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Thread: weight gain

  1. #1

    Angry weight gain

    i am doing a sus250@500wk/deca@300wk/and dbol 50mg a day for 8 in the second wk and have only gained 10 lbs and feel like my weight gain is idoled.i was only run the dbol for 4 looking to put on at least another 20 lbs,and would like to keep most of my taking milk thistle @600mg a day for liver the milk thistle holding me back.should i increase the D.and run it for the full 8 wks?also i was thinking of running primo@300 wk on wks 9-12. please give me some advice as to what will be best to gain my expectations.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    d bol for 8 weeks are u nuts, run it that long and ur gonna run yourself 6 feet under. 10 pounds in two weeks is great, some people get that in 8! And dont worry everything except the bol will kick in around weeks 4 to 5. Then u'll really start to feel it. But i wouldn't complain those are great gains for ur second week

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    and the milk thistle wont hinder any of ur gains, it just protects the liver from toxins.

  4. #4
    The original jason Guest
    bro lol this is one of the funniest posts i seen lmao u for real? i think this post is a wind up?? 10lbs in 2 weeks gains cames to a stand still??? lol and want another 20lb u dont want much eh any advice well lower your expectations before you get dissapointed or hurt yourself or drop all the juice u r taking and ask mike to source u some magic pills they might meet your needs


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001


    i love when i hear guys say, "yeah i'm 185 now and i figure if i do a cycle or two i'm hoping to be like 250 by spring".haha.or "yeah i want to just add like 4"'s to my arms by summer." sometimes i think people use gear who shouldn't.they are just setting themselves up for failure.set REALISTIC takes a good 10 lbs to gain an inch on your arms.if you are lifting to asthetics, why are so many bodybuilders so set on a target weight.i don't want weight just to say "oh,i'm *** lbs.i want a dense, cut, asthetically pleasing, amount of size.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well dude 10lbs in 2 weeks is very good! You should be happy with what you have so far! I am on a similar cycle right now 500mg Sus, 400mg Deca a week and 40mg ED dbol. I am on week 5 and I was 185lbs now I am 203lbs! I am very happy with this!You should gain another 10lbs maybe a little more all depending on your training,diet, and sleep! Good luck! be happy dude!

  7. #7
    Mike Guest

    I'LL HOOK YOU UP!!!!!

  8. #8
    hahaha ok i gotcha i guess my expectations were a little high.
    thanks for the reality check.
    by the way the 10 lbs looks great,couldnt have done it without the input i recieved from this board
    thanks !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I gotta get some of these magic pills! Aren't these the pills that make you huge, cut, and add 6 inches to your dick size?

  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    there's a full description of these in one of the posts do a search - they're magnificent!

  11. #11
    Mike Guest
    ok its the post titled - "what is the best steroid"

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    hey 4plates... if u wanna keep your gains, then don't forget the Clomid !!!

  13. #13
    are you guys done? im glad i amused you assholes.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    brotha were here to help, and some sarcastic help is needed every now and then. But calling everyone assholes aint the best way to go about things around here.

  15. #15

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Great Gains

    Hey man, calm down, the guys are just joking around. They really are a great bunch of guys once you get to know them. There was a post here awhile back from some guy asking what was the best overall steriod that gives the best gains with no side effects. Like there is such a thing, hence the term majic pills was invented. There was no flame intended, it's just that 10 lbs is really good gains and maybe your expectations were a little high. Don't worry, we've all expected more than we recieved at one time or another in the gym. Keep training hard and good luck with your future gains.
    P.S. Check out the diet section of the board. There is alot of great info there which can help up to about 75% of your gains

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Man, just like old times, blind leading the blind. First off, I wouldn't recommend running dbol for 8 weeks, and secondly, dbol's most effective weeks are NOT weeks 4 and 5, you should be tapering it by then. Dude, 10 lbs. in 2 weeks on a cycle as light as that is excellent.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    4plates no flame intended but what site did you research this info from like running d-bol for 8 weeks?

    The guys on here are not being assholes when you post something like that which is balls to the walls stupid what do you expect and 10lbs in 2 weeks that is good going bro!!

    Mike those magic pills suck I have been on like 100 a day and in the last month I only gained 6000lbs.Whats wrong with you guys I wanted to LOSE weight!!!!!! LOL

    Like I said no flame intended.......but seriously how is the cycle going?


  19. #19
    sorry for being a dick.the only reason i asked about the 8 weeeks on dbol is because i just assumed the dbol was the leading factor in my weight gain since the info on the board said the sus and deca probably just kicked in after 2 weeks,and if the dbol was making me gain so fast why not keep it going? but nowi realise that it isnt the case. another reason for the question was for knowlage,now i know.
    the cycle is going great,thanks for asking,im really pleased with my gains.except i need to do a little more on the legs.hahai feel like a mac truck on stilts

  20. #20
    Mike Guest
    I spend HOURS on here every day - I usually keep the board up all day between 7am and 4pm - please dont call me an asshole if every once in a while I NEED something relatively light to keep e from going insane answering all these serious questions all day - if you want help make another post here and ask me what you are looking for and I will anser it seriously and will answer your question - I apologize for your frustration

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Mack truck on stilts......good one....very funny!

    8 weeks as per everyone elses responses IS too long man and make sure whenever you use orals to choke down the milk thistle to at least help the liver out a little...plenty of water and you'll grow. If you want another 20lbs man better start eating like a fucking animal too...get the calories up and not from shit food either.



    P.S Get A Dog Up Ya!

  22. #22
    The original jason Guest
    sorry about this one think it might have been my fault maybe i was having a day like mike got a little pissed off and posted something sarcastic didnt mean to start anything by it was funny though lol if you need some serious info like mike said post again we always help out if possible


  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Miami, Fla
    Wow ! I hope you guys don't get on my case when I ask a dumb question, because soon I will be. Man y'all were tough on ol' 4 plates.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    4plates was dugg into the ground because he wanted to run dbol two weeks past what people recommend!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    I dont even run d-bol 6 weeks when injecting..i only use it 4=\

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    NW of DFW TX
    I hope he noticed the post about taking clomid post cycle though. That wasn't anyone giving him a hard time! That was SOUND advice bro.



  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Did anyone notice this post was from August? Lol, I think 4plates is considerable more knowlegable now, he's helped me out for sure.

    Ahh, the written word never dies.


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    brotha were here to help, and some sarcastic help is needed every now and then. But calling everyone assholes aint the best way to go about things around here.
    bro he was just kidding around mang. I call all my friends assholes, dicks, bunch of idiots. We can say that to each other cuz we're friends. If we weren't we be brawling right now.

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