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i wanna no y u needto no my past cycles nd diet im only askin the best way to cycle wat i listed. i obvs kept my schalorship for 4 years.nd idont c how that would get me out of diet ques. this is wat i had on paper.....btw pct is on it thoses r the things i havent used b4 besides 4 wat mentioned, that y i mentioned the gyn.....sus is 750mg for the 1st 6 weeks. drop to 500 from week 7 to 12. from 13 to 20 is prop at 300. eq is 750 from week 1 to 2 drop to500 from week 3 to 10. tren hex is week 7 to 16 at 300. tren forte is in the same weeks at 200. masteron isfrom 12 to 20 at 400. the winny nd proviron im not sure. i was thinkin the 1st 6 week nd last 4 weeks for the winny. its pro arim nd ferma that im not sure where to put