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Thread: All advice appreciated!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    All advice appreciated!

    Here is my situation. I am 3 days into a fina only cycle. I now have my clomid so I need to go ahead and through my test in. I would like to finish the test and fina at the same time. I have test enanthate 200. How does this look:
    week 1: fina 100mg ed test400mg twice this week
    Week 2:fina 100mg ed test 400mg twice this week also
    Week 3-8 fina 100mged test 400mg once a week.
    Clomid therapy after last test injection!
    I know I should have started the test BEFORE the fina but I didn't have my clomid and it didn't look like I was going to be able to get it. Now I have it so I want to add the
    test. What do you bros think! Please help as soon as possibe. I need to hit the test tonight to get both shots in this week. Again Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I am confused... you would have needed clomid with a fina only cycle anyway. So by adding the test in, didn't change anything!
    But you should have run it something like this....

    Weeks 1-10 400mg/test per week
    Weeks 8-13 100mg/fina per day
    then start clomid

    and that picture of your fina looks cloudy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Thanks for your advice No Limit and yes I agree with you on the cycle. As for the clomid with fina I am running Vitex to combat fina D*@k.I dont want a 13 week cycle. I wanted in and out in 10 weeks but without clomid I wasn't going with the test. Now it will just have to be a 8week cycle because I don't want to run the test after the fina. But again thanks for your advice!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    As for the cloudy tren. Thats not a good picture. Also it's a 4g kit. The 20g came out more of a light yellow.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ok first of you need clomid after fina get get your levels back to mormal fina shuts down your natural test prodution.
    2nd you don't start you clomid right after your last shot. It depends on what you are doing on how long to wait. Post what test it is and i'll let you know. You only have to wait 3 days after your last shot of fina to start clomid. Thats why nolimit posted the cycle the way he did.

    That way the 2 waiting weeks after the test and the 3 days after the fina are the same time so you can start the clomid. Your way you stop all your injection at week 10 and won't start your clomid to say week 12. So you wont have anything in your system for 2 weeks
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Correct, u only have to wait 3 days after last fina injection to start Clomid.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    He is running test enanthate according to his first post, you're gonna have to wait 2 weeks after your last enanthate injection to start fina so you might as well run the fina 10 weeks and cut the test short at 8 weeks (even though I oppose this idea, but it seems you don't want to run a long cycle) and start clomid 3 days after your last fina shot. It also seems that you had this belief that fina will not shut down your natural test production...FINA WILL SHUT YOU DOWN AND NOT ONLY THAT IT WILL SHUT YOU DOWN HARDER THAN TEST.

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