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Thread: One of a kind??

  1. #1

    Unhappy One of a kind??

    Hi. I`m a 24 yo guy thats been lifting weights in the gym for about 5 yrs. Recently I have been trying steroids like Winstrol, dianabol and testo+deca...and the remarkable thing is that it has had close to zero effect!! I have used everything properly and I am bothered AND dissapointed with the lack of results. The dosage on the testo+deca has been 400mg/ml testo per week and 300mg/ml deca per week. Its been 5 weeks to date and now I`ve up the dose to 2 inj/week. I hope that it`ll be enough. My question is, does anyone have the same problems like me?? I would appriciate any serious feedback and possible solutions on what to do from some one whit similar problematic.

  2. #2
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    Your diet must be off. Steroids without proper diet is like a car with no gas......

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Give us your complete stats, complete diet, and list completely each cycle, each pct, and the amount of time in between cycles.

  4. #4
    thats not the case.. I wish it would be that simple. my supplier is stunned that nothing has worked..

  5. #5
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    If you want help, do exactly as BIG said, im willing to bet its the diet

  6. #6
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    Gear is suspect imo....700 Total mg and nothing at week 5?? even if your diet is somewhat out you should feel/see something. ????

    When I ran close to that same cycle (decca 400 sus 500) 7 years ago I was booming by week 4.

    My buddy who's diet was not that great ( I was eating much more and much cleaner) had much better results then me. Genetics are a B*TCH

  7. #7
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    Anytown USA
    you are not using it right and have no where enough info on the subjec if you did you would not be writing stuff like " I am doing 300mg/ml of test per week" 300mg/ml is the concentration not your dosage! Your dosage would be 300mg per week not 300mg/ml per week. It just sounds like yiou are trying to say you knew exactly what you were doing but dout you did.
    Need;le Size?
    Inj. Area
    Inj. Frequency?

    Please tell us these types of things so we can see whre you went wrong
    And what type of testo!! It was obviously Testosterone of some sort. was it Cyponate, Enanthate, propionate, Suspension, Decaonte ?? Etc Etc. depends on the etser for how long it will take

  8. #8
    Sorry for my bad writing, not often I write stuff in english. About the needle size i dont really know.. The area injected is glute and the first five injection was every seventh day with 1ml of test cyp/enanth mix + 1ml of deca. Just up the dose to once every fourth day. What else do U need to know ninesecz?

  9. #9
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    cyp and or ena should be taken every 72 hrs.

  10. #10
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    well that is most likely your problem Cyp/Enan should be shot Every 3.5 days ( mon. morning and thursday evening) to keep lood levels constant. shooting once every 6-7 days is only 300mg per week and should actually show some results but is just barely bigger than the dose given to som test therapy patients. a normal cycle would be 400-500mg EW shot in 2 = doses (mon and thurs) and honestly I would leave out the deca as this is I am guessing your 1st actual cycle? If you must do it 30-400mg EW is the normal dosage for that compound.
    More importantly what are you doing for PCT? (pst cycle therapy) If this is not done correctly you will lose the majority of your gains and also screw up you HPTA (natural test production) There are some good articlcles in the other section about pCt that you should read before you go any further. PCT is almost as important as the cycle itself IMO.
    Oh and I was asking about the syringes cause if by some chance you are using insulin syringes (29,30ga needles) they are not long enough or big enough around to get the compounds deep into the muscle tissue as is needed!

  11. #11
    so it could be that my inj. rate is to "slow" and maybe dosage not sufficient??

  12. #12
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    Im willing to bet its total lack of knowledge, from the cycle to the diet right down to the gym. Still waiting for those stats. You gotta lot of research to do bro. just my 2 cents.....

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Since you completely disregarded my questions, I'll do the same for you.

  14. #14
    I`ve been told that the syringes I got are long enough. for pct I`m going for a so called "bridge" whit 5mg dianabol every day for 30 days, and clomid if nessecery??

  15. #15
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    Anytown USA
    Honestly I will say it is probably 75% of the steroid issues. but that is just a small part of the big picture! You really need to realize and remember that the diet is 80% of the complete process of muscle growth. If you take all the steroids in the world and dont eat correctly you are still not going to grow! You nned to make sure your getting enough protein everyday 1-1.75g per # of BW and nough carbs to get that protein to the muscle! and believe it or not, some fats are very important and can also cause issue with muscle growth!! really need to spend some time getting the tentire diet in perfect order. since you have already started I guess keep going with it but I would starting NOW do a lot of reading on getting that diet at least 75% tuned it!! I can not emphasize how really important that diet is in the overall plan!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike_johnson2113 View Post
    I`ve been told that the syringes I got are long enough. for pct I`m going for a so called "bridge" whit 5mg dianabol every day for 30 days, and clomid if nessecery??
    I would really rethink that and please answer the questions Big is asking you! He and T-mos are about the brightest minds you are going to get on here!! They know AAS inside and out!! And bridging with Dbol does not really do anything! almost better to brdge with a low dose of test! But what are you bridging for, I ope you are not going to tell me you are going to hop back on as soon as you get off? You are way far from being ready for that and never take someone elses word for anything when it comes to AAS you should know all of these answers for yourself!! you need to get some Nolvadex and Clomid and do a 4 week (at least ) regimin of Post Cycle Therapy!
    Trust me you are plying with fire and you do not want to scrw your self up for ever for 1 cycle? Do You? Not worth it!! Do not take anyones word for it! Spend the time, and do the research for YOURSELF!! PLEASE!!

  17. #17
    Ii really appriciate your answers! I have read a lot of books and such about diet.Iwould say I`m at a moderate level on the diet taking fats and stuff to balance my diet. i`m not worried about proteins or carbs I eat plento of that I`ve had good results in the gym, some old friends hardli recognize me. i need help with the steroid use I would say. I allready got some good advice

  18. #18
    Nolvadex I got already. Is clomid must-have in PCT?

  19. #19
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    You still have not answered Big's question right from the beginning, are you avoiding the fact that possibily your diet could be lacking because you are too lazy to follow what it takes to actually grow? I would have to say 95% of the time when someone complains they are not growing is because they are not eating how they should be. And diet is MUCH more than just eating what you think is "enough", diet is a SCIENCE, and is much more complicated than you think, and at the same time is the only true secret to gaining mass. Post your diet with detailed macros for us to critique or do not ask why you are not gaining. If you can't train and eat like a champ, don't expect to grow like one.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by TractionIssues View Post
    You still have not answered Big's question right from the beginning, are you avoiding the fact that possibily your diet could be lacking because you are too lazy to follow what it takes to actually grow? I would have to say 95% of the time when someone complains they are not growing is because they are not eating how they should be. And diet is MUCH more than just eating what you think is "enough", diet is a SCIENCE, and is much more complicated than you think, and at the same time is the only true secret to gaining mass. Post your diet with detailed macros for us to critique or do not ask why you are not gaining. If you can't train and eat like a champ, don't expect to grow like one.
    Well said, I didnt feel like typing that much for someone who couldnt even answer me back.....

  21. #21
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    yep I don't think he deserves any answers if he can't provide us the info we requested to help him.

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