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Thread: 2nd round on Tren... life sucks. lol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The gym or the kitchen

    2nd round on Tren... life sucks. lol

    Just wanted to share a little tren experance with you guys. So im on my 7th week of Tren at 75 ED, and 50 Test P ED. (second time using it.) The first time i ran tren i ran it at 350 per week and 500 test P for 8 weeks and bumped it to 525 the last 2 weeks of it. I noticed mood changes and high blood pressure the last 2 weeks but i was almost done with it. I figured i could just "push through" and I did. Now on this second run I started at 525 and its been a roller coaster ride ever sense. I snap and go off on people for no reason, people at work hate me, and my marriage is on the rocks. All though I have been busting my ass in the gym and the results are great the down side about this is ive turned into a monster. Getting 4 hours of sleep at night if I don’t take sleep aid and have higher blood pressure can take a toll on your body and life. Me and my new wife started fighting when my cycle started and there a few new holes in the house and she wants me to go get some crazy pills. (I have a doc appoint next week) I have backed down the dose from 525 to 350 and Im already feeling more back to normal. This will be my final week of tren (8 weeks is up) and im going to finish test P on week 10. I wrote this to share with everyone so they can get a laugh but also maybe learn something like I have. Sometimes its best to run a smaller dose, and if you run a higher dose and you see things are getting away from you just back it down or stop it totally. Now I also have to try to fix friendships at work as well try to fix a marriage. I think ill also have to send a few “im sorry” letters to the people at the grocery store as well as a few old ladies driving down the road. LOL!!
    Again i just wanted to share a little story with everyone on my experience hope you get something out of it. Have a good Friday everyone!! LOL!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Chev View Post
    Just wanted to share a little tren experance with you guys. So im on my 7th week of Tren at 75 ED, and 50 Test P ED. (second time using it.) The first time i ran tren i ran it at 350 per week and 500 test P for 8 weeks and bumped it to 525 the last 2 weeks of it. I noticed mood changes and high blood pressure the last 2 weeks but i was almost done with it. I figured i could just "push through" and I did. Now on this second run I started at 525 and its been a roller coaster ride ever sense. I snap and go off on people for no reason, people at work hate me, and my marriage is on the rocks. All though I have been busting my ass in the gym and the results are great the down side about this is ive turned into a monster. Getting 4 hours of sleep at night if I don’t take sleep aid and have higher blood pressure can take a toll on your body and life. Me and my new wife started fighting when my cycle started and there a few new holes in the house and she wants me to go get some crazy pills. (I have a doc appoint next week) I have backed down the dose from 525 to 350 and Im already feeling more back to normal. This will be my final week of tren (8 weeks is up) and im going to finish test P on week 10. I wrote this to share with everyone so they can get a laugh but also maybe learn something like I have. Sometimes its best to run a smaller dose, and if you run a higher dose and you see things are getting away from you just back it down or stop it totally. Now I also have to try to fix friendships at work as well try to fix a marriage. I think ill also have to send a few “im sorry” letters to the people at the grocery store as well as a few old ladies driving down the road. LOL!!
    Again i just wanted to share a little story with everyone on my experience hope you get something out of it. Have a good Friday everyone!! LOL!
    At least you realize this and are trying to change! Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    been there, done that. have the fines to prove it. lol

    yeah its rough man. i mean everyone says its all mental but its more then that. in some ppl there is just a switch that once its flipped... theres no controlling it

    im usually nicer on gear and an asshole during PCT. lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Dude you need to settle down on that shite. I mean whats more important? Gettin big or Family/friends/job? Maybe stop doin tren from now on

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    been there, done that. have the fines to prove it. lol

    yeah its rough man. i mean everyone says its all mental but its more then that. in some ppl there is just a switch that once its flipped... theres no controlling it

    im usually nicer on gear and an asshole during PCT. lol
    ha yup,, im usually an ahole all other times i dont have some sort of artificial test in my system. Im prb the nicest and most social when on cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The gym or the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    Dude you need to settle down on that shite. I mean whats more important? Gettin big or Family/friends/job? Maybe stop doin tren from now on
    I agree 100%! Sometimes you just get cought up in it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Chev View Post
    I agree 100%! Sometimes you just get cought up in it.
    yup this stuff is very mentally addicting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    welcome to my

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    A friend of mine told me how to figure your doses.he said to keep uping untill you blow a fuse then back off a little,sounds like you have done this also.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    A friend of mine told me how to figure your doses.he said to keep uping untill you blow a fuse then back off a little,sounds like you have done this also.
    Haha precision at it's finest! I don't think I will ever be able to run Tren. Sometimes I act like an idiot without that stuff in my system.

