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Thread: soldier misses injection do to training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    soldier misses injection do to training

    180 lbs
    lets say someone is in the army and they go to the field often do to being an infantrymen which is a honorable job.
    when i start i will be taking 250mg of test cyp twice a week for 12 weeks. what if i miss an injection do to field training? i know not to play catch up with a double dose next time. should i inject open returning from the field or wait and continue only on the days i was already injecting on- mon & thur?
    im thinking maybe inject open returning because the training schedule will always have surprises in the infantry and i would not want to keep waiting until specific days.
    i work out mon through sat. i dont do shit on sunday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I would just inject at the first earliest convenience and continue from there, make that your new pin day and go with 3.5 days from then out. No double dose.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    I would as most people in here would say, just wait until you can keep the schedule correct before you start. If not you could just inject 2 X a week and if you miss one, just wait until the following injection and shoot all 500mg at once and then you would be good for the week! 1X a week is not the best way but levels with cyp and enth should stay pretty constant for 5-6 days before dropping

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