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Thread: NEW TO THE FORUM.... just a few questions.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    NEW TO THE FORUM.... just a few questions.

    Hey Guys/Gals,
    So I'm new to the forum and hope to be an active member. Things have changed a lot since last being in the game - both in terms of what's out there and my body. So, I have some questions to clear up any confusion I may have.

    1. Is Tiratricol and Cytomel the same thing? I took Tiratricol stacked with Ephedra in 2000 with crazy awesome results - now I need the same kind of results again.

    2. I've been thinking about stacking one of the two mentioned above with Clen, but I am currently on a med to treat my ADHD called Concerta (which is a stimulant), should I avoid the Clen or Tiratricol or Cytomel because of my daily meds?

    3. I've started, recently, to eat relatively clean except on Saturdays and need to get back in shape. I'm 28yr old 240lb at 5'9 and use to be 165 ****** about 4 years ago. I've never had problems putting on the muscle - so I don't need help there. I just need to see my abs again.

    4. Finally, I'm worried about loose skin and hair loss. Would any of the above mentioned cause hair loss? And what's the best way to curtail the loose skin dilemma?

    Sorry for the long post, I hope I'm not coming off to much like a newbie, but I guess I'm starting to feel a little desperate. I thank you guys in advance for all the help you can provide.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Hey Guys/Gals,
    So I'm new to the forum and hope to be an active member. Things have changed a lot since last being in the game - both in terms of what's out there and my body. So, I have some questions to clear up any confusion I may have.

    1. Is Tiratricol and Cytomel the same thing? I took Tiratricol stacked with Ephedra in 2000 with crazy awesome results - now I need the same kind of results again. yes, same thing
    2. I've been thinking about stacking one of the two mentioned above with Clen, but I am currently on a med to treat my ADHD called Concerta (which is a stimulant), should I avoid the Clen or Tiratricol or Cytomel because of my daily meds? they both raise BP, could be a bad combo... i wouldnt suggest it

    3. I've started, recently, to eat relatively clean except on Saturdays and need to get back in shape. I'm 28yr old 240lb at 5'9 and use to be 165 ****** about 4 years ago. I've never had problems putting on the muscle - so I don't need help there. I just need to see my abs again.

    4. Finally, I'm worried about loose skin and hair loss. Would any of the above mentioned cause hair loss? And what's the best way to curtail the loose skin dilemma? as long as you dont loose weight TOO fast you shouldnt have a huge problem with loose skin, although everyones different.. your skin has the ability to tighten up to an extent, if theres any kind of supp you can take to help it out, i havent heard of it. and no, clen and t3 wont cause hair loss

    Sorry for the long post, I hope I'm not coming off to much like a newbie, but I guess I'm starting to feel a little desperate. I thank you guys in advance for all the help you can provide.


  3. #3
    As far as Concerta is concerned...

    Concerta is an amphetamine. That should decrease your appetite and increase your metabolism. I would avoid stimulants while on it. As an alternative, I would talk with your Doctor about adderall. It will decrease your appetite and you would drop weight like crazy. But best of all, you have a prescription for it, it'd be legal, and it's actually still helping you with ADHD.

    But before you look to drugs to lose weight, make sure your diet is in check and keep up the cardio! Check out the diet section for more info on that!

    I'd lay off the clen and other stimulants until you lose a little more weight naturally!

    Just my 2 cents!

    Good Luck!

    ---Note: I am a Paramedic, not a Doctor. For medical advice, see your Doctor---

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Why is what I asked bold?

