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Thread: Taking a smaller dose of testosterone cypionate

  1. #41
    yes, i have done an oral cycle for 6 weeks about a year ago.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    It's difficult not to agree with some of the points brought foward in this thread. Yes we all have diferent genetics maybe my natural limit is lower than yours or higher. Maybe you don't have enough time in a busy life to eat right. Trust me I understand as I hold a very demanding job myself. However diet is the most important aspect of all. It takes more dedication than actually exercising and resting which are the other two key ingredients. Seeing as how you are gonna juice up anyways here you go. Now be advice that if you bulk up to 200lbs which is your goal, but eat like you weigh 100lbs you will lose all your gains. That and proper PCT offcourse. Anyways try these.
    Testosterone Enanthate 400mg/week (2 shots a week of 200mg) for 12 weeks
    Dianabol 30mg/day for the first 4 weeks. Spread the 30mg throughout the day. This will give you about 20lbs easy it's up to you how much to keep

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Hey useless before you rush into things after Aizen's advice, I'd still like a little info.

    Just bear with me here please, it all has to do with the cycle I want to give you.

    1.) please list your current daily diet (be honest)
    2.) Are you sure your supplier of gear is trustworthy?

    Let me know!

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    Quote Originally Posted by RaZZZr View Post
    Hey useless before you rush into things after Aizen's advice, I'd still like a little info.

    Just bear with me here please, it all has to do with the cycle I want to give you.

    1.) please list your current daily diet (be honest)
    2.) Are you sure your supplier of gear is trustworthy?

    Let me know!
    Definetly a must do. Although people here could be very blunt sometimes if you could handle the critizism and take what you need from it you'll be richer in knowledge. Hell my diet which I thought was ok is gettin a major restructure and I plan to run it until December to see if I reach my goals natural, before using the cycle I had planned. And in regards to his 2nd request, do we really need to explain the gravity of gear being fake, underdosed, overdosed etc. A good reliable source is a most.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Hi Aizen,

    Tell me what your diet is at the moment, I think I have a little trick that will help you get to your natural potential if you like.

    Let me know ;-)

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society
    If you were asking me here you go

    Breakfast 6:30AM
    3 scrambled eggs
    1/4 cup eggs white
    1tbsp olive oil
    1/2cup of potato
    1/4 cup oatmeal
    1 cup milk 2%
    1 multivitamin
    1 cup water
    P54g. C100g. F57g.

    Snack 9:00AM
    2 slices whole grain bread
    oz tuna
    1 Tbsp light mayo
    P23g. C42g. F5g.

    Lunch 12:00PM
    8 oz turkey, chicken, beef or fish
    1 cup sweet potato or wild rice
    1/2 cup broccoli , spinach , carrots etc
    1g vitamin C
    P76g. C55g. F12g.

    Snack 4:00PM
    1 scoop ON whey protein
    1 cup soy milk
    1 tbsp condensed milk
    P32g. C19g. F8g.

    During Workout 6:00PM
    1 serving Scivitation Xtend
    3.5g leucine
    1.7g isoleucine
    1.7g valine
    2.5g glutamine
    1.0g citruline malate
    2 cups water

    Postworkout 7:30PM
    1 1/2 scoop ON whey protein
    1 cup soy milk
    1 tbsp condensed milk
    5g creatine monohydrate
    P44g. C20g. F9g.

    Diner 8:30PM
    Same as lunch
    1 Vitamin B complex
    P70g. C50. F10.

    1 serving of ON ZMA

    Late Snack11:00PM
    1 scoop ON casein protein
    1 cup 2% milk
    1tbsp condensed milk
    P32g. C24g. F12g.

    Total protein 331g
    Total carbs 310g
    Total fats 113g
    Total calories 3581

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Looking Good Aizen :-)

    For starters you can add two whole eggs into your daily diet preferably before 15:00.

    Could you give me the portion weights of the meats you eat during the day please.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Sorry must have been smoking my socks again, lol.

    I only saw the 8 oz after my post.

    You need to up your lean meat intake by at least another 5 oz.

    Trust me on this one, it will serve you well :-)

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    If you insist on doing a cycle all you need is two bottles of test and take two shots a week for ten weeks. That's it! No tren! No 1000mg test! Get yourself a good pct. If you don't know what that is you better learn quick. Get that diet in check also.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    Soul Society
    I'll try man but that's a lot of meat. I'll work my way up to 10oz and see what happens and then up again. At what time exactly do you recomend 2 whole eggs 3:00PM? If so it's a bit difficult I'm working from 8-4. I already managed to squeezed 2 meals at my job don't wanna push it.

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Hi Aizen,

    I can appreciate where you are coming from, I remember when I started to eat to bulk, I started eating at 04:30 in the morning and when I'm cycling I can eat up to 17-18 times a day in conjuction with having protein shakes, depending on my time I have during the day. People always ask me where I put it, lol!

    Yes it is tough in the beginning but your body will adapt and soon you will see that you're even more hungry! Obviously you don't want to eat till you puke, but try and get yourself there gradually.

    The eggs are easy my friend, you make them the night before(boiled) then you stick them in your lunch tin for whenever you need a snack the next day, it only takes you a few seconds to eat an egg ;-)

    I would have recommended a few more eggs (more whites than yolks) but I'll first let you get into it.

    If you can stick to that diet, I can promise you that you won't be dissapointed. I'll be holding thumbs for you. Please keep me posted as to your progress.
    Last edited by RaZZZr; 07-29-2009 at 12:42 PM.

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