physical stature, so there is not point in doing those types of cycle. All you do to your body is make it more tolerant to high amounts of steroids and dosages that isnt nessicarily good because later down the road when you get close to your genetic limit you will need higher dosages and compounds to get the same effect. No point in making your body tolearnce to steroids that high by doing bodybuilder type cycles.

    Just my 2 cents
    I was kidding first off man.. i wouldnt put that many compounds into my body at once.. just wont do it..

    Secondly, you probably dont remember my history.. i really dont want to get into it again.. it takes a lot to type.. but long story short in case ya didnt see.. i was at my gentic limit.. i was at one point an animal... I have old pics from before my motorcycle accident back when i was 24.. ill see if i can find them... if you really want... i was in a horrible accident... got depressed... basically gave up on life.. stopped working out because everything was broke.. i got lazy.. got fat.. got up to 40% BF... got myself doown to 24% and got the itch to do a cycle because i was on trt and i was sticking a needle in myself twice a week already so i figured HEY.. WHY NOT.. LET ME SEE WHAT I CAN DO TO GET BACK TO WHERE I WAS BEFORE... SO I IGNORANTLY JUMPED ON A CYCLE.. I WORKED HARD FOR 12 WEEKS FOLLOWED A STRICT DIET... WENT FROM 215 24%BF TO NOW 228LBS 16.95% BF... STILL NO WHERE NEAR WHAT I USED TO BE BUT I AM SLOWLY PICKING AWAY AT IT.. I AM NOW BACK ON TRT AND WILL NOY CYCLE AGAIN UNTIL I HIT THE 13-14% BF MARK...WHICH AT MY RATE SHOULD BE IN A COUPLE MONTHS BUT I AM GOING TO DO A LIGHT CYCLE... I ONLY RAN A TEST ONLY CYCLE (PROP) FOR 12 WEEKS LAST TIME... WHEN I MENTIONED OTHER COMPOUNDS IN MY POSTS THEY WERENT FOOR THE NOW !! THEY WERE FOR FUTURE HOPEFUL CYCLES PROVIDED MY BF% WAS LOWER...






  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DKU View Post
    Here's the list of people that have squatted over 1100 pounds:

    Only 5 people have squatted 1200, and the lightest of them is over 330lbs.
    edited because i sent it in a PM like I should have to begin with...
    Last edited by The Deuce; 06-27-2009 at 08:07 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Didnt mean the all Caps thing... I hit it by accident and didnt look up til i was done and was already typed...

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Summer of '06

    I was there.. I was on top of my Game Immortal.. I struggle everyday to get it back.. it isn't fair what happened to me.. but it DID !! aND EVERYDAY i have to live with it... it hurts, it sucks, i have pain.. emotional and physical.. but i push past it.. to overcome and get back to ME... ME THEN... ME RIGHT THERE.. I KNOW I CAN DO IT.. I KNOW I CAN !!! It is just going to take time and I can not give up.. I cant... if I do.. I will die...

  28. #28
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Didnt mean the all Caps thing... I hit it by accident and didnt look up til i was done and was already typed...
    Once again, you don't get what I am saying and assume things I didn't say.

    Nowhere did I say, "You dont know anything about AAS", first from the way the cycle was written I assumed it was a made by someone who has had experience (more than you most likely since that cycle is "up there" on the ladder) and that you shouldn't tell someone who is has been at it longer than you to not do that cycle. I understand your concern, THEN I learned that this guy doesn't do cardio/his diet isn't good and he just has THAT good genetics that makes up for it.

    Now IMO someone like that shouldn't be doing that but its his life and his stats speak for themselves.

    Now I don't know your lifestory, but I take everything in the present, what happend in the past is the past. Right now you aren't where you once were but are getting there, that doesnt mean you look at your past and use it to justify the cycles you are running. Just because you are not ready to run those types of cycles doesnt mean "you dont know about steroids or are stupid", no it just means you arent there yet.

    I mean I will be the first person to admit, I am not at that level or even close, I would rather do well-dosed cycles than trying to go all out in hopes that it will sastify my muscle dysmorphia.

    Bro everything you say I know, I gave up my social life and I gave up girls for this shit and scarificed friendships for it, I try not to look in mirrors because all I see is disappointment. My self-esteem is rock bottom and I dont like the person I am and keep wanting to be BIGGER MORE CUT.

    But you know what? I dont have the money nor the health to be able to do cycles like that, instead I just blast and cruise (AT 21 ****ing years old how f'ed up is that?) and hope that I continue to get bigger.