    I don't believe Tiratricol or Cytomel is a stimulant, do you know if they are the same thing?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I just saw your answers. Don't worry about my recent post.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Actually, it was Hunter who answered them.... Thanks Hunter.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Could I just stack the Cytomel with my current med (Concerta) and get the same or similar results with Clen and Cytomel?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Forgot to mention that I also take Xanax a few hours before bed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    my answers were in bold thats why i said bold lol.... i know concerta has been shown to cause weight loss in some people who take it, but only because it lowers your appetite, not really the same mechanism of action as clen. i dont really know what youd see with concerta as far as weight loss goes, its not really made for weight loss, although i know ppl who take t3 (cytomel) by itself and still see decent results, you dont need clen and t3, you dont really NEED either of them for that matter, but you could get away with one or the other..

    just be careful with the t3 b/c a lot of ppl say it causes muscle loss along with fat loss, most ppl opt to take it alongside some sort of anabolic. ive never run t3 so i cant say from personal experience, but ive heard it enough to think theres gotta be some truth to it.

    what it all comes down to is you need to get your diet on track and hit up the cardio, youll see results that way regardless of what drugs you take. get a good diet/training program worked out, stick to it and your bound to see results. when you hit a plateau, its time to up the cardio/switch up the diet

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter-S-Thompson View Post
    my answers were in bold thats why i said bold lol.... i know concerta has been shown to cause weight loss in some people who take it, but only because it lowers your appetite, not really the same mechanism of action as clen. i dont really know what youd see with concerta as far as weight loss goes, its not really made for weight loss, although i know ppl who take t3 (cytomel) by itself and still see decent results, you dont need clen and t3, you dont really NEED either of them for that matter, but you could get away with one or the other..

    just be careful with the t3 b/c a lot of ppl say it causes muscle loss along with fat loss, most ppl opt to take it alongside some sort of anabolic. ive never run t3 so i cant say from personal experience, but ive heard it enough to think theres gotta be some truth to it.

    what it all comes down to is you need to get your diet on track and hit up the cardio, youll see results that way regardless of what drugs you take. get a good diet/training program worked out, stick to it and your bound to see results. when you hit a plateau, its time to up the cardio/switch up the diet

    I would like to jump in hunter I have read studies on T3 for weight loss and according to the studies If you really over weight you will burn off the excess fat be for muscle also you you can take hcg while on T3 it protects muscle.

  11. #11
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    Jun 2009
    Iron Pig,
    What is HCG and for that matter what is NYC? I've read it a few times and i know it doesn't stand for New York City.

    I can't stop taking the Concerta because I need it. My diet is pretty clean. I eat no more than 1500 calories while maintaing about 180-200grams of protein a day. I've taken Tiratricol, which I now know is the same as T3 thanks to you, a while back before I ever took Concerta. I guess what I am trying to ask is this:

    - Does Clen and Concerta do the same thing? As in, are they both stimulants?
    If so, then I will avoid the Clen and stick with the Concerta, but stacking it with T3 (Cytomel) should provide the same, if not, similar results - no?

    Thanks again everyone,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Why is what I asked bold?

    I don't believe Tiratricol or Cytomel is a stimulant, do you know if they are the same thing?
    tiratricol is NOT the same as cytomel, cytomel is the thyroid hormone T3 and tiratricol is a thyroid hormone analog

    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Could I just stack the Cytomel with my current med (Concerta) and get the same or similar results with Clen and Cytomel?
    no you could not stack concerta and cytomel and get the same results, nor would i use an amphetamine salt like concerta(i use focalin myself) for fat burning as it will seriously screw up your CNS and dopamine receptors

    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    I would like to jump in hunter I have read studies on T3 for weight loss and according to the studies If you really over weight you will burn off the excess fat be for muscle also you you can take hcg while on T3 it protects muscle.
    using HCG for two long desensitizes the leydig cells in LH, not a good idea at all

    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Iron Pig,
    What is HCG and for that matter what is NYC? I've read it a few times and i know it doesn't stand for New York City.

    I can't stop taking the Concerta because I need it. My diet is pretty clean. I eat no more than 1500 calories while maintaing about 180-200grams of protein a day. I've taken Tiratricol, which I now know is the same as T3 thanks to you, a while back before I ever took Concerta. I guess what I am trying to ask is this:

    - Does Clen and Concerta do the same thing? As in, are they both stimulants?
    If so, then I will avoid the Clen and stick with the Concerta, but stacking it with T3 (Cytomel) should provide the same, if not, similar results - no?

