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  1. #1
    Rabid Pit Bull is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2008

    Did I Inject into a vain?

    I searched the forum but not all my symptoms showed up....

    Thought I had this injecting thing down. Went to inject 250mg of Test E in my right quad. Injection went fine, I did aspirate . About 5-10 second after the injection, i start getting pretty sharp pins and needles type feeling in my fingers, they started getting a little worse, immediately i realized what i probably did. Got up and started pacing the room shaking my hands preparing for a full on meltdown...... That never came. I got a little hot, but after a minute or two it all went away.

    Never had a cold sweat, or nausea or any of those things I read about when you inject into a vein. So what do you guys think I did?

    Also, if it was a vein, was that shot a waste?

  2. #2
    kdizzog is offline Associate Member
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    If you did hit a vein it wouldn't all make it in there, you probably hit a nerve. Did you start coughing? I think you'll be alright bro.

  3. #3
    diesel405's Avatar
    diesel405 is offline Member
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    You probably went thru a vein (happens alot) and got a slight reaction. Did alot of blood come out when you removed the pin?

  4. #4
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    i have the same problem i cant walk proply now for 2 days i think its because i shoot winstrol ed

  5. #5
    gussy28 is offline New Member
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    i had the same thing injectin glutes. I pulled the needle out and actually shot blood out ! i was worried but i was fine so guessin went through a vein.

  6. #6
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    I have had the same feeling in my hand...hiting a vein is rare! it can still happen but 95% of the time you wont hit one.

  7. #7
    Rabid Pit Bull is offline Junior Member
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    No didn;t bleed a lot. I few drops came out, which is more than normal. I just know as I was recapping the needle after the injection the sharp pins and and needls thing happened. Wasn't mild like a hand falling asleep thing either.

    Whatever happened it sucked, but i am guessing it wasn't nearly as bad as how some people react.

  8. #8
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    This is exactly why i dont do quads! When i read the post before even looking i said... I bet he did a quad injection.. Do your glutes you will never have a problem! I did 1 leg injection and hit a vein. Never again

  9. #9
    killagorilla187's Avatar
    killagorilla187 is offline Associate Member
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    sounds like a nerve, its not a nice feeling. Not sure why your hand would feel that way though. Did your leg jerk all of sudden?>

  10. #10
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    did my right bi once, left arm tingled and went dead for a day, souns similar, guessed it was a nerve

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