damn! m-drol is cheaper than that lol
damn! m-drol is cheaper than that lol
There is another clone out on bulk nutritons site that is 90 tabs 10mg a tab for 19.99. Thats a steal, im ordering two bottles soon along with some pplex to bridge it with.
s-roid. it got good review man. send me a friend request im new and lookin to get in on the forums.
yeah, its good stuff from what i hear.
its 19.99 at nutraplanet fellas...... sold out tho
hmmm, perhaps my friend. just gotta check it out. m-drol is a great clone and sells for a great price, just buy it man. That way you know your stuff is legit. I want to do a m drol/h-drol/epistane cycle. It will be hell on my liver but im gonna do it.
2000vette, where ya at
Well im thinking six week cycle. possibly eight but heres my six week sample.
Week1-mdrol 10mg
week2-mdrol 20mg/epistane 20mg
week3-mdrol 30mg/epistane 20mg
week4-hdrol 50mg/ epistane 30mg
week5-hdrol 50mg/ epistane 30mg
week6 hdrol 25mg/ epistane 20mg
4 week letro and nolva to cut down. the letro is to make and attempt at getting rid of some gyno
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