    Thanks again everyone,
    depending on stats, 1500cal is probably too low, i would go to the diet forum and have us critique your diet

    concerta and clen do NOT do the same thing, stimulants work by alot of different mechanisms

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Strength and Honor
    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Iron Pig,
    What is HCG and for that matter what is NYC? I've read it a few times and i know it doesn't stand for New York City.

    I can't stop taking the Concerta because I need it. My diet is pretty clean. I eat no more than 1500 calories while maintaing about 180-200grams of protein a day. I've taken Tiratricol, which I now know is the same as T3 thanks to you, a while back before I ever took Concerta. I guess what I am trying to ask is this:

    - Does Clen and Concerta do the same thing? As in, are they both stimulants?
    If so, then I will avoid the Clen and stick with the Concerta, but stacking it with T3 (Cytomel) should provide the same, if not, similar results - no?

    Thanks again everyone,

    Human chorionic gonadotropin HCG you can lose up 1-3 pounds of fat and yes it does work I went from 365 to 286 in 5 months. just google hcg and read up.

  15. #15
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Pig View Post
    Human chorionic gonadotropin HCG you can lose up 1-3 pounds of fat and yes it does work I went from 365 to 286 in 5 months. just google hcg and read up.
    i still don't like the idea of using it for extended periods of time, but if it worked for you then it worked, i just wonder at what cost

  16. #16
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    Jun 2009
    First, I sent you a message with the same following questions, so if you answer them here or there avoid the other - if that makes sense.

    Can you please explain to me in laymans terms what you meant?

    "no you could not stack concerta and cytomel and get the same results, nor would i use an amphetamine salt like concerta(i use focalin myself) for fat burning as it will seriously screw up your CNS and dopamine receptors"

    Which one will seriously screw up my CNS and dopamine receptors?

    What does CNS mean?

    I am using Concerta for my ADD, how would Focalin be different in treating that as well as burning fat?

    What would happen if my dopamine receptors were to get screwed up?

    Thanks again fellow Texan (I'm from Dallas myself)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    First, I sent you a message with the same following questions, so if you answer them here or there avoid the other - if that makes sense.
    i didn't get the message, you have to have 25 post to send a pm
    Can you please explain to me in laymans terms what you meant?

    "no you could not stack concerta and cytomel and get the same results, nor would i use an amphetamine salt like concerta(i use focalin myself) for fat burning as it will seriously screw up your CNS and dopamine receptors"

    Which one will seriously screw up my CNS and dopamine receptors?
    concerta is an amphetamine salt that works by stimulating the CNS and enhancing dopminergic transmission in the brain, so using it at high doses for too long will over stimulate your dopamine system and CNS
    What does CNS mean?
    Central Nervous System
    I am using Concerta for my ADD, how would Focalin be different in treating that as well as burning fat?
    i don't use it to burn fat, i use it to control my ADHD, what you are using(concerta) is Methylphenidate, it's also called Ritalin in the US, i use focalin(DexMethylphenidate) which is a stereoisotope of Methylphenidate, basically i use a more efficient version of what you take that doesn't last as long but is stronger
    What would happen if my dopamine receptors were to get screwed up?
    that's not a good deal bro, hardcore drugs(i mean illegal ones) do this same thing, what we take for ADD is in the same class as a very bad drug that also has the word amphetamine in it(we can't mention drug names) and works similarly
    Thanks again fellow Texan (I'm from Dallas myself)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    If I were to try Focalin for my ADHD would I need to stay off the concerta for a week or two before I started the focalin to get the full benefit?

    - Between the two (Concerta and Focalin) which one alters personality more? I rely on personality for my job and fear that something will be lost in the treatment. Not much has been lost at the hands of Concerta, I think because I'm adjusting to it.

    - How long is to long on Concerta? I've been taking 54mg consistently since November of last year, then for like 3 months in 2006. Other than that I've never taken stimulants to control my ADHD. I did, however, take Xenedrine (Ephedrine version) and other similar products from 2000-2004 on and off to help me in the gym and to loose weight. So, in essence, have I been taking the stimulants to long and have I already screwed myself up? If so, how would I know?