  11. #11
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    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MR10X View Post
    A friend of mine told me how to figure your doses.he said to keep uping untill you blow a fuse then back off a little,sounds like you have done this also.
    Ya know, if their is one thing i learned over the last 9 years of training, NEVER take advise from gym

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    East Coast
    LOL......but not funny for you, I know. My woman doesn't like me on cycle. We have an arrangement.

    I sleep in the guest room, unless I'm getting laid that night.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The gym or the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Theatrix View Post
    LOL......but not funny for you, I know. My woman doesn't like me on cycle. We have an arrangement.

    I sleep in the guest room, unless I'm getting laid that night.
    That was my life the last few weeks!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    thats why i dont live with my wife

    2 seperate houses

    bought the second one when i bought my first cycle of tren

    safer that way

    is safer even a word? or is it... more safe?


    wheres sm?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Steroids don't make you act like a dumbass and idiot to other people, so I find it strange people use tren to suddenly say they have become The Grinch. All high hormonal levels can do is bring out the personality of that individual more in terms of aggressiveness. They can't make you a jerk or a douchebag, part of it is psychological and placebo because people go on tren thinking they are going to turn into a jerk and thus when they get "just a little bit angry" it reinforces the notion in their brain that the tren is doing it and it just compounds the fact.

    I have ran tren ace @ 700mg/week and only had minor increased aggression and that was in the gym, I was still my usual self outside of it.

    I don't let steroids get in my head

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    The gym or the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Steroids don't make you act like a dumbass and idiot to other people, so I find it strange people use tren to suddenly say they have become The Grinch. All high hormonal levels can do is bring out the personality of that individual more in terms of aggressiveness. They can't make you a jerk or a douchebag, part of it is psychological and placebo because people go on tren thinking they are going to turn into a jerk and thus when they get "just a little bit angry" it reinforces the notion in their brain that the tren is doing it and it just compounds the fact.

    I have ran tren ace @ 700mg/week and only had minor increased aggression and that was in the gym, I was still my usual self outside of it.

    I don't let steroids get in my head
    Your not married..... so it doesnt count!!

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Steroids don't make you act like a dumbass and idiot to other people, so I find it strange people use tren to suddenly say they have become The Grinch. All high hormonal levels can do is bring out the personality of that individual more in terms of aggressiveness. They can't make you a jerk or a douchebag, part of it is psychological and placebo because people go on tren thinking they are going to turn into a jerk and thus when they get "just a little bit angry" it reinforces the notion in their brain that the tren is doing it and it just compounds the fact.

    I have ran tren ace @ 700mg/week and only had minor increased aggression and that was in the gym, I was still my usual self outside of it.

    I don't let steroids get in my head
    +1 thank you

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    The gym or the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by alpmaster View Post
    +1 thank you
    Everyone reacts a little different to drugs, im sure theres would be a mixed review on this. Different factors also contribute. (stress, money, job issues, home issues) Not that i have all these but if someone is highly stressed im sure AAS would make things worse. m2c

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    inside my mind
    tren is the worst and the best drug all at time ran a gram of tren e and almost lost my marbels.. i even went to the doc for a mental evaluation. i kept thinking "cant be the tren i dont get rage" yup came off and was fine.. it WAS the tren.. and ONLY tren does this but at high dosages for me ill stay around 500mg or less from now on. and i feel ya on the wife thing, had a gf but ran her off acting like a douchbag azz

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Chev View Post
    Just wanted to share a little tren experance with you guys. So im on my 7th week of Tren at 75 ED, and 50 Test P ED. (second time using it.) The first time i ran tren i ran it at 350 per week and 500 test P for 8 weeks and bumped it to 525 the last 2 weeks of it. I noticed mood changes and high blood pressure the last 2 weeks but i was almost done with it. I figured i could just "push through" and I did. Now on this second run I started at 525 and its been a roller coaster ride ever sense. I snap and go off on people for no reason, people at work hate me, and my marriage is on the rocks. All though I have been busting my ass in the gym and the results are great the down side about this is ive turned into a monster. Getting 4 hours of sleep at night if I don’t take sleep aid and have higher blood pressure can take a toll on your body and life. Me and my new wife started fighting when my cycle started and there a few new holes in the house and she wants me to go get some crazy pills. (I have a doc appoint next week) I have backed down the dose from 525 to 350 and Im already feeling more back to normal. This will be my final week of tren (8 weeks is up) and im going to finish test P on week 10. I wrote this to share with everyone so they can get a laugh but also maybe learn something like I have. Sometimes its best to run a smaller dose, and if you run a higher dose and you see things are getting away from you just back it down or stop it totally. Now I also have to try to fix friendships at work as well try to fix a marriage. I think ill also have to send a few “im sorry” letters to the people at the grocery store as well as a few old ladies driving down the road. LOL!!
    Again i just wanted to share a little story with everyone on my experience hope you get something out of it. Have a good Friday everyone!! LOL!
    You should bump your dosages down if side effects become not tolerable.

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