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  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    cycle while fasting

    is it a good idea to do a cycle while fasting??

  2. #2
    CMPD213 is offline Associate Member
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    No.. You wont be getting the proper nutrition to make optimal gains in your cycle

  3. #3
    cockneyrebel's Avatar
    cockneyrebel is offline Junior Member
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    surly it cant be, how long are you fasting for?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    is it a good idea to do a cycle while fasting??
    I'm curious why you think it might be a good idea.

  5. #5
    Brown Ninja's Avatar
    Brown Ninja is offline Anabolic Member
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    steroids are magic, that's why

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    You do know that when fasting you are not eating? Being on cycle and trying to gain muscle needs food and nutrients that you can not get while fasting... Would you really even need to ask this question?

  7. #7
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i will be fasting for a month for like 12 hours or less a day and was thinking it might work well if i stuffed myself with food the rest of the day or maybe start a long acting cycle at the start of the month

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    it's not a good idea. if you don't mind me asking, why the fast?

  9. #9
    Dancer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    i will be fasting for a month for like 12 hours or less a day and was thinking it might work well if i stuffed myself with food the rest of the day or maybe start a long acting cycle at the start of the month
    Ramadan observance?

  10. #10
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    is it a good idea to do a cycle while fasting??
    Yes it can be done,,,depending on how long you plan the fasting to be.

  11. #11
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    I would at leas wait til 1/2 the fasting is over. then with a long ester you wil have 2-4 weeks til it really starts to "hit" and that could be the 12st 2 weeks then when the fasting is over ou will not have missed much! Is fasting include liquids too? if not a nice 1000 calorie protein/ MRP might be just what you need to take care of the deficit

  12. #12
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Do not fast while on a cycle. Waste of gear imo.

  13. #13
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    I can't stop laughing at Dancer's avatar

  14. #14
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i will be fasting for a month,its a religious fasting called ramadan no liquids or any food intake for like half of the day

  15. #15
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Yes it can be done,,,depending on how long you plan the fasting to be.
    Yeah can be done if your an idiot...... Why not just eat like an animal while fasting those 12 hours.. then hit the cycle when your done... Sorry.. i know it's rocket science.

    What time do you fast? 12 hours isn't much... if you think about it a normal person should be getting 8 hours of sleep....... so your loosing 4 hours of meals. but your body will only consume so much of what you intake.

  16. #16
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i was thinking of sleeping as much as i can during these 12 hours and even workout immediately before eating,sounds like a good idea to me

  17. #17
    musclehead1 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy View Post
    is it a good idea to do a cycle while fasting??

    Search "priming" and well prime before a cycle, but do it for the entire month of your fast and then hit it hard when u can get a proper diet in.

  18. #18
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    To the thread starter:

    Ramadan is a holy month in which you strenghten your self control and must spend most of your fasting day in prayer and meditation and strengthening your mind and spiritual ties, it is also a month that brings family together during the eating times after sunset and i would say the month (28 days actually) should be used for that reason think of it as a month away from worldly distractions and all that, if you are fasting then you must be doing the praying and using the day for as much religeous activity as you can, that is why in muslim countries the working day is cut shorter during ramadan. Its is NOT a time to sleep more and hang out during the free time. I hope you follow it according to your beleif and make the best of it.

    Now lets talk about diet in an average ramadan day:
    Ramadan stupid Myth number one: "because i wont eat half the day for a month during ramadan, that means i will lose weight for sure!" if i had one cent for everytime i heard that i swear i would be a threat to Rothchild in terms of wealth right now!

    The truth is in ramadan people gorge like crazy before sunrise and then fast for 12 hours which crashes the metabolic system and drives it crazy, then at sunset every family has a FEAST set up and they eat ALOT more than they ever eat on normal days. So basically you have two super eating sessions with a 12 hour break in between with no food or water whatsoever! Your body is going crazy trying to understand whats up so naturally it stores your food as fat thinking your gonna continue this trend forever! Also sleeping times are messed up because many people sleep all afternoon and stay up after sunset eating and doing their business all night. The body receives a strong shock during ramadan periods causing you sleep pattern changes and metabolic changes, which could always lead to gain in weight!!

    Bodybuilders have tried for decades to work around it, using long release protien to trick the system and shoving suppository supplements since taking it that way isnt technically considered "eating" ..sounds like a southpark episode i watched!!