    Sorry for all the questions, I feel really lucky right now that someone like you has information that can save my health for the future.

    Last question, please tell me how Concerta and Focalin work differently and what you think of Adderal and other medications to controll ADHD.

    Thanks again,

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    If I were to try Focalin for my ADHD would I need to stay off the concerta for a week or two before I started the focalin to get the full benefit?
    well focalin is a short acting medication(there is a focalin XR that last up to 12 hours) lasting between 4-6 hours, i use it to help me study but i don't take it everyday, just as needed, you wouldn't be taking focalin and concerta at the same time as they are similar medications(focalin is just more efficient in what it does so you don't have to take as much, i take 10-15mg when needed), people that use ritalin and concerta(same thing) normally ahve to take 3-4x the dose they would of focalin to get the same effects
    - Between the two (Concerta and Focalin) which one alters personality more? I rely on personality for my job and fear that something will be lost in the treatment. Not much has been lost at the hands of Concerta, I think because I'm adjusting to it.
    i've never noticed focalin altering my personality in a bad way, i actually feel fine on it(though i do notice a propensity to want to clean when i take it, lol)
    - How long is to long on Concerta? I've been taking 54mg consistently since November of last year, then for like 3 months in 2006. Other than that I've never taken stimulants to control my ADHD. I did, however, take Xenedrine (Ephedrine version) and other similar products from 2000-2004 on and off to help me in the gym and to loose weight. So, in essence, have I been taking the stimulants to long and have I already screwed myself up? If so, how would I know?
    that dose is fine, though i wouldn't be taking things like clen and ephedra very often when on it as they both stimulate the central nervous system
    Sorry for all the questions, I feel really lucky right now that someone like you has information that can save my health for the future.

    Last question, please tell me how Concerta and Focalin work differently and what you think of Adderal and other medications to controll ADHD.

    Thanks again,
    concerta and focalin work in the same way(for the most part), ask your doctor about doing a trial run of focalin or focalin XR(read the wikipedia article on focalin at the bottom, it's very good

    if you like it he might have you switch over as focalin is a new and more effective drug than ritalin, concerta and adderall IMHO

  20. #20
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    I didn't mean to take Focalin and Concerta at the same time. What I meant was, should I get off the Concerta for a week or two before I start the Focolin so that my body can start off fresh with the Focolin rather than going right into immediately after the Concerta. Especially since you say Focolin isn't as strong as Concerta. My fear is that I would try Focolin and not feel anything - hope I said that right.

    Would taking the 3-4 times the dose to get the same feeling as Concerta be just as bad as taking the Concerta itself?

    Do you think Cytomel by itself help with burning fat while I'm taking either Concerta or Focalin for my ADHD?

    Thanks man,

    P.S. I wish there was a way to give you points or ratings like on other forums, I really appreciate your help.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    I didn't mean to take Focalin and Concerta at the same time. What I meant was, should I get off the Concerta for a week or two before I start the Focolin so that my body can start off fresh with the Focolin rather than going right into immediately after the Concerta. Especially since you say Focolin isn't as strong as Concerta. My fear is that I would try Focolin and not feel anything - hope I said that right.
    reread my post, focalin is STRONGER than concerta, so you would probably only have to take 15-20mg of focalin and it would be stronger than concerta
    Would taking the 3-4 times the dose to get the same feeling as Concerta be just as bad as taking the Concerta itself?
    it's the other way around, if you took 50mg of focalin you would be running in circles like a squirrel on crack
    Do you think Cytomel by itself help with burning fat while I'm taking either Concerta or Focalin for my ADHD?
    not a good idea, you would burn fat but cytomel is non-selective so it would burn through some muscle too
    Thanks man,

    P.S. I wish there was a way to give you points or ratings like on other forums, I really appreciate your help.
    and yes, i would take a week or two off to clear your receptors if you tried focalin

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    You are F*#king awesome.

