I've searched everywhere and can't seem to find the answer, or much about 5-deca-zol really. The guys at the gym have been just raving about the stuff, even seeing 20lbs+ in a months time. My question is this, is it safe to take while on true AAS? I'm running Sust at 500mgs a week right now, injecting Mon and Thur. I'm only on week 3, so this one month cycle of 5-deca-zol would run from week 4-8 of my ten week cycle.
Normally this stuff requires a PCT, but because I'm already on test it wouldn't be needed correct? So I can run my sust until week 10 and do a normall PCT after without worrying about PCT for the 5-deca-zol? This stuff is a true legal roid, and it's nasty stuff. I just watched my friend and 60lbs to his bench in 2 weeks.
So am I safe running this stuff?