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Thread: Please help, need answers!!!

  1. #1

    Please help, need answers!!!

    Ok im 19 years old and right now im want to get bigger, right now im 6'3 and about 170 and im not trying to get huge i just want to be about 215-225 pounds and i want it to be muscle like ive tried all the natural ways to get big but they just dont work like i eat all the time but nothing happens just my gut gets bigger, so can i get some advice on what type of steroid i should take and if i should take pills or shots and just all the basic information i need to know. Please help me!!!!
    Last edited by csmith804; 07-19-2009 at 03:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Answer is NO, no steroids. What you have been eating is junk, empty calories. Go read the diet section. Forget what you THINK you know about diet unless you are a diet major in college and still forget about what you know.

    Go read the Diet section for a couple day and you will realize how much you DONT know and once you start eating 6x + a day and eating the RIGHT food at the right time you will put on some good lean muscle mass, as long as you are working out also and not doing to much cardio EVERY day.

    You need to have a good workout routine also and DONT over train or you will also not gain any muscle mass.

    You are only 19 and 6' 3" Do you ever want to reach 6' 4" or 6' 5"+? if you take steroids at your age you are DONE growing and taller more than likely and that extra 1 or 2 in could cost you a basket ball scholarship or something else. OK maybe you dont play but it's proven the taller you are the more you make. Dont screw up your natural growth now. You should really be 25 before doing any type of steroids or you have a good chance of fusing your growth plates and causing a LOT of other health problems.

    Stick around and start learning for future use but spend a lot of time in the diet and workout sections.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-19-2009 at 03:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    ^^^^^^ x2.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    x a million!!! trust me buddy, i've been there, i went from 120ilb to 185lbs at 5'8 i know not the biggest but still has taken allot of dedication and about 5 years of constant training and dieting, there is not a single 'hard gainer' in the world who cannot put on weight if they eat right and train right unless you have some sort of hormonal defect, can get doc to check thyroid function and for diabetes. And at 19 steroids are completely out of the question, even at 25 i think i was a lilttle to young to start, best advice i can give u, as i have 'been there done that' is to start looking into a good workout regime that works for you, start eating right, a sample of my diet, again not perfect but has helped me and should be something you should be aiming for:

    meal 1 - 1 can tuna, 1 banana, blue berries, porrige with milk and almonds thrown in, protein shake
    meal 2 - 1 chicken breast, rice, banana, protein shake
    meal 3 - chicken/tuna, some kind of lean meat or fish with veg, 500ml milk and fruit
    meal 4 - 1 chicken breast, rice, banana, protein shake/pre workout stack
    pwo - meal replacement drink (50g protein) with 50g carbs and 5-8ius of insulin
    meal 5 - chicken/tuna, some kind of lean meat or fish with veg, 500ml milk and fruit
    meal 6 - 1 can tuna, 1 banana, blue berries, porrige with milk and almonds thrown in, protein shake

    try training 3/4 times a week for no longer than 60-90minutes and add should be adding a few lbs to ur weights every few weeks and train heavy, 10,8,6,4 works best for me, go to training section and research all you can about training, example, Monday - chest/tris Wednesday- back/bis, Friday, shoulders, Saturday - legs, throw in a little cardio too, and never neglect your legs! tis biggest muscle in your body and stimulates allot of GH release.
    Do this for somewhere in the region of 4/5 years and you may be ready for steriods, i am not kidding, they are not to be fvcked with, they are not a magic pill that will instantly transform you into Thor, you need to lay the foundations first and know what you are doing diet wise, as diet is also key for steriods to work and you obviously do not know what you are doing as far as diet and training goes, they will just mess up your body, you'll prob never get a hard on again and your growth plates will fuse, so many things to go wrong at an age where you have an abundance of your own natural testosterone to make use of. Stay away from the gear, follow my and every other members advice in here, we will ALL say the same thing, so makes u wonder whether you should listen or not! keep researching on here about steriods by all means so that when you are ready you will have the knowledge on how to use, as now you are risking your life for the sake of adding a few pounds of muscle which you can achieve naturally and if you dont heed to our advice, they you are nothing but lazy! train eat and train, then eat some more, 'if it was easy to look this good, everyone would! good lucky buddy, were all here if you need any more advice, but lay off the gear for now ok, there is so much you don not know about this drug and it will take you years to amass the amount of knowledge that some of the guys have on here. stay off the gear!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    thanks for all that info tiny tom and im going to try that diet i just got a few questions, ive heard people talking about insulin so what about that the only insulin i know of is the injection for diabetics and second off i dont currently have access to a gym so what can i do for work outs untill i do and around how much money would you say goes into a diet like that?

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by csmith804 View Post
    thanks for all that info tiny tom and im going to try that diet i just got a few questions, ive heard people talking about insulin so what about that the only insulin i know of is the injection for diabetics and second off i dont currently have access to a gym so what can i do for work outs untill i do and around how much money would you say goes into a diet like that?
    yup same stuff. One wrong injection and you can end up DEAD....

    This is not something you want to mess with. This is for the FAR more experienced and someone who has put a LOT of research into it.

    You dont have access to a gym and you are thinking about doing Steroids????? WTF? LOL

    I think you need to put SOME research into this, dont you or do you want us to do your shopping for you also? Price all depends or where you live, what your stores carry/charge.

    Stop being lazy and start researching. Get your butt into a gym, eat, workout...
    Last edited by lovbyts; 07-19-2009 at 04:50 AM.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    Stop being lazy and start researching. Get your butt into a gym, eat, workout...
    Really is that simple, once u get into the swing of things regarding diet and training, you will realise what we are talking about, if you try my diet for a week solid, with good workouts, not missing a meal, expect 1-2 lbs gain a week, comes on really easy at first if your doing it right, then just carry it on, 2lbs a week of quality muscle thats nearly 10lbs a month! just keep eating right foods and training hard and it will come and if it doesnt, you aren't doing it right!!!! and my diet costs me about 60-70 pounds a week approx $110 and steroids aren't cheap either but right now you will just be wasting your money and damaging your body beyond repair. research and read as much as you can knowledge is power and all that! peace

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    what i said LOL great post for newbies

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    c, what your trying to achieve can be done naturally. you're only 19 and have a lot of growing to do. just eat right and work out hard and hitting 210 by next summer should not be that hard to do

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by csmith804 View Post
    Ok im 19 years old and right now im want to get bigger, right now im 6'3 and about 170 and im not trying to get huge i just want to be about 215-225 pounds and i want it to be muscle like ive tried all the natural ways to get big but they just dont work like i eat all the time but nothing happens just my gut gets bigger, so can i get some advice on what type of steroid i should take and if i should take pills or shots and just all the basic information i need to know. Please help me!!!!
    Please don't take this the wrong way but you could hit 225 at 6'3 EASY. Either your training or diet is severely laking there is no two ways about it don't believe me watch every responce that you get you do not need drugs.

    Now once you get to 230 at about 10% bf and want to get even bigger then its time to start researching AAS but not until then.

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