    Thanks for all the help, do you think if I am taking in the enough amount of protein and not too concerned about loosing muscle - that Cytomel would be good for fat loss? I know I'll loose muscle, I'm okay with that, I'm just worried about cardiac arrest or a stroke or anything associated with stimulant abuse.

    If I used Cytomel with either Concerta or Focalin would I be putting myself in serious risk?

    I would think not since I know dudes that have done WAY worse, but then again that shouldn't be a deciding factor.


  23. #23
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    Oh, and I forgot to mention I recently quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes that have Nicotine in them. So, throw Nicotine into the equation.


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    You are F*#king awesome.

    Thanks for all the help, do you think if I am taking in the enough amount of protein and not too concerned about loosing muscle - that Cytomel would be good for fat loss? I know I'll loose muscle, I'm okay with that, I'm just worried about cardiac arrest or a stroke or anything associated with stimulant abuse.

    If I used Cytomel with either Concerta or Focalin would I be putting myself in serious risk?

    I would think not since I know dudes that have done WAY worse, but then again that shouldn't be a deciding factor.

    cytomel isn't a stimulant, it's a thyroid hormone, so you could use it with focalin or concerta and yes you would lose weight if your diet is good, that's your choice though, i like to keep my muscle but if you are more concerned with fat loss then go for it, read up on it though

    Cytomel (T3)

    T4,T3 Explained

    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Oh, and I forgot to mention I recently quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes that have Nicotine in them. So, throw Nicotine into the equation.

    that will affect your performance on cardio, but i don't see a problem, just be careful

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Oh, and forgot to ask one last thing.

    You said Tiratricol was a hormone analogue while Cytomel was just a hormone, sorry for sounding like a newbie but what's the difference between analogue and non-analogue and which works better?


    P.S. No more questions I promise... is that okay? (That was a question with a joke in it)

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Oh, and forgot to ask one last thing.

    You said Tiratricol was a hormone analogue while Cytomel was just a hormone, sorry for sounding like a newbie but what's the difference between analogue and non-analogue and which works better?


    P.S. No more questions I promise... is that okay? (That was a question with a joke in it)
    an analog is a compound with the same structure but different atoms attached then the original, i would use t3 and ask all the questions you need bro

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    an analog is a compound with the same structure but different atoms attached then the original, i would use t3 and ask all the questions you need bro
    T3 as in Cytomel - right? The only reason I am asking is because back when I was taking Tiratricol they called it T3.

    So, Tiratricol or Cytomel?


    P.S. Thank you for the open invitation for questions. Is there a way to donate to this site?

  28. #28
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    T3 as in Cytomel - right? The only reason I am asking is because back when I was taking Tiratricol they called it T3.

    So, Tiratricol or Cytomel?


    P.S. Thank you for the open invitation for questions. Is there a way to donate to this site?
    cytomel is what i would use, and i'm sure there is a way, i can find out for you if you would like but it's not necessary

  30. #30
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    Please find out, I think sites like this can keep overly enthusiastic individuals from making mistakes that would land them in the ER.

    Also, how much cytomel is the regular dosage, probably says on the bottle I'm sure.

    If I start taking it will I have to take it forever or can I cycle off?

    If I do cycle off do I need to do it gradually or stop when I'm done with the bottle?

    What's a good source that has the genuine stuff?

    Can I get it from my doctor?

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Funny View Post
    Please find out, I think sites like this can keep overly enthusiastic individuals from making mistakes that would land them in the ER.
    i will
    Also, how much cytomel is the regular dosage, probably says on the bottle I'm sure.
    depends on the application, read the links i put in post
    If I start taking it will I have to take it forever or can I cycle off?
    you can cycle off
    If I do cycle off do I need to do it gradually or stop when I'm done with the bottle?
    research shows recovery is fast if you just stop it when you are done with your cycle
    What's a good source that has the genuine stuff?
    pm me when you get 25 posts
    Can I get it from my doctor?
    you can get it from a doctor but it's out there and easy to get on your own

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thanks Phate,

    I'll keep posting, not only to PM you, but because I have other questions. I'll shoot you a PM when I reach 25.


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