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Thread: Hair Friendly Cycle

  1. #1

    Hair Friendly Cycle

    Can anyone give me an example of a good hair friendly cycle that still incorporates some test but while also taking a dht inhibitor like finasteride? Id like to keep the test low but maybe I can run some anavar? Tren is also real tough on my hair so that's out. Can anyone share there experiences with me. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Anytown USA
    what is wrong with a test only cycle?
    What are your stats. age? How many cycles in the past?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ninesecz View Post
    what is wrong with a test only cycle?
    What are your stats. age? How many cycles in the past?
    Nothing is wrong with it. My stats: 6ft, 225lbs, 18%bf (I know I need to get it down) I am 28 years old and have 6 cycles under my belt. All test, dbol, and I tried tren (didnt like it). I currently cruise and blast and am on a blast portion of it at 750mg Test Ent only per week. I cruise at 175mg-200mg per week for one year. I have an aggressive PCT lined up and plan on being off for a period of six months. I have done this a couple of times and my endo test has come back to normal. The PCT consists of HCG towards the end of the cycle (moderate amounts) HMG after cycle (still looking into this) and of course nolvadex. I will be on a sarm (s4) throughout this period to also help save muscle while not messing up my natural test and recovery etc.

    I am really looking to keep my test (cycle not endo) low while adding something else that will help me gain. Hairloss is a concern and I will keep taking the finasteride at 2.5mg daily and may add dutasteride 0.5mg twice a week. Deca is out of the question because you really shouldnt combine that with the propecia due to DHN production. Maybe Eq?

    Summary: who has had good experience with a good cycle who has Male Pattern Baldness and still incorporates maybe TRT dosages of test while adding something else. Thanks.

    Also, adding HGH could be an option. Thats not too bad on hair.

  4. #4
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    Dec 2008
    HGH is definitely a good option..

    Or you could go for a more mild cycle.. (IE)

    (weeks 1 - 8) T-bol @ 60 - 80mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 14) Test-C @ 300mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 12) Deca @ 600mg ED

    .... deca / t-bol are good on the hairline... same with anavar... i'd keep the test low.. and use some fina throughout.

    good luck bro

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    If your prone to MPB there is nothing you can do, the end result is a bald head, maybe and just maybe you can slow the process down with certain medications when cycling but there is still a huge risk of accelerating the loss, cycling = increased risk of being bald sooner than later.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I would say a good hair friendly cycle would be some nourishing Head and Shoulders and some Neutrogina T-Gel as a basic cycle, maybe once youve got that cycle under your belt you could add some Herbal Essence's? Just my 2c!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If your prone to MPB there is nothing you can do, the end result is a bald head, maybe and just maybe you can slow the process down with certain medications when cycling but there is still a huge risk of accelerating the loss, cycling = increased risk of being bald sooner than later.
    Ugh. I know. Tell me about it.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by amateur88 View Post
    I would say a good hair friendly cycle would be some nourishing Head and Shoulders and some Neutrogina T-Gel as a basic cycle, maybe once youve got that cycle under your belt you could add some Herbal Essence's? Just my 2c!
    Nice bro. Thanks for the help. Haha.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    HGH is definitely a good option..

    Or you could go for a more mild cycle.. (IE)

    (weeks 1 - 8) T-bol @ 60 - 80mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 14) Test-C @ 300mg ED
    (weeks 1 - 12) Deca @ 600mg ED

    .... deca / t-bol are good on the hairline... same with anavar... i'd keep the test low.. and use some fina throughout.

    good luck bro
    Thanks. I thought deca and finasteridel was a big no no though.

  10. #10

  11. #11
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    haha - this stupid myth rears its ugly head again!! you CAN use deca test and finasteride together. the myth that it makes hairloss worse is total bollox.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by sitries View Post
    haha - this stupid myth rears its ugly head again!! you CAN use deca test and finasteride together. the myth that it makes hairloss worse is total bollox.
    yup; utter B.S.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    yup; utter B.S.
    So which would be better in terms of hair loss. (Both with taking Finasteride)

    300mg of Test plus 200-300mg of Deca per week


    Straight Test Enanthate at 500-600mg per week.

    Again both while taking finasteride


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by John88Test View Post
    So which would be better in terms of hair loss. (Both with taking Finasteride)

    300mg of Test plus 200-300mg of Deca per week


    Straight Test Enanthate at 500-600mg per week.

    Again both while taking finasteride

    i'd just go test @ 500mg & deca @ 400mg. might as well. you will still shed around the same amount of hair @ 300mg of test each week.