    Anyway man, let me give you a sound peice of Ramadan advice! Its only one month!! thats less than a tenth of a year! all the rules are set in opposition of a bodybuilders needs for optimal performance and gains. Just take the month off, i dont mean off from training, but off from serious dieting, because you cannot realistically provide your body with enough good nutrition and avoid muscle catabolism when you are taking 12 hour breaks from food!

    Just exercise as normal, eat what you and your family put together and enjoy a good month and make the best of it, after this one month then go cycle when you are able to have a great diet and rest and training schedule.

    Or in the rare case that you are a Hezbolla soldier who is forced to cycle in order to more powerfully intimidate the infidels and you must do it or get shot in the head, then in that case i would follow ninesecz advice and start later in the month so that it begins to kick in as soon as your month of ramadan is over.

  19. #19
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    are you stupid if you take aas while fasting then your going to faint

  20. #20
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    12 hours a day of fasting wont affect me much cause i will be sleeping like 8-10 hours of it and hitting the gym for an hour or hour and a half just before eating

  21. #21
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    the reason i cant wait is cause i lost major weight due to work and sickness issues

  22. #22
    aldemoro is offline Associate Member
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    its wrong doode you wont see effects and you will lose you will waste your money then your gona buy new gear but do itanyway if its in your head so much then see it for yourself

  23. #23
    KAEW44's Avatar
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    Is it that difficult to just wait till Ramadan is over? you dont have 28 days of patience? thats hardly a fit characteristic of a religious person who is willing to fast 28 days but cant wait to cycle.

  24. #24
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    well guys i actually gain mass when fasting cause i stuff myself in those 12 hours and the other 12 hours i sleep and train just before eating

  25. #25
    cubnlynx's Avatar
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    I would just wait till the fasting is over

  26. #26
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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  27. #27
    texasmk4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44 View Post
    To the thread starter:

    Ramadan is a holy month in which you strenghten your self control and must spend most of your fasting day in prayer and meditation and strengthening your mind and spiritual ties, it is also a month that brings family together during the eating times after sunset and i would say the month (28 days actually) should be used for that reason think of it as a month away from worldly distractions and all that, if you are fasting then you must be doing the praying and using the day for as much religeous activity as you can, that is why in muslim countries the working day is cut shorter during ramadan. Its is NOT a time to sleep more and hang out during the free time. I hope you follow it according to your beleif and make the best of it.

    Now lets talk about diet in an average ramadan day:
    Ramadan stupid Myth number one: "because i wont eat half the day for a month during ramadan, that means i will lose weight for sure!" if i had one cent for everytime i heard that i swear i would be a threat to Rothchild in terms of wealth right now!

    The truth is in ramadan people gorge like crazy before sunrise and then fast for 12 hours which crashes the metabolic system and drives it crazy, then at sunset every family has a FEAST set up and they eat ALOT more than they ever eat on normal days. So basically you have two super eating sessions with a 12 hour break in between with no food or water whatsoever! Your body is going crazy trying to understand whats up so naturally it stores your food as fat thinking your gonna continue this trend forever! Also sleeping times are messed up because many people sleep all afternoon and stay up after sunset eating and doing their business all night. The body receives a strong shock during ramadan periods causing you sleep pattern changes and metabolic changes, which could always lead to gain in weight!!

    Bodybuilders have tried for decades to work around it, using long release protien to trick the system and shoving suppository supplements since taking it that way isnt technically considered "eating" ..sounds like a southpark episode i watched!!

    Anyway man, let me give you a sound peice of Ramadan advice! Its only one month!! thats less than a tenth of a year! all the rules are set in opposition of a bodybuilders needs for optimal performance and gains. Just take the month off, i dont mean off from training, but off from serious dieting, because you cannot realistically provide your body with enough good nutrition and avoid muscle catabolism when you are taking 12 hour breaks from food!

    Just exercise as normal, eat what you and your family put together and enjoy a good month and make the best of it, after this one month then go cycle when you are able to have a great diet and rest and training schedule.

    Or in the rare case that you are a Hezbolla soldier who is forced to cycle in order to more powerfully intimidate the infidels and you must do it or get shot in the head, then in that case i would follow ninesecz advice and start later in the month so that it begins to kick in as soon as your month of ramadan is over.

    Well done said KAEW44!! you sound like you have alot of knowledge

    you don't need to bump it fitguy you got yourself an answer .. just fast and respect the month... you can do cycle for the rest of the year once the ramadan is over.
    Last edited by texasmk4; 08-26-2009 at 10:52 AM.

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