    If I had the money I would do HGH, if I had the money I would be doing cycle after cycle, but thank god I dont because each and every day I have to battle OCD, depression, and the feeling that everytime I look in the mirror my mind screams back "you are ugly skinny bitch". SO i try to avoid mirrors alot.

    Don't take what I said as dissing you or anything because I am not the type of person that tries to act surpiror than others, I will be the first one to admit when someone is more experienced than me, that doesnt mean I dont know my stuff, just means someone else has been at it longer than me and been around the block.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    How big is this buddy of yours after 10+ years of cycles like that? He must be 250# at least and be on the low side of 15% BF if not then there is no reason in hell he should be running close to the types of cycles!

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    How big is this buddy of yours after 10+ years of cycles like that? He must be 250# at least and be on the low side of 15% BF if not then there is no reason in hell he should be running close to the types of cycles!
    I think he said 275

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post

    Summer of '06

    I was there.. I was on top of my Game Immortal.. I struggle everyday to get it back.. it isn't fair what happened to me.. but it DID !! aND EVERYDAY i have to live with it... it hurts, it sucks, i have pain.. emotional and physical.. but i push past it.. to overcome and get back to ME... ME THEN... ME RIGHT THERE.. I KNOW I CAN DO IT.. I KNOW I CAN !!! It is just going to take time and I can not give up.. I cant... if I do.. I will die...
    Tell you what Bro, everyone always asks me "how big do you want to get?" Well ya know what? If I was ever lucky enough to get to where you are in this picture I just looked and and was able ti maintain that for a few years during the summer months, I would be very happy! So Dont let anyone tell ya anything different! You obviously have a very good grasp on your training, diet, and I would also say your experience with AAS is enough to where you should not have to ask anyone in here for advice!! JUST MY $0.02!! (your in damn good shape Brotha! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!

  32. #32
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Once again, you don't get what I am saying and assume things I didn't say.

    Nowhere did I say, "You dont know anything about AAS", first from the way the cycle was written I assumed it was a made by someone who has had experience (more than you most likely since that cycle is "up there" on the ladder) and that you shouldn't tell someone who is has been at it longer than you to not do that cycle. I understand your concern, THEN I learned that this guy doesn't do cardio/his diet isn't good and he just has THAT good genetics that makes up for it.

    Now IMO someone like that shouldn't be doing that but its his life and his stats speak for themselves.

    Now I don't know your lifestory, but I take everything in the present, what happend in the past is the past. Right now you aren't where you once were but are getting there, that doesnt mean you look at your past and use it to justify the cycles you are running. Just because you are not ready to run those types of cycles doesnt mean "you dont know about steroids or are stupid", no it just means you arent there yet.

    I mean I will be the first person to admit, I am not at that level or even close, I would rather do well-dosed cycles than trying to go all out in hopes that it will sastify my muscle dysmorphia.

    Bro everything you say I know, I gave up my social life and I gave up girls for this shit and scarificed friendships for it, I try not to look in mirrors because all I see is disappointment. My self-esteem is rock bottom and I dont like the person I am and keep wanting to be BIGGER MORE CUT.

    But you know what? I dont have the money nor the health to be able to do cycles like that, instead I just blast and cruise (AT 21 ****ing years old how f'ed up is that?) and hope that I continue to get bigger.

    If I had the money I would do HGH, if I had the money I would be doing cycle after cycle, but thank god I dont because each and every day I have to battle OCD, depression, and the feeling that everytime I look in the mirror my mind screams back "you are ugly skinny bitch". SO i try to avoid mirrors alot.

    Don't take what I said as dissing you or anything because I am not the type of person that tries to act surpiror than others, I will be the first one to admit when someone is more experienced than me, that doesnt mean I dont know my stuff, just means someone else has been at it longer than me and been around the block.
    Bro, Im sorry really I am.. I dont know what my problem is lately.. I get so snappy... ever since I came off my cycle... grant it I am still on TEST but I just feel that now that I am lower on the scale that I am not doing good enough.. everytime I mess up on my diet i literally like almost freak out in my head... go into a panic attack and have to eat some medicine.. i should probably seek help but i mean.. look at that pic... now look at my currents... OBVIOUSLY I AM GOING TO BE DEPRESSED !!! The only good thing from that pic on the beach and now is that at least I am covered in TATTOOS and well I own more GUNS but that doesnt really help the fact I dont have my abdominal muscles anymore... the fact i dont have 21 inch arms or the tan... (i stopped tanning because i dont have the body to be on the beach anymore and plus since i have all these awesome tattoos now i dont want them to fade...