  15. #15
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    Here is something from my experience. I am very prone to MPB and have been on Dutas for years. Everyone on here scared the crap out of me that if i even got near juice all my hair would fall out tomorrow. That has not been my experience at all.

    My cycle with no hairloss:

    500mg Test cyp EW
    80mg Avanvar ED
    HGH 6 iu a day

    I am on Dutas 2.5mg (i know it is a lot but was well tolerated in studies on Avodart).
    Nizoral shampoo
    Spiro 5%

    My next cycle will include some Masteron and halo, is addition to var and test. I will let you know how my hairline does with that.

  16. #16
    Thanks bro. Definately keep me informed. PM if u want to

  17. #17
    Do you have any gyno with that high a dosage of duta. 2.5 ED?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    Here is something from my experience. I am very prone to MPB and have been on Dutas for years. Everyone on here scared the crap out of me that if i even got near juice all my hair would fall out tomorrow. That has not been my experience at all.

    My cycle with no hairloss:

    500mg Test cyp EW
    80mg Avanvar ED
    HGH 6 iu a day

    I am on Dutas 2.5mg (i know it is a lot but was well tolerated in studies on Avodart).
    Nizoral shampoo
    Spiro 5%

    My next cycle will include some Masteron and halo, is addition to var and test. I will let you know how my hairline does with that.
    When is your next cycle? The reason I ask is that I will run Tren A/Mast/Prop in the fall and not overly excited about the hairloss associated with Mast. Let me know how it works

  19. #19
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    Feb 2008
    check out my cycle im currently running in members cycle forum .... hair friendly!

  20. #20
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    When you lose hair on a cycle when you're finished with your cycle does it grow back or are you basically screwed?

  21. #21
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    I had slight gyno from puberty, but it did not get any worse with the dutas. Dutas causes gyno the same way that test would. Dutas stops test from being converted to DHT, which means there is more test floating around...which means more is converted to estrogen. Therefore running some AI or SERM will combat it.

    As for my next cycle, i actually have a few weeks left on this cycle and i was considering throwing in some Mast just to test the waters on the hair before i run a bunch of it. i am going to start out with probably 50mg EOD.

    ill keep you all posted.

  22. #22
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    Mar 2009
    RoidBoid - i think someone should creat a sticky with hair-friendly cycles. I had to do a ton of reasearch to figure out what was best, and then it was still confusing. cycling can be done, even for the balding.

    I guess i just get tired of the "dude bro just shave your head, it is all going to fall out eventually" well that might work for some, but i like my hair...

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Slide View Post
    RoidBoid - i think someone should creat a sticky with hair-friendly cycles. I had to do a ton of reasearch to figure out what was best, and then it was still confusing. cycling can be done, even for the balding.

    I guess i just get tired of the "dude bro just shave your head, it is all going to fall out eventually" well that might work for some, but i like my hair...

    X 2 deifinetely.

  24. #24
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    Mar 2009
    Just an update for all those who fear losing their hair.

    I had mentioned that i was going to throw some Mast in with my Test and Var. I have been on the Mast for about 4 weeks now (and 10mg Halo). I have noticed some VERY minor shedding of hair. I would say that it sped my hairloss up by about 5%.

    I am very pleased to see that i have not been losing much if any hair on Mast. I guess even though it is a DHT steroid, since it is not converted to DHT in the scalp like test it is not as bad on hair.

    hope that helps all...

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    Cool man. What dose are you running of masteron? What's the cycle look like? Thanks

  26. #26
    Thanks for posting everyone. Unfortunately I'm in the same boat and have heard a lot of mixed things about hair friendly cycles.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Yeah i hear the same mixed things. that is why i wanted to report on my cycles as i am very prone to MPB.

    My cycle is this and i have not had much hairloss.

    Test cyp 500mg EW
    Mast 50mg EOD
    Var 100mg ED
    Halo 10mg ED

    Other meds:
    Novla 20mg ED
    Aromasin 25mg ED
    Avodart 3 mg
    Nizoral Shampoo (once a day)
    Spiro 5% (once every night before bed)

  28. #28
    3mg Avodart? That is a huge amount of Avodart.

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    hair loss runs in my family. before i even started my cycle my hair was thin and for couple of years it was falling out.

    being on a cycle will speed up the hair loss but might not start during the cycle, may star after you're done the cycle. everyone is different.

    if you are very worried about the hair loss, then don't cycle.

    i shaved my head before starting my cycle and i was amazed how good i look, i honestly look even better, well thats what i've been told atleast.

    if you are going to lose it, you are going to lose it. cycle or not. just get it over with lol

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