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Thread: Another newbie needing answers please

  1. #1

    Another newbie needing answers please

    OK, I have read alot of info here and appreciate it. MY situation is About 6 mos ago I started a cycle of (Dr Presc) test cyp 1ml/200mg wk, deca same dose, hgh. did a cycle with some gains and little side effects. Started another cycle same dose about 5wks ago, some gains big some probs with acne and shrinkage of the jewels, and the champ dont want to be in the ring long. I think its the deca, if I stop the deca and double the test, will that help? I have HCG and anastrazole. been taking .5 cc hcg 2x week. What is the fastest way to get the jewels and things going good again. I have leave the 17th of aug and really need stuff to work good again. Also what is good for the body acne, im in the sandbox, no tanning bed here. ANY help is appreciated...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    The doctor prescribed the Test, Deca and HGH?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You can start with 250ius e/3days of HCG and add an AI (.25mg eod of a-dex or 10mg eod of Aromasin). For whatever reason a-dex kills my libido while Aromasin doesn't effect it. What is your deca dose? Also, have you considered Proviron?

  4. #4
    yes, but what i know now is low dose. i ml deca and test a week. hgh .15 5xweek

  5. #5
    250ius hcg 3x a week? IM or subq? is that 2.5cc? been taking 200ml deca a week, first cycle none of these sides then this one about 2 weeks in it hit hard. changed hgh fron somatropin to tev tropin

  6. #6
    i have anatrazole, i have never taken, what is it for? 1mg capsule

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fobit69 View Post
    250ius hcg 3x a week? IM or subq? is that 2.5cc? been taking 200ml deca a week, first cycle none of these sides then this one about 2 weeks in it hit hard. changed hgh fron somatropin to tev tropin
    I have no idea why you're experiencing this on such a low dose of both BUT pharma grade AAS is a lot different than UG. If you have anastrozole that is basically arimidex. I assume you have it in tablet form. If that's the case then cut the tablet in half (it should be a 1mg tablet) and take it e/3days with the HCG. If you can get a hold of some Proviron that would definitely help. I would take at least 50mgs/ed of that.

    Alternatively you can increase your test dose to 400mgs/wk and leave the deca at 200mgs/wk. Proviron enhances the anabolic effects of the testosterone and frees up unbound circulating test.

  8. #8
    Thanks for the help Juice, I pretty much figured out i need to up the test. My first cycle did put on 20lbs, but i wasnt but 142 when i started. This one has shown a little strength increase but nothing like first cycle. What can I tell the doc to make him give me Proviron? Im gonna hit a hard cycle starting in Sept when I get back here but REALLY need equipment working when I go home. Anything I can do about the acne? Im finally on a base where i can get a couple showers a day but i was told to not take antibiitics for it while im on test. Is this true? Anyway, I hate to sound stupid, but didnt have any sides at first now this. Anyway, thanks for all and any advice. If I up the test, how will that help or hurt libido??

  9. #9
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fobit69 View Post
    Thanks for the help Juice, I pretty much figured out i need to up the test. My first cycle did put on 20lbs, but i wasnt but 142 when i started. This one has shown a little strength increase but nothing like first cycle. What can I tell the doc to make him give me Proviron? Im gonna hit a hard cycle starting in Sept when I get back here but REALLY need equipment working when I go home. Anything I can do about the acne? Im finally on a base where i can get a couple showers a day but i was told to not take antibiitics for it while im on test. Is this true? Anyway, I hate to sound stupid, but didnt have any sides at first now this. Anyway, thanks for all and any advice. If I up the test, how will that help or hurt libido??
    You might have to get that one on the black market. Tell him you read this - - and heard it enhanced libido function. I doubt the doc will up your test dose if it's true HRT. They have parameters they have to work within and justifying a dose of 400mgs/wk to an insurance company will be an uphill battle.

  10. #10
    with what i have, im getting i should double test (Which is what i was gonna do anyway) gonna drop the deca til new cycle, been doing hcg 2xw .5cc subq, up it to 2.5cc in 3inj or 2.5 3x a week? and start with half mg anastrazole with hcg??? (Which is in 1mgcaps so just split best i can?) Ya think that will have me in ok shape in 4weeks?
    thanks again

  11. #11
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by fobit69 View Post
    with what i have, im getting i should double test (Which is what i was gonna do anyway) gonna drop the deca til new cycle, been doing hcg 2xw .5cc subq, up it to 2.5cc in 3inj or 2.5 3x a week? and start with half mg anastrazole with hcg??? (Which is in 1mgcaps so just split best i can?) Ya think that will have me in ok shape in 4weeks?
    thanks again
    I'm not sure what is causing the libido dysfunction, excess estrogen or testicular atrophy. It could be a little of both which is why I suggest the anastrazole (reduces circulating estrogen levels) and the HCG (reverses testicular atrophy). How many weeks are you into this cycle?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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  13. #13
    im about 5weeks into this cycle
    38 163lbs 5'9"

  14. #14
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    soo u dont know your bf??

  15. #15
    ok, i said i was newbie, what is bf?

  16. #16
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    body fat percentage....

  17. #17
    I dont know, havent checked and dont know if i can over here, isnt much, have very little fat around bottom of belly, maybe pinch an inch, can see abs a little. I have just gotten to where im on a base more and that will help alot so i can eat something besides tuna and peanut butter. Just more concerned about the issues with sides, atleast while im home. Do you think incresing the hcg, adding anatrazole, and cutting the deca will have me working well by mid aug? If i take last dose of test when i go home, will i have neg effects after a week if i dont have it with me? I know is alot of questions, but im learning. Thanks for your help

  18. #18
    so your gonna ask me ?s and stats but no advice? I could have done that..


    thanks for your help Juice, i will increase the hcg and add the anastrazole

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    lol i wish my doc would perscribe me some test and hgh and I bet my insurance will cover everything

  20. #20
    wasnt too bad, the hgh is what hurts the wallet, the rest was simple consult and lab work and then pay for the gear. worth knowing is good stuff. regardless of gains, at 38 i feel better than i have in MANY years.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by fobit69 View Post
    I dont know, havent checked and dont know if i can over here, isnt much, have very little fat around bottom of belly, maybe pinch an inch, can see abs a little. I have just gotten to where im on a base more and that will help alot so i can eat something besides tuna and peanut butter. Just more concerned about the issues with sides, atleast while im home. Do you think incresing the hcg, adding anatrazole, and cutting the deca will have me working well by mid aug? If i take last dose of test when i go home, will i have neg effects after a week if i dont have it with me? I know is alot of questions, but im learning. Thanks for your help
    running deca without test will shut your sex drive down so i dont recommend it...

    what do you mean by your last dose?? your not gonna get any more test??

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    R.I.P. T-MOS
    Quote Originally Posted by fobit69 View Post
    so your gonna ask me ?s and stats but no advice? I could have done that..

    thanks for your help Juice, i will increase the hcg and add the anastrazole
    ya know tough guy i help an average of 30 people a day here on this forum.. im sorry i havn't met your expectations of instant gratification...

    i get around to everyone and answer everyones questions..

    this isn't a chat room.. it's a forum.. it takes time to get responses...

  23. #23
    well sir i appreciate your advice, is why im here, im not so tough, just good at making them think i am, it pays more in this line of work and makes it easier.. anyway, wasnt trying to hit a nerve there........... what i meant was last dose before i get back from 20 days vacation. Do you think because my test dose was so low that 1ml deca a week can sgut down things a bit? So if I lay off the deca and increase test to 400 and add more HCG, do you think I will be ok a month from now??
    Thanks for your help, I patiently await your advice....

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