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Thread: Need to urinate every 20 minutes or so

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Need to urinate every 20 minutes or so

    I'm in my 9th week of a Sustanon cycle. This is my first steroid cycle ever.

    I need to urinate every 20 minutes or so. Does that mean anything?

    I remember reading somewhere that if your prostate is enlarged, it can put pressure on your bladder and make you urinate more often.

    It's a real sudden urge to urinate, I can't wait more than a few minutes.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 07-18-2009 at 08:57 AM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Whats your fluid intake like?

    It could be prostate issues and I would get it checked out for sure.

  3. #3
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    I live in a hot climate (it's currently about 35 degrees everyday), so I'm always drinking water throughout the day. I go through a 1.5 litre bottle of water in about an hour.

    Of course, if you're drinking a lot of water, you're gonna piss a lot, but the need to urinate comes on very suddenly, and I piss maybe a quarter of a litre every 20 minutes or so.

    I'll keep an eye on it.

    By the way, is it OK for your prostate to enlargen a little bit while on testosterone?

    If I go to the doctor, will he have to stick a finger in my rectum to feel my prostate?

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You are the best person to know if something is wrong, if this isnt normal for you and your water intake then go and get checked out, better to be safe than sorry!

    This might answer some of your questions regarding prostate problems -

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Yes your prostate can and will enlarge while taking tset...are feeling super thisty??? many time s a night do you wake to go to bathroom?

  6. #6
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    When you do go to the toilet do you pee as normal or is there very little there, could well be an infection...

  7. #7
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    Do you workout early morning? The reason I ask if you workout the first thing in the morning then you tend to hydrate sooner then if you're working out late in the afternoon. I am at the gym at 6 in the morning and after working out I have to go every 30 minutes. On my off days then I piss every couple of hours or so.

  8. #8
    Do you have trouble peeing? When I was on tren, it took an embarrassingly long time to start urinating, and the pressure was weak. After I got off, it returned to normal.

  9. #9
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    I have problems much the same but not triggered by testosterone. Im willing to bet you have prostate problems as well. See a urologist to rule out cancer and start playing around with diet and drugs to see what is causing it. For me things like cough medicine, dbol, eggs, and some forms of whey protein can all cause problems.

  10. #10
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    ......hmmm and i as well...but more like every 45 mins and once every90-120 minute during'm guesing 15-20 times aday. I'm taking in over 5 liters of liquids a day and a low carb intake. I hear you need 2.7 grams of h20 to store 1 gram of carb...I find when i increase my carbs i urinate less...the need to go does come on fast and it is the very worst part of dieting imo....hope it's not my prostate...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by FITFANATIK View Post
    ......hmmm and i as well...but more like every 45 mins and once every90-120 minute during'm guesing 15-20 times aday. I'm taking in over 5 liters of liquids a day and a low carb intake. I hear you need 2.7 grams of h20 to store 1 gram of carb...I find when i increase my carbs i urinate less...the need to go does come on fast and it is the very worst part of dieting imo....hope it's not my prostate...
    Many symptoms which i can go into (just hit me up on PM, i consider myself a prostate expert b/c of all the problems Ive had and numerous urologists ive worked with..haha). getting up during sleep to piss, or nocturia as they call it is a big flag. many times its a bacteria infection or something dietary. a big problem in bodybuilding is overeating a certain food like chicken and rice for every damn meal or 5 whey protein shakes a day. do this long enough and you will become allergic which can lead to prostate enlargement.

    Yes, after a workout your body is getting rid of excess waste and you will piss more and yes, fluid intake increases can increases piss too. but often this is reflected in piss volume, not in the case of enlarged prostate and overactive bladder.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    Many symptoms which i can go into (just hit me up on PM, i consider myself a prostate expert b/c of all the problems Ive had and numerous urologists ive worked with..haha). getting up during sleep to piss, or nocturia as they call it is a big flag. many times its a bacteria infection or something dietary. a big problem in bodybuilding is overeating a certain food like chicken and rice for every damn meal or 5 whey protein shakes a day. do this long enough and you will become allergic which can lead to prostate enlargement.

    Yes, after a workout your body is getting rid of excess waste and you will piss more and yes, fluid intake increases can increases piss too. but often this is reflected in piss volume, not in the case of enlarged prostate and overactive bladder.

    ....great...i know to stay away from the ephedrine...but there's no way no one is gettin near my prstate...increas the saw palmetto...whats a good med for such issue?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MAD MATT View Post
    When you do go to the toilet do you pee as normal or is there very little there, could well be an infection...
    Thats right, if u find yourself rushing to the toilet and very little urine comes out, then it could be an infection or early sign of diabetes, go get checked!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by KAEW44 View Post
    Thats right, if u find yourself rushing to the toilet and very little urine comes out, then it could be an infection or early sign of diabetes, go get checked!
    ..well i had and old bottle from 2008 of proscar..1mg/2xday? this is gonna effect other test utilization? sex drive? ...bunch of other stuff i think as well?...there's a huge % of males that are a victim of this bs....what a drag...

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by FITFANATIK View Post
    ..well i had and old bottle from 2008 of proscar..1mg/2xday? this is gonna effect other test utilization? sex drive? ...bunch of other stuff i think as well?...there's a huge % of males that are a victim of this bs....what a drag...
    It will kill DHT, which has been shown to shrink the prostate. Usually it takes some time from atrophy to occur, prescribing information recommends 6 months of use minimum. but it all depends on what you have. if you have an infection, dietary or drug intolerance, UTI, or cancer it wont do shit. or even if hypertrophy is estradiol induced instead of DHT...

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