    I am a wreck !! But everyday i wake up is a blessing and i need to think like that... i just need to take this day by day and light cycle by light cycle... SERIOUSMASS made a good point... HGH !! I am a perfect candidate for it !! So I am going to be starting that soon... lightly... 2 iu's per day to start off to acclimate my body to it and go from there... and slowly work my way back to what I want to be.. i dont know what my driving force is... the fact i just want the OLD ME back or if I want to use the gift that God gave me to create a career out of.. time will tell... and like i said man.. i am sorry for coming off the way i did.. i am just a bit snappy right now... my apologies brotha... my apologies...

  33. #33
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    Tell you what Bro, everyone always asks me "how big do you want to get?" Well ya know what? If I was ever lucky enough to get to where you are in this picture I just looked and and was able ti maintain that for a few years during the summer months, I would be very happy! So Dont let anyone tell ya anything different! You obviously have a very good grasp on your training, diet, and I would also say your experience with AAS is enough to where you should not have to ask anyone in here for advice!! JUST MY $0.02!! (your in damn good shape Brotha! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!
    Was in Good shape.. WAS !! 3 years ago.. Bike accident took all that and more away from me.. it took with me that day my dignity and self esteem and meaning of self worth... thats why i question everything I do now I wish I could find a pic of like 18 months after that photo was taken. i dont even look like the same human being.. i got disgusting real quick... DEPRESSION MAN... Its a killer...

  34. #34
    ..... damn you guys are weird.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    ..... damn you guys are BADASS.
    yes we are

  36. #36
    Join Date
    May 2008
    a trash can
    My god some people tell some stories on here sometimes!

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    I mean I will be the first person to admit, I am not at that level or even close, I would rather do well-dosed cycles than trying to go all out in hopes that it will sastify my muscle dysmorphia.

    Bro everything you say I know, I gave up my social life and I gave up girls for this shit and scarificed friendships for it, I try not to look in mirrors because all I see is disappointment. My self-esteem is rock bottom and I dont like the person I am and keep wanting to be BIGGER MORE CUT.

    But you know what? I dont have the money nor the health to be able to do cycles like that, instead I just blast and cruise (AT 21 ****ing years old how f'ed up is that?) and hope that I continue to get bigger.

    If I had the money I would do HGH, if I had the money I would be doing cycle after cycle, but thank god I dont because each and every day I have to battle OCD, depression, and the feeling that everytime I look in the mirror my mind screams back "you are ugly skinny bitch". SO i try to avoid mirrors alot.

    Don't take what I said as dissing you or anything because I am not the type of person that tries to act surpiror than others, I will be the first one to admit when someone is more experienced than me, that doesnt mean I dont know my stuff, just means someone else has been at it longer than me and been around the block.
    Bro... Go to f*cking rehab. My god.

    Why are you even still on this site.. just sitting here online whining about how bad your life is. My god. Dude.. you should honestly sign up for that show "OBSESSED"... you're F*CKED.

    It's called therapy. Might wanna get on that...

    Cruising and Blasting @ 21... nice man. I think it's laughable that you're a respected member here. God. There should be a f*cking sign saying: "take this advice with a grain of salt.. i'm addicted to roids.. and think i'm pinner 24 / 7"
    Last edited by LexusIS09; 06-27-2009 at 11:41 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Oh Snap!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post

    Summer of '06

    I was there.. I was on top of my Game Immortal.. I struggle everyday to get it back.. it isn't fair what happened to me.. but it DID !! aND EVERYDAY i have to live with it... it hurts, it sucks, i have pain.. emotional and physical.. but i push past it.. to overcome and get back to ME... ME THEN... ME RIGHT THERE.. I KNOW I CAN DO IT.. I KNOW I CAN !!! It is just going to take time and I can not give up.. I cant... if I do.. I will die...
    LOOKING GOOD BRUVA ....hope you can get back to something you are happy with

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    This has been a good thread to follow.

    Deuce and Immortal, you guyz gave us a very raw and uncensored glimpse into your physche and showed or reminded us how dark and twisted bodybuilders can be, I'm talking about the sacrifices ya'll had to make... alot of us here have a similar psychological makeup but never really discuss...

    to the casual observer, this seems "wierd" that we should give so much importance to out physical appearances that life seems to drift by; but to any bodybuilder, there is an instant understanding.

    About the cycle; it's a hardcore cycle but for a pro bber, it's considered mediocre... I have a pro for a friend and he has done more wacky cycles than what u wrote. Also, your friend is a powerlifter, so I really don't understand why he would bulk and cut with cycles a body builder would use... pls enlighten me, primo and winny doesnt make sense for a powerlifter... but then again, I'm not a powerlifter so I ask in earnest.


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