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Thread: First cycle Q: Prop and Mast

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    First cycle Q: Prop and Mast

    hello all.

    been reading for a while, i'm about a couple of months from doing my first cycle.

    the above numbers are after i'm done my dieting. am likely to rebound (water and such) to a bit more and perhaps like 11% bf or so.

    I'm stronger than i am big, but i feel i have a good base, but my "beach muscles" need a jolt.

    anyhow, my goals are strength, upper body mass (all over, but mainly upper body), as well as leanness, conditioning and above all keeping as much of it as possible.

    i plan on sort of keeping up the cutting, cardio and low cals for the first 2 weeks of the cycle. after that i plan on not gaining fat, but focusing on strength and adding muscle. for pct i then will add creatine, and if i managed to get down to ~7.5/8%, maybe fatten back up to around 9.5% in order to keep all the gains possible.

    i am asking about running prop and mast because my research shows that mast is a big help for keeping gains, and will combat bloating and estrogen sides. i know most want to keep it with just test, but i figure mast will give me the results i want and help with sides. yes i know the injection pain will be bad, but i've dealt with pain and i can roll with it. to be honest i've been able to have great periods of training strung together, but i get run down due to life, work, and other stress and the biggest thing i am hoping for from the sauce is to be able to recover from balls out kick ass workouts which i live for.

    I plan
    8-10 weeks Mast@50mgs ED and Prop@50mgs ED

    running HCG at week 6 into PCT to get the nuts back up and running the standard dosage of PCT using clomid and nolva. (4 weeks pct).

    part of my plan is to really jack up activity levels, particularly for the first 2 or so weeks, so that as i cut back on volume and extra cardio/conditioning as i go into pct i will keep enough juice going in my lifting workouts to keep strength up.

    i suppose i need something on hand in case i get gyno, or any hair loss, but there isn't much history of that in my fam.

    any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Prop needs to be injected ED or thats a lot of shots for a beginner

    If you plan on ever doing another cycle in future ( and we all do) then you want to learn how your body reacts to EACH compound

    IF you use two compounds on your first go around, HOW will you know what is doing what to your body for future reference???

    I would go with a simple Test ONLY cycle and go with a long ester so you only have to shoot twice a week

    bloating is mostly diet related and can be controlled with an AI which you should have on hand any way for during the cycle

    You will get excellent results with a TEST ONLY cycle as long as your diet and training are set up correctly and you will keep gains as long as your PCT and post diet and training are set up correctly. DO NOT expect the gear to do ALL THE WORK FOR YOU...... once you are off, its YOU that needs to ensure you keep what you got

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    all fair points mate, but i've absolutely scoured the boards and drug profiles, and i am very attracted to the short ester "clean" gains, and to the lower bloat from the prop. also mast seems to me to be just what the doctor ordered in terms of avoiding sides and keeping gains.

    i use melanotan 2 so i am used to pinning multiple times a day, and am willing to suffer through the pain of some stingy prop.

    in your more experienced opinion, are any of my assumptions/conclusions about these drugs wrong?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    If you really want to pin yourself 3 X a week for 10-12 weeks I guess that is your call! I just do not see why anyone would want to pin themselves that much

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    hey bro full speed ahead using the exact same compounds , right now. regardless of no hairloss in your family get yourself some dutast or something just incase. and something to control achne just in case, i havnt experienced either yet as i have no family history. but its always a possibility .

    id choose short esthers any day man, alot of mixed oppinions on this bored.

    a benefit of short esthers is that if the effects are negetive to the point its not worth continuing your cycle , atleast with short esthers you can stop and the test stops working within days , long esthers takes longer.

    i ****ing love injecting , pumps me up ,makes me feel like dolph's character in universal soldier. **** yeah thats the spirit soldier

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    If you really want to pin yourself 3 X a week for 10-12 weeks I guess that is your call! I just do not see why anyone would want to pin themselves that much
    Knowing i'm going to pin, it's the highlight of my day! Seriously.

  7. #7
    For your 1st cycle, test only will be your best bet. I know everybody says that but it's true. Like T-MOS stated, you'll know exactly how you react to each compound if you try them one at a time. Test is all you need and will allow you to reach the goals you've stated. My 2nd cycle was Prop only, and in 8 wks I gained (and have kept) 15 lean lbs and dropped 2% bf. If your diet is in order, you're golden.

    just my .02

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    i appreciate that matter et al.

    my q is more about mast as an additive -- it helps with esty sides and has the rep of helping you avoid bloat and maintain gains.

    has anyone not seen this, or noticed something about that would cause me to avoid it?

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