Age: 26
height: 5'7"
weight: 182
bf %: 9-10% via calipers
lifting exerience: 8 years
cycles: 5
I am Going to start a bulking cycle in the next few weeks. My question is about cardio while bulking. I play hockey for approx. 2 hours a day x5 days a week. I burn a lot of calories lol. I played in Russia for a few months and I was told that to maintain my body weight I needed to consume 5k calories a day because of hockey. The cycles I did before I was under a trainer for them and most of the time consisted of winny, eq, and test.
If I run test cyp and deca for my bulk, and continue my hockey like I am (which I'm not stopping), will it turn into more of a lean bulk? And obviously eat A LOT more. Or is it worthless to do so?
I want to run the bulk because that is the gear I have right now. Please don't tell me about 85 other compounds I should run. :-)
thanks in advance!