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Thread: taper test?

  1. #1
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    taper test?

    Is it better to slowly decrease test if you r gyno prone? something like this
    week1-10- 400 mgs
    week 11- 300
    week 12- 200
    then pct. not plannin on doing this just trying to see what yall think? I know people say not to do this but didnt know if doing this would help if you were gyno prone

  2. #2
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    I do not think that tapering has to do with gyno. I taper because it works well for me

  3. #3
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    I would not ever taoer the test at te end unless maybe you were on TRT then you might slowly taper back to the normal TRT dose but other than that, I would say NO

  4. #4
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    how do you taper twist. whats an ideal cycle look like and what made you taper? How does it work better compared to not doing it for you

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    If you plan to pct at the conclusion of your cycle the taper will not aid in recovery if thats what you are after. Pick a dose and run it till the end.

  6. #6
    alpmaster is offline Member
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    It depends on the ester, but gyno should be prevented and if it still comes through you start a halting process. All of this is done with ancillaries and nothing to do with test.

  7. #7
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by oak2429 View Post
    how do you taper twist. whats an ideal cycle look like and what made you taper? How does it work better compared to not doing it for you
    the reasons I taper are as follows:
    1 I cannot run pct because my body responds in very crazy ways to nolvadex and any ai. (I actually got gyno on nolvadex and my gyno -that i have had for months- actually disappeared when i stopped using an ai and let the estrogen come back)
    2 I stop all compounds other than test well before my cycle ends
    ex. 1-14 eq
    3-6 tren or deca (don't use either anymore)
    2-16 (sometimes 17) propionate
    16 or 17 - to 19 taper down
    3 I use only propionate and if I were to use a long ester I would put propionate in the end and in the beginning. I believe it is hard on the body to just cease using all testosterone all at once. this is the crash I always see people having.
    4 I cannot get hcg , and I believe this would help

    5 (the most important part) when i taper down i make sure that within the last week of my cycle my blood levels drop momentarily (for about 12 hours) lower than they would be naturally. this I believe causes the body to send a message to start producing again.

    I keep all of my gains, for months but then slowly shrink back down as you cannot support muscle mass beyond your natural limit without aas

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