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Thread: Rookies read me

  1. #41
    Psycoswole's Avatar
    Psycoswole is offline Member
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    Point taken Bobo. Heretical?! These beliefs have been established i think on good grounds and are standards for a reason, although i agree the way it was put forth on this thread was slightly extreme

  2. #42
    GenuinePL's Avatar
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  3. #43
    bonker's Avatar
    bonker is offline Associate Member
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    Bump.Very good topic.

  4. #44
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Think for a second the first time you went into a gym and thought to yourself...I want to look like the guys in the magazines! You probably had no idea of the work involved and chances are most of us never had or have a chance at reaching that level. Can you honestly say that you were ready, with little knowledge of training or nutrition to start juicing? I can't, and I bet most you can't also. It's not just a case of exhausting natural attempts at progress but the knowledge you attain on the journey. It's about learning to break through platueas, learning to train instictively, about knowing you have to give a little bit more if you want to progress this week. It's like learning to use an axe before learning to use a chainsaw...after all you still have to split the wood. And when you go through the experience of learning, you're better equiped for the next stage. That my friends takes time.

  5. #45
    Bobo Daklown is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by dumbells101
    Can you honestly say that you were ready, with little knowledge of training or nutrition to start juicing? I can't, and I bet most you can't also. It's not just a case of exhausting natural attempts at progress but the knowledge you attain on the journey.
    which means newbie + AR > clueless vet without AR?

    its not that i disagree. its just that i don't think will smith was so burdened. "I want to look like ali....ok, take these."

    part of what i am suggesting is that there is a moral, derisive element. you are a lazy newbie, you are clueless, you just want a shortcut, you want to watch tv, eat pizza and look like the oak, element. Scientifically, physically, I haven't really seen an established justification for distinguishing between the impacts on those who have their limits au naturel vs those who haven't, though I think most folks post as if there were.

  6. #46
    Full Intensity's Avatar
    Full Intensity is offline Anabolic Member
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  7. #47
    dumbells101's Avatar
    dumbells101 is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by Bobo Daklown
    Part of what i am suggesting is that there is a moral, derisive element. you are a lazy newbie, you are clueless, you just want a shortcut, you want to watch tv, eat pizza and look like the oak, element. Scientifically, physically, I haven't really seen an established justification for distinguishing between the impacts on those who have their limits au naturel vs those who haven't, though I think most folks post as if there were.
    True above, but...

    There is not perhaps not an impact between them but I'm not just talking about taking a shortcut or being lazy...I'm talking about the what is physically, mentally and morally the best decision. It is like giving a child a Colt 45 instead of a bb gun. If they are not ready for it mentally and physically then they're gonna get hurt. Don't you think that exercise form ie. breathing, weight control, being able to focus mentally on a bodypart while training takes time to learn? Not just for the teens but even adults. I have not found in my almost 20 years of PT a single new client, who had never trained before that immediately had all the tools physically or mentally to train properly. You see what I am saying